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Juan, was it you dumping those shares today while keeping up the pump?
Re: #1419 I'm sure I speak for many in thanking you for the Compliment on our Nation. I hope you the best, but would really caution you not to spend much here. You might just be cussing us in a week or so.
today we will close at 0.02$.
And I hope a fantastic and glorious next week.
These things only occur in America. You have a great nation.
God bless America
Don't you think if that were the case that news would be all over the press -- that shareholders would get some rights? Since nothing of that sort is seen, and looking at the shareprice, I think it is all over for us.
if ANRZ break 200(MA) then this stock will fly.
They are creating afraid,but today we will see ANRZ upper than 200(MA)
now up, up, up, up.........
come on anrz.
Some rights are for us
And what would be the impulse for covering to occur?
Oh Baby 5m shares shorted hope some covering goes on tomorrow
why there are people buying this stock?
I do't know.Lenders will have other company and we will have some mine.Few, but something.
True...BUT...the new company will be a PRIVATE COMPANY...Therefore due we get nothing? Most of the core of Alpha will be put in Contura which is the newly formed company....Where does all this leave us? Looks like very little..anyone?
emerge from chapter 11 protection by July 31.
We are going to break MA(200)
It's perfect
No, I imply nothing,what I'm saying it's wroten in the pdf filed today in court.
This is from your post: I think that we will have rigths in the new company called new co, but no in new ANRZ.
So what you imply is that there are two entities here: 1) new ANRZ 2) NewCo
Yes, new co and new ANrz. what i don't know which stocks we will have
Link at your information.I see nothing about what you say.
I think that we will have a small share in new company.
So there will be two entities: new ANRZ and NewCo? that's what you imply
It is not worded unambiguously: the holders will have no rights but rights in the plans. Which may be some right to purchase at a 5% discount to market .. like an ESPP.
I think that we will have rigths in the new company called new co, but no in new ANRZ.
But I'm happy, some money we can make here.
Help.We will have some rights in tle exit plan, but I don't know wich are these rights...
can you help me with the document filed today?
The Old Common Stock of ANR shall be deemed canceled and of no further force and effect on
the Effective Date. The holders of or parties to such
canceled securities and other doc
umentation will have no rights
arising from or relating to
such securities and other
documentation or the cancellation thereof, except the rights
provided pursuant to the Plan
I agree...the question is...'What is the devil in the details'...any long timers whom are following this whole bankruptcy of Alpha want to jump in with knowledge of the situation and the coming OUT of bankruptcy with the end result to common shareholders both ANR and ANRZQ ???
It's not relevant to us if they wipe out the common . do you know that they will not do that?
Good news. Exit bankruptcy is near
The US coal industry finally has some good news to cherish as Alpha Natural Resources Inc. and Arch Coal Inc. are nearing a bankruptcy exit deal. After a long spree of uncertain commodity prices, the coal industry was in turmoil. The sluggish market conditions led to the bankruptcy of Peabody Energy Corporation. The filing of the largest coal producer comes after the company's failure to finance the expansion into Australia amid plunging coal prices.
Arch Coal Exit Plan
Arch Coal Inc. (OTCMKTS:ACIIQ) filed for bankruptcy protection in January after the company's leverage levels were pushed beyond sustainable due to sluggish market conditions. The company was able to gather support of its unsecured creditors. Arch was in talks with the creditors for a long a time amid threats of litigation over its inability to emerge from bankruptcy. The creditors’ threaten to file a lawsuit against the company after it tweaked the terms of the initial plan. The disagreement comes after a failed deal between the unsecured creditors and lenders over a $4 billion upward payment. Arch Coal has now amended the terms again and this time has offered cash and stock to its unsecured bondholders. The bankruptcy court in St. Louis will take an initial look at the renewed terms.
The company initially tried to avert bankruptcy by launching an exchange offer but was ultimately blocked by the senior lenders. The new plan would end all the litigations and disputes that arose from the failed debt exchange. GSO Capital Partners, the holder of unsecured bond debt, would get $5 million to settle a lawsuit it filed against the company in May. Under the new plan, official committee of unsecured creditors also agreed to stop its plans of filing a separate lawsuit against the company.
As part of the new plan, senior management of the company will surrender claim to $6 million in incentives to expedite the bankruptcy emergence plan. The unsecured creditors committee has been against the executive bonuses. Following the filing of the new plan, there are renewed hopes that the company will soon emerge from bankruptcy. The court will review the new plan on July 6 for approval.
How Alpha Natural Resources is Playing its Cards
Coal extraction company, Alpha Natural Resources, Inc. (OTCMKTS:ANRZQ) and environmental groups reached a deal for cleaning up coal mining projects. Under the deal reached with the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy and The Sierra Club, the company will spend up to $7.5 million on the cleaning projects. After the deal, the environmental groups agreed to pave the way for the company's emergence from bankruptcy without any opposition. The development comes just days after the U.S. government termed the reorganization plan fundamentally flawed. The government argued that the plan doesn't comply with obligations for mine cleaning. The new deal clears the main hurdle that was impeding the company's efforts to end its bankruptcy.
Alpha Natural filed its plan of re-organization with the US Bankruptcy Court in March, under which the company was able to put up its assets for sale. The dispositions helped the energy company to settle all the creditors' claims. The unsold assets will become part of the company's balance sheet and will help it to fulfill its environment reclamation obligations on a daily basis.
Bottom Line
Market players were pessimistic about the outlook for the coal industry with some of the biggest companies filing for bankruptcy. But the planned changes in providing subsidy on coal mine cleanup costs have spurred a new life in the efforts to revive the industry. Additionally, the agreements with the green groups are also a positive sign for the companies in question. Although the companies were facing problems in selling their assets but the new developments will pave the way for speedy assets disposals. Looking ahead, analysts expect a sharp rebound in coal prices if the coal companies remain operational.
When were they shorted? are they being covered now?
They got Financing that would be huge
Re 1388: Where are you getting this info? All I have found it that Feds are still harping about environmental issues and more costs.
today is the day.
next week 0.10, and before confirmation 1$ or more
Fantastic news.Plan exit is coming, next month
Hi? lol. and hang in there I guess. I am but I only got 1,000 shares and not much invested, so I would not loose much if this stock collapsed. I hope Alpha will recover in long run, that is why I bought into it.
this has got to be the quietest board i have ever followed...ANYONE got a few words..(long or short..khrist anything.!)..thx.
that was good and oil prices are rising also helping. i still own every share I have purchased post reorg. there are a lot of moving parts and anything can happen. also lots of investors, unions etc who want the shares to stay intact and attached to some part of the left over business. my biggest reason to hold is instinct. it just feels too over done and has since August. some big buys yesterday and lots of small buys today.
anr got more $ than expected in an auction for some of its natural gas biggy i guess
the stock reacted positively to today's news..any thoughts ?
You might want to reconsider, there are rumors this stock will be wiped out. Although, I am holding onto 2,000 shares (spent 45 bux on lol) just in case. I would not have bought more, until good news verifies our stock will not be wiped out, then I would have jumped in more. Based on all the reports I have seen it seems like Alpha is trying to eliminate the common stock. Sorry but I think your crazy to invest that much right now in this company. I would have put it into somthing that would grow fast like GSI or XCO, CDNL, and the pharmaceutical companies (I forget the names of a few I got into in the past, but it did well rose over 2 bux in one day and I sold off)
some are saying yes..some maybe..some no..
Does that mean it's over?
Just bought 342000 shares today of Alpha Natural Resources Call me crazy but if it goes to .50 a year from now I'll be buying beers
hahaha..i've had the same experience lately..looks like anrzq is a spin at the roulette or black..GLTU..and " more bets"
Just added a whole slew of new shares to my pile!.. everybody.. look out below!.. LOLOLOL.. never fails.. i buy it.. it goes down!.. be careful and tread lightly.. gltua..peace stok
After the bell today.Rice Energy announced commencement of an unwritten public offering of 23.5 million shaes of its common stock...NGP Rice Holdings is offering 3.5 million shares of Rice Energy's common stock...Intends to use portion of proceeds from offerings to buy Marcellus, Utica assets from Alpha Natural Resources for $200 million....
Just remember though, Alpha just filed a motion today to approve the disclosure statement and plan voting which highlights common stock being wiped out.
Motion to approve the disclosure statement / voting procedures / hearing date to accept the plan ^^^
Alpha is going full steam ahead with its plan to sell off majority of its business and hand over what remains of the company to the creditors
I don't mean this in any sarcastic way, but seriously be careful...
Here is the plan of reorganization and disclosure statement for more info ^^^