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it's an old picture, i believe.
paddy has the control certain did they use to give control to XU?
should all come out in BK court????
doesn't look like a guy who had major neck/spine surgery?
looks sober AF to me many lies on this board :(....poor paddy got stung for his co. from XU/mills
My head hurts.....This guy came to me on a recommendation..........I cannot believe all of this.
The billards guy is going to get the money, not you. Sad, I know, but there may not even be pay outs.
“However, issuers should consider whether their filings may need to be amended to address any reporting deficiencies arising from the BF Borgers engagement,” the SEC said, while also noting that companies that had used Borgers now need to find a new qualified public accountant."
My head hurts.....This guy came to me on a recommendation..........I cannot believe all of this. For real,,,,,,Guys.............My head hurts REALLY BADLY now.... I trusted this GUY......paid him $10,000, and I just want my money this time!
OTC Markets has yet to mark him on the BAD PEOPLE LIST..............
Did you guys see this......HOLY BEANs SPILL!!!!
I worked with BF Borgers CPA....Benjamin Borgers and we worked together to audit ACCR. I cannot believe this!!!!!
"The auditor, BF Borgers CPA and its owner Benjamin Borgers have agreed to be permanently suspended from practicing as accountants before the SEC, and also agreed to pay a combined $14 million in civil penalties, the SEC said."........and I see that Borgers CPA is still listed on the OTC Markets website. I feel like this is too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I CANNOT believe this!!!!!!!
I paid Benjamin $10,000 cash out of my own pocket to help AUDIT the ACCR books from the past!!! The SEC should get my $10,000 and return it back to me. It's time for some music for me.....this is MINDBOGGLING!!!! I just texted to the new owners Anthony to get this information off of the ACCR mention on OTC I WANT MY $10,000 BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geez. so what? what is the name of your company?
Hey Guys...
I've waited my whole life for this....
whitney, i am sorry to hear about the recent passing of your sister.
so, whitney. was patrick lying when he wrote this or did the kids just refuse to help?
The best thing in my world is sitting next to me holding my hand. She is a cancer survivor and she is a fighter and she believes in me. Some of those people mocked her situation recently. Unbelievable…..I don’t understand why they feel the need to disrespect a Cancer survivor.
I just wanted to pop in here and text you some of my thoughts running through my head tonight. She endured an 11 hour operation and she is doing great!!! My son just received a post doctoral position with a huge hospital and cancer/oncology department. He has completed his residency at Yale University where he has been for the last 3 years. Last year, my boy married a Yale Law School girl. Her first year salary is $320,000 from a NY law firm. I’m so proud of my Sons accomplishments. His new position with this massive cancer research firm is enormous and with his perks and all, his first year salary after all this schooling will be about $250,000 for his first year. As you might remember, he declined the Naval Academy and West Point, and attended a top five school for his undergraduate years and then went off to Duke University for his PhD. After these 3 years completed at Yale, his schooling cost almost a million bucks!!!!
I’ve raised 2 very successful kids.
My 31 year old daughter married into a billionaire family from LA and she’s been married now 2 years and will soon be expecting a Child. Can you believe it BUD…I’m going to be a GrandDaddy soon. She met him at Tulane University where my wife and I attended undergraduate back in 1985. Man how time flies.
Overall, I am doing very well.
Then again he said he is delivering weed by drone.
in a past post he said that his wife was cured.
Hilarious, it's xanaxu posting with a dupe alias and gets booted technically for life. On a scam stock. Or maybe it's mills?
I thought cyber said -'if he has a wife' that she was very sick.
So is this considered posting in the 4th person?
really? whitney, is that you, or an alter ego? how often do you post using patrick's alias?
outstanding shares just increase 150 million :(
Robert Xu called MY residence last night, screaming and threatening to sue my husband in CIVIL court again…….
Patrick asked if he was recording the conversation; Mr. Xu wouldn’t say- Patrick hung up. On Robert Xu’s 4th phone call he admitted that it was a taped. Patrick again hung up. I am thinking Xu received notice from the bankruptcy court……. Patrick’s stock certificates are part of our personal assets (or lack there of.) There are no federal or corporate issues. This is a matter for a much lower court. Can anyone really believe that there is any power here?
Meihua Xu
To all ACCR shareholders, The court of Ottawa County, Michigan Case Number 21-06500-CB against Mr. Patrick Was settled. Final order and preliminary injunction was sent to Mr. Patrick Jensen via court service. Happy holiday to our great shareholders!
Your senses are wrong.
As usual.
Since it's not a Shell anymore, do they have to do ER ?
patrick jensen can go sleep with the fishes now thank you no one will miss him or give a single damn
Zorax, just an FYI, your information you have about Xu and his share position is incorrect. You should remove your stop post. He currently has less than 5% of the Outstanding. I am not an affiliate nor do I own a single share here. Q1 should confirm this and provide an update as to whom the affiliates are.
What’s going on with ACCR ? Any updates? Let’s get this pumpin already. I’m ready to make some money
Oh I have stated, Mills was referred to me by another iHUB user, however...
You’re new here. Give it some time. Patrick is a whole new level of ridiculous.
This is a ridiculous comment to make on a Company that needs to complete its 15c2-11.
My Dearest Market Makers and ex-Shareholders of mine....
By now, I know that you have seen my FORM 4 and my FORM 144 filed with the SEC over the last few days. The FEDERAL JUDGE in my Bankruptcy Court will rule and see if these [red]BLANK [/color]on one side and the MEDALLION GUARANTEE, even on the one I gave to XU. My petition with the court has been filed, and I already have my CASE #. Again, Michigan is an awesome state that allows Self Representation on simple or even complicated issues. I still believe in my heart that the Transfer Agent made a mistake by having these documents, and AMY MERRILL after knowing her for 25+ years, will not even return my phone calls nor emails. I used to speak to Pam Gray, who was her supervisor during the early 2000s. She passed away and I miss her very much.
Looks like a paid p&d may be starting. Been seeing some promotional types scouting in here.
Not sure about you guys but I believe this stock will take off. Looks like they have a great business merged into it and the place looks amazing. Far better than any pool hall I’ve ever seen 🤷🏼♂️
what happened to you? you haven't been this stupid in the past. what changed?
5.6m in debt on accr better hurry before they bring this to .0001 my friend
Dear beloved MARKET MAKERs,
Here is a copy of my FORM 4 just filed. Next, I will be filing a FORM 144. Again, to my Market Maker and shareholders that trusted me with their money...I am so sorry for having done with transaction without informing BELOVED MARKET MAKERs! 😁
Again, I wish the new owners all the best of luck in business. I hope and pray that a lot of revenue is brought in, and that the new Company, Racks Billiards sells millions and millions of Chicken
Paddy 😇
Dearest M######,
I must have an old telephone number of yours, I just received your private message. I still remember your beautiful #########'s. Call me at 616-312-5390, and will see a FORM 4 and a FORM 144 filed very soon by me so that these shares which I have owned for a long time. The FORM 144 will un restrict these shares. I want nothing to do with the stock symbol ACCR . I wish the new owners all the best in the world. I just want to provide the market with good liquidity, and the federal Judge in my bankruptcy case, filed YESTERDAY, will order AMY the TA to transfer my book entry shares to a brokerage account I've opened in my name. This liquidation process of shares will be required in my Chapter 7 eSR filing yesterday. - who needs an attorney, and I also asked the Court to waive the $388 filing fee. I know what I am doing!!!!!
I'm in so much pain, and the nerve damage which I would never wish on anyone. My surgery went bad....and the original neurosurgeon was in shock because the SAME DATE that I was discharged from the hospital, the suture completely opened up. I had a blood pressure crash, and almost died as it took 2 units of blood and a bag of platelets and 1 1/2 hours to stabilize my BP which had dropped to 30/25 (near death) and during that 1 1/2 hours, I spoke to GOD, and begged him for forgiveness of all my sins. During the 1 1/2 hours.....the high was 60/40 and mmy low was 30/25.......but I survived the BP crash, and then they re-stiched me back up. I've also got 12 titanium screws, and a new titanium cage covering my c4 to t1. I also had 2 Spinal Fusions, back and front. 🤕
Oh, and I should have gone with David Lazar...and I declined the offer, because he didn't tell me what kind of Company he was going to merger, and my equity would have been reduced to 4.99%.
Oh I have stated, Mills was referred to me by another iHUB user, however...XU was not his first merger recommendation. He recommended some Daisy company out of Texas, and then he referred me to XU. As stated, I am going to the Huntington National Bank, and try to get my original MEDALLION GUARANTEE rescinded because this was a blank piece of paper on one side, and then the Medallion Guarantee signing over 160,050,000 shares to XU. I am sorry to my MM as I did not mention this to him, and I am so sorry to my ex-Shareholders for my sale. Again, I wish Racks Billiards all the best of luck in the world. Dilution sucks, but that's why companies go public is to raise money responsibly to help pay the bills whenever there is a shortfall compared to revenues.
Lastly, I almost also made an agreement to sell ACCR to that JUSTIN COSTELLO dude who went to Jail from GRNF. I've got his cel# to prove all the texting he and I did, and he requested a TERM SHEET for ACCR. His cel# that I had was 425-830-xxxx. , and
What can I say....I am a true salesman at heart, and I searched and searched for a good merger for my Shareholders. Again, call me at 616-312-5390 as I must have an old telephone number of yours.
Paddy 😇
praying you get better fast selling your deserve it
Run with what I said how far you guys want 2. Justice is blind, dude brought up a local county court case, so you would need the burden of proof. You think ihub posts sayin cyber is patrick or pictures etc would mean anything? I could post a drivers license of any ceo and claim I'm them and what does that mean, I am them? You would need hard proof like isp records and then prove it was actually him. We're not talking about sharing insider information which would only come from an inside source but talking about publicly available information.
On a personal note, I haven't spoken with Patrick for over at least 3 years maybe 4. Just been wandering around watching, ill post wherever and whenever I want.
Lol that's gotta be the dumbest thing to say. Where does the alias cybercall say on its profile it is most definitely that Patrick?
Mills was/is a criminal attorney who works almost exclusively for foreign or shady ceo's. He's the guy that threatened and rushed cyber and it's true they did a bait and switch. cybers sad mistake (or not) was finding this mills guy because mills works for xanaxu for years.
What we will never really know is how dirty cyber has been in all this. Totally not innocent in any way. Did mills shop for shells, which is entirely possible or did cyber go to him.
If this gets the SEC investigation biz, we will know most all in discovery. And it should be investigated because of mills, xanaxu and even cyber.
Thing is, nothing a-cc-r submits to otcm is real. Nothing can be considered true numbers. Don't even know how scammy the bar is.
Did someone say lemonade....I have the vodka ...... 🍋🫙< I'm saying that's a Mason Jar full of vodka 🤫
Lol ok.
...this is america and we don't like to be told to shut up.
I cared that someone was trying to use financial bully tactics. Patrick or not, this is america and we don't like to be told to shut up.
You asked "what's your logic?"
how do you prove that's patrick and not another shareholder with the name patrick. Only way is to get a warrant from the county again to get isp records. Ok fine, well now you need to prove it was actually him and not a family member or acquaintance.
Hi Everyone,,,
I am very bullish on the price per share of ACCR.😁
I sold my controlling interest to XU because he promised me a merger with a $100,000,000 revenue Chinese Comp. This is the only reason, and he knows that he said this to me. XU later changed it to treat my sale, as just a sale of a shell with no merger plans at all. Here is the press release on an LOI for a company with unknown revenues. I made a big mistake because most of the sale was done on the telephone, and XU was recommended to me by 😡 Mr. Stephen Joel Mills. 😡
Don't forget, they have about 14 days left to correctly amend the articles of incorporation, or else their filing for allowing preferred will be null and void. 🤢 I dislike convertible preferred so much. I almost signed a deal with David Lazar too...I've sent a copy of my deal which never was consummated to several iHUB friends of mine.
I also personally know Diane Cushing, and she is a great Operations Manager with the state of Florida. 😇
I am in so much pain from that Spinal Fusion.... 😓 WOWSA this hurts 1,000,000 times more than a paper cut. I can barely move my neck and suffer from nerve damage caused by the first operation in January 2018. My spinal discs have been diagnosed with DDD - Degenerative Disc Disease - and 3 of my cervical bones were almost touching bone to bone.
....and "what's your name," stop telling people I take drugs, as I do not even drink, smoke anymore, and responsibly take my prescription pain pills.
ACCR has 2 FORM 15s - this is humorous. I'll be filing my FORM 144 soon, whenever I wish, and I'm just waiting for the PUMP to occur before I provide the market with lots of liquidity and shares available to trade. At last count, I own close to 9% of this company, and wish the Racks Pool Hall all the success in the world.
What you're talking about are federal charges, that have far reaching consequences. This is a local business squabble. If the court case was about the public market manipulation it would be in a totally different arena. Has same power as me owning a lemonade stand and suing another lemonade stand owner. This lemonade stand just has access to a stock.
BUYER BEWARE ... ACCR NOW OWNED BY Meihua Xu 5% Ontario, Canada 141,550,000 Common 53.35%
Who is a known shell company swindler and foreigner.
UPDATED 03-29-2024
updated info posted to the accr board credit to price_and_volume.
Member Level
Re: SILVERSURFER4263 post# 15755
Friday, March 15, 2024 6:51:29 PM
Post# of 15814
Racks Billiards & Sports Bar is operational.
On May 17, 2023, the Company transferred control of the company to Pedro Botta and Anthony DiGiacomo who has put a management team together to re-activate the operations of the company.
Effective May 17, 2023, there was a change of control. The new owners completed moving their operating entity, Racks Billiards, LLC into the company effective October 1, 2023. The address(es) of the issuer’s principal executive office: 312 N. Entrance Rd Sanford, FL 32771
Insiders stock structure as of 3-29-2024
Pedro Botta Officer Sanford, FL 1,500,000 Preferred 50%
Meihua Xu 5% Ontario, Canada 141,550,000 Common 53.35%
Anthony Digiacomo Officer Sanford, FL 1,500,000 Preferred 50%
Patrick Jensen 5% Grand Haven, MI 26,934,379 Common 8.93%
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------OLDER DATA BELOW-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cybercall aka Patrick, persumbably 9 or 10% shareholder announces new project. Persuing the drone weed delivery concept.
BUYER BEWARE--- read recent accr filings you will see new language to the financial footnotes for accounting of the deriVative liabilities on con vertible notes even though there were NO convertible notes in the 2020 and 2019 financial statements.XU setting this up for next year PAYOFF FOR HIM AND HIS INNER CIRCLE OF CROOKS AND CON ARTISTS.....
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