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Rumor has it they are going to announce earnings today, August 14, 2024
Has only been on the NYSE Amex Exchange for less than 90 days!
Im looking for some people to take notice of this new Amex stock!
Reviv3 Procare Co, RVIV, changed to AXIL Brands Inc, AXIL:
RVIV moved to the AMEX from the OTC:
New symbol AXIL
Very excited about the prospects of tomorrow trading.
Who wants to guess what the close might be?
RVIV: effective Jan. 16,2024 a one for 20 reverse split:
Strange price action today on highest volume ever. Maybe next quarterly report will again show a nice surprise.....
I like this little company: strong sales growth, no toxic debt.
Sales increase year over year is impressive. I can see this stock taking off soon.
Great news. Wish the stock would follow.
Where is any news? Does ANybody have any insight?
The CEO has gone silent. Does he care about the shares trading? There is potential here but he has to release real news!
I see them selling on Amazon with good reviews. Where is all that money going and why don't they do awareness of their stock?
Actually, Their reports, balance sheets, lack of sales, debt structure and inability to raise funds going forward. It's on the edge of Bankruptcy. Outstanding share past 50% of authorized it's dumping spam hype as mentioned here. Authorized will be doubled at the least. (Loans will require sufficient share authorized to cover dumps)
When broke stinkies say: "Increase shareholder value and sales campaigns, they are NOT talking to commons at all! " Increase Share holder value" = 1 thing! One and only one! And anybody that has a clue in these scenarios, knows that = Toxic Lenders pump and dumps.
U MUST! Keep a close eye on its state, Sectary of Sate (SOS) notices of authorized increases. Late filings or normally delayed by SOS can and will backslap commons who are unprepared. To cheap to pay SOS $10-100 bucks but, rather gamble $500, $1,000- 5 and or 10,000 Bucks to be current in their state reporting status. SOS charges are Cheap in comparison to the potential losses when ignorantly gambling on hype. .
In some states you can sign up for free at no charge emailed changes so, there's that too. I.E. Amendments to include Preferred share distribution and or increase and Common authorized increases, Officer , director and other, = to ignorant to be anything other than the perfect target to loose big and quick. Ignorance of all the variables is no excuse and SEC couldn't give a spit for it.
Up Periscope as, this Fundamentally BK financial position can go to a penny then sub-pennies in a heartbeat. [wink]
>>>> Always check both side of road, bear and bull, before crossing, Duh.
I’m seeing this ticker plastered in all sorts of different chats and sites. Some really big name traders seem to like it and the DD has been impressive. I think there’s a lot of eyes here just waiting to pounce. Could see an avalanche soon
Here in Flint, MI the police don't use tasers. They use water guns. Kinda messes up your hair and ruins the RVIV products.
A goth hostess has always been my dream girl because she’s the type to give me more RVIV products to fix my hair after I get tased in the Applebee’s parking lot
Best part about using RVIV products to get a goth waitress from Applebee's to get with you is that when you leave the restaurant you can burn it down and it's completely legal and actually kind of fun to do
The one in Union City, New Jersey has a super cute hostess (who is goth). She’s the particular one I’m using the RVIV products for
Talking about RVIV products really has made me realize that Applebee's really does always have a hot goth waitress.
Now that reminds me of the Applebee’s hostess (who is goth) whose number I WILL get after this hits dollars AND I use these fantastic products
I loved that book by Edgar Allen Poe almost as much as I love RVIV's products!
RIP Lance Armstrong. I’m sure he’s banging Cheryl Crowe somewhere in the afterlife
The green mile was the movie about drug use in the cycling world and has nothing to do with RVIV's product line.
Nvm I’m thinking of the Semi from the green mile
Flint, MI kinda is known for our water. It's ok though, because RVIV products have the ability to leave my hair beautiful and wondrous with a bounce that's unmatched like our native star Terry Crews' chest!
I am racist against other racists. I always have to check out companies during my DD process. It’s part of the oppression that my ancestors felt which automatically means I get to feel it as well. I don’t expect you to understand with the privilege you grew up with. You probably live in a predominately white bread city with white picket fences and clean water to drink. So save it
Just the fact that you had to verify that RVIV isn't racist kinda makes you racist. Why are you so entitled when it comes to the narrative on such a prestigious clean company?
I just did a deeper dive (for obvious reasons) into the products and it looks like they are effective for almost all races. So I can confirm because I’m an expert (for obvious reasons) that this company is NOT racist. Which is good
If you use RVIV products you will have a shimmer that out shines the smiles that come from Applebee's $1 margaritas!
My favorite first date spot. $1 Long Island ice teas, a super cute hostess (who is goth) and legitimately elite boneless wings. I’m looking forward to more of these outings after using these products
RVIV products would have you looking like the fanciest person in an Applebee's without a doubt.
Not racist and an L2 as thin as me after an Applebee’s Thai Chicken Salad, what could be better!
And as far as I can tell, this company isn't racist at all. Huge bonus.
I don’t think there’s hidden shares either. Just a phenomenal share structure
This ticker is so frickin thin on the l2, honestly a few ask slaps and it doubles
Reviv3 is currently working with both its team and new consultants whose expertise in the above-aforementioned areas will help them start implementing these changes immediately. "We're all very excited about this new direction and look forward to announcing further details in the near future," concluded Toghraie.