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07/24/10 6:51 AM

#190339 RE: ONEBGG #186295

Been seeing this coming for a LONG TIME ---- be interesting to see 'where it goes' ---- especially considering the impact of MSM on current administration !


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03/14/12 4:26 AM

#235142 RE: ONEBGG #186295

Amazing the Stock Market rises on money of the .01% who keep getting richer, and the MSM hails Obama as the guy responsible for certain things "getting better," such as unemployment, business sales, etc., yet the REALITY of almost everything for the 99% continues to deteriorate. I wonder why?

IMO, this game of musical chairs, with the government, the FED, and the owned MSM playing the music ever-louder to try and keep everyone from actually THINKING about the REALITIES around them and the world's crumbling, debt-infested economies will eventually stop, and there will be many more without a chair than one.
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04/21/12 2:51 AM

#236810 RE: ONEBGG #186295

Looks like Zimmerman may be telling the truth, and all the MSM and black racists may have to eat crow. Of course, no matter the proof, if the outcome does not go the way of stringing up the "white" guy, the real racists in the country will not be satisfied and cry "no justice, no peace" again. Pathetic. Crank up the entitlement machine a little faster.
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03/08/14 10:42 PM

#263356 RE: ONEBGG #186295

yep know I said play nice

but if right now
if had a liberal neck near to me
especially one about 250 lbs of meanness

would just snap it like a twig

have zero useness for liberals
and their bs right now

especially since someone very dear that fought for the right of liberals to spread their putrid fascist stink has just passed away

every one one of them
is the enemy of every red blooded American imo

f*ck obama and the democrats
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02/12/16 11:30 PM

#303124 RE: ONEBGG #186295

interesting find/ get this ????? / Scott Bessent,Lehman Brothers,Why Are George Soros-Linked Financiers Giving Big Bucks to Support John Kasich?

Two ex-Soros fund managers have made big donations to the pro-Kasich super-PAC.
—By Russ Choma | Fri Feb. 12, 2016 3:04 PM EST


Two Wall Street titans who helped financier George Soros make
his billions have channeled hundreds of thousands of dollars
into John Kasich's presidential bid.

According to Federal Election Commission records,
Scott Bessent,
who was Soros' chief investment officer until December,
last fall donated $200,000 to New Day for America,
the pro-Kasich super-PAC. In August, Stanley Druckenmiller,
who was Soros' lead fund manager from 1988 to 2000,
donated $150,000 to the same super-PAC.

Given that Kasich, after retiring as a congressman in 2000,
worked for seven years at Lehman Brothers,
until its collapse in 2008,

it's not surprising that the Ohio governor is an attractive investment for big finance guys.

But Soros is a bogeyman for conservatives,
fiercely reviled by the right over the years for his deep-pocketed support of Democrats and progressive organizations.

He recently emerged from something of a political slumber,
donating $8 million in 2015 to two pro-Hillary Clinton super-PACs,
after several years of keeping a relatively low profile as a political donor.

Druckenmiller no longer has a connection with Soros.

Bessent, though, is still involved with managing Soros' wealth.

In early January, he announced he was creating a $4.5 billion hedge fund, Key Square Group, with $2 billion from Soros.

Bessent is perhaps best known for his role in a 2013 move by Soros
to bet against the yen,
which netted Soros' fund about $1 billion when the Japanese currency fell.

Bessent, who did not respond to a request for comment,
also donated $2,700,
the maximum allowed,
directly to Kasich's campaign.

He has a history of contributing to candidates and PACs on both sides of the aisle.

Last March,
he donated to $5,400 to Democratic Rep. Sean Maloney (D-N.Y.),
$1,500 to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.),
and $5,000 to Right to Rise, the pro-Jeb Bush super-PAC.

In 2013, he gave $25,000 to Ready for Hillary,
a pro-Clinton super-PAC. But, by far, his largest political donation
has been to Kasich.

Druckenmiller has focused his political giving largely on Republicans, but he has donated to a few Democrats.

Last year, prior
to donating that $150,000 to the pro-Kasich super-PAC,
he wrote Right To Rise a check for $103,000.

He also gave $100,000 to a super-PAC backing Chris Christie,
who dropped out of the presidential race this week.

Druckenmiller and Soros "broke" the Bank of England in 1992,
shorting the British pound and making more than $1 billion in a
single day when the currency plummeted.

That windfall made Soros famous and one of the world's richest men.

Eight years later, Druckenmiller left Soros to manage his own hedge fund.

He retired in 2010.

He has publicly campaigned for cuts to Social Security payments,
arguing that baby boomers' retirement costs will prove disastrous
for future generations.

There's no word yet on how the donations to the Kasich presidential effort from these
Soros-linked financiers will effect Glenn Beck's theory that Soros is the puppet master behind…well, everything.
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06/19/16 11:08 AM

#318992 RE: ONEBGG #186295

happy father's day to all. 06-19-2016
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07/03/16 1:09 PM

#319862 RE: ONEBGG #186295

good morning friend/ got this/ hard to believe the first islam president / the Canadian mexico american summit.

at the end of speech/

Canadians on 'Q' thet Canadian chatted four more years, four more years four more years.

is that ah signal ????? martial law or something like declared war ?????

white flag on whitehouse ?????
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08/02/16 10:22 AM

#322640 RE: ONEBGG #186295

?????/ alleged ?????/ clinton's/ Muslim soldier’s dad linked to ‘citizenship for sale’ immigration programs; here’s what else the media buried
August 2, 2016 | Nicole Haas | Print Article

Read more:

It seems the Muslim father of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq who has been engaged in a public feud with Donald Trump could have some highly questionable work affiliations.

Khizr M. Khan’s website states that he works specifically with two controversial programs often accused of letting immigrants buy their way into the U.S., The Washington Examiner reported.

Khan helps clients navigate the E-2 and EB-5 programs that let overseas investors buy into U.S. companies and provides green cards for them and family members.

“The E-2 and EB-5 are two of the most notoriously abused visa categories that essentially allow wealthy foreigners to buy their way to U.S. residency, and possibly citizenship, with a relatively modest investment,” said Jessica Vaughan, the policy director for the Center for Immigration Studies, according to the Times.

Critics of the EB-5 program have been pushing Congress to get rid of the program to no avail. Vaughn’s explanation is a testimony as to why EB-5 has critics up in arms.

“The EB-5 is literally a ‘citizenship for sale’ program in which a visa for a whole family can be bought for as little $500,000,” Vaughan said. “It is literally a ‘citizenship for sale’ program, and it’s an amazing deal. Compared to other countries, America is the Wal-Mart of investor visa programs,” she added.

While there is no indication, according to the Times, that any of Khan’s clients have been indicted in the controversies surrounding the programs, more disturbing reports have surfaced about Khan’s work-related affairs.

Not only are the Kahn’s deeply tied to the business of Muslim immigration, it looks as if they may also be tied to Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation, Breitbart reported.

According to Breitbart:

Khan, according to Intelius as also reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years. Citing federal government disclosure forms, the Washington Free Beacon reported the connection between Saudi Arabia and Hogan Lovells a couple weeks ago.

“Hogan Lovells LLP, another U.S. firm hired by the Saudis, is registered to work for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through 2016, disclosures show,” Joe Schoffstall of the Free Beacon reported.

The government of Saudi Arabia, of course, has donated heavily to the Clinton Foundation.

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has given between $10 and $25 million to the foundation while Friends of Saudi Arabia has contributed between $1 and $5 million,” Schoffstall wrote.
Trump has denounced Saudi Arabia’s donations to the Clinton Foundation and months ago declared that Hillary Clinton, who is largely running under the guise of “women’s rights” should give the money back due to the country’s abhorrent treatment of women.


Mom of Muslim-American soldier wept on MSNBC, thanked Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell

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09/28/16 5:05 AM

#328768 RE: ONEBGG #186295

good morning. 09-28-2016 all day
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09/28/16 5:05 AM

#328769 RE: ONEBGG #186295

where connected too ????? dems holding place ?????

The Debate Was A Setup! Holt Caught Wearing Earpiece! The Media Is Complicit!!

Published on Sep 27, 2016
About an hour after I put this video up I was reading thru the comments and someone said that news was breaking showing Holt wearing an earpiece. I started researching and it does appear that he is! The video was focused on hoe bias Holt was in his questioning. Now it becomes a lot more clear that he was part of a plan to destroy Trump and prop Hillary up! This is pure corruption and compromises the entire election !

Trump got hammered by Lester Holt and still came out on top. At times it seemed like Holt and Hillary were on the same team. Holt fact checked Trump 5 times and Hillary zero times. Holt interrupted Trump 41 times and Hillary 7 times. Twice Holt corrected Trump went it turned out Trump was right to begin with. Holt did to Trump exactly the kind of thing Candy Crowley did to Mitt Romney.

This was terrible journalism and shows that the Media has a strong Bias against Trump and for Hillary.

What surprises me is that even though the moderating was completely one sided, almost every online poll had Trump winning the debate by a fairly large margin. So the question is? What is more representative of the American people, online polling or the opinion of the News Network reporters. Almost all the MSM said that either Clinton won the Debate by a small margin or completed crushed Trump.

I would say that the online polling which includes both liberal and conservative polls would be more accurate. This is why the American people have lost all confidence in the MSM. Once again as Trump says that are some of the most dishonest people in the country.
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10/13/16 2:05 PM

#330516 RE: ONEBGG #186295

good afternoon my friend/
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10/13/16 2:05 PM

#330517 RE: ONEBGG #186295

part one/ finally got the russian story calling back russians to russia.

British tabloids go into WWIII frenzy over reported pull-out of Russian officials’ relatives
Published time: 12 Oct, 2016 14:23
Edited time: 13 Oct, 2016 01:01


An unconfirmed report in a regional news site appears to be enough for British tabloids to remind readers how ‘Big Bad Vlad’ secretly wants to nuke them.
The allegation is based on a claim that Russian officials were ordered to fly their families home from the West. Based on anonymous sources, it has since been denied by the Kremlin. Still some British media outlets jumped at a chance for a little Russia-bashing exercise.

“Russia ‘urgently recalls officials’ families living abroad’ as WW3 threat looms,” said the headline of the Daily Star, which apparently was the first British newspaper to report the story.

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10/13/16 2:06 PM

#330518 RE: ONEBGG #186295

part two/ What's he planning? Vladimir Putin 'recalls relatives of officials living abroad'
4:50 AM - 12 Oct 2016

finally got the russian story calling back russians to russia.

British tabloids go into WWIII frenzy over reported pull-out of Russian officials’ relatives
Published time: 12 Oct, 2016 14:23
Edited time: 13 Oct, 2016 01:01


The publication has a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin glancing angrily with an explosion in the background. Another picture shows Putin and a map of Europe, with Russia painted red with the sickle and hammer symbol of the Soviet Union apparently bombarding European nations with nuclear missiles.

The newspaper cites Russian political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky as saying that the alleged evacuation of family members is part of Russia preparing for a big war with the West. The report ties the move with recent civil defense training in Russia, which drew unexpected attention in Britain despite being annual and not out of the ordinary.

The Daily Mail reported the story in equally apocalyptic words, mentioning Russia’s suspension of a deal with the US on how to dispose of excessive weapons-grade material. The move doesn’t affect Russia’s nuclear deterrence and was meant to express Moscow’s rebuke towards Washington for not sticking to the terms of the pact.

The claim of a looming exodus of Russians was initially published by, a news website based in Yekaterinburg in the Urals. It cited five unanimous officials, who said they had been “unofficially recommended” by the Kremlin to bring home their relatives living abroad.

Students studying in foreign universities should ask for transfer to Russian universities to continue their education, the report said. Elderly relatives would have to spend their retirement in Russia rather than in the West, it added. The punishment for not following the alleged recommendation would be a stall in career.

When asked about the report, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was the first time he had heard about the alleged pull-out of officials’ family members
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10/14/16 2:46 PM

#330711 RE: ONEBGG #186295

i hope have it right we pray/ our friend ihubber has passed on. Lowman

and for family and friends.
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12/02/16 8:20 AM

#339861 RE: ONEBGG #186295

hi my friend,, good morning. trump establishing positions.
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12/02/16 8:20 AM

#339862 RE: ONEBGG #186295

DEMS SAYING SENIORS WILL LOSE OUT IF OBAMACARE TO START OVER, first of all 65 and over 65 seniors can't buy obamacare.

sounds like dems

grandma pushed over the cliff stuff.


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01/15/17 10:54 AM

#344912 RE: ONEBGG #186295

Hey Gary!

I hope your New Year is going well.

I need a favor if you can.

Some of the posters on this board seem to like to post to me and since my views are very different than most I would rather stay away.

Rather then being tempted to post where if I did it would become a free for all would it be possible for you to ban me from this board?

If you are not able to becuase of IHUB rules let me know and I will ask Dan or Shelley.

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01/30/17 10:06 AM

#346972 RE: ONEBGG #186295