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04/21/12 6:31 PM

#236816 RE: SOROS #236810

Sorry, your link did not work for me, all I got was a pic of Zimmerman Saying I'm Sorry.

However, It's all part of the plan and desire; racism is the game, and Zero loves it, it plays to his advantage. Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton, riot for hire; That's all they are! Where would they and their finances be without it?

Another part of the game is the anti-gun angle and movement. However, I stand by my first thoughts and statement; Zimmerman is possible and most likely guilty of an illegal shooting; he should not have followed the 17-year clown; That's right, I said 17-year old clown.

I'm not speaking of the the innocent looking 14-year old or younger Trayvon shown on TV. Where Zimmerman mucked up is following the kid, once imminent danger is gone so is right to shoot in self-defense. However, it is a very complicated matter because Zimmerman was attacked, a fact not much discussed. Complicating the issue is that Trayvon while a teenager was not such an innocent child and calls into question of the why, what, and reason for his behavior and presence prior to what ever happened; was he really just making a Skittles run? We may never know all of the truths.

Trayvon Martin: Possible Drug User & Violent Aggressor??:

Behind the photos of the Trayvon Martin case:

Trayvon Martin 100% Thug - New Pics:

Trayvon Martins real drug/violence/gang history?:

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Jesse Jackson admits using Trayvon Martin tragedy for anti-gun agenda:

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ABC News Confirms Zimmerman's Injuries:

EXCLUSIVE!!!! Video shows George Zimmerman injuries proved after all!!!:

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Yes, Zimmerman is guilty of Man Slaughter, he should not have followed him when instructed to to stop following him; this is a Far Cry from Murder! JMO!!!

Jackson, Sharpton and the New Black Panthers (NBP) are asking and instigating a riot. I ask you this:

What if a Caucasian was doing and saying what Jackson, Sharpton and the NBP were saying about a Caucasian shot by a black Neighborhood Watch person had shot?

What would be the reaction of if a Caucasian had posted false information on the shooters address and phone number?

What would happen if a not so-called white hate group had posted a Dead Or Alive ransom on a black shooter?

I'm just pointing out how this whole situation should be looked at, and the differences noticed; there is racism here and it not by a Hispanic so-called white person.

Logic, Reason & Common Sense, May It Rule!

Progressiveness Must Die Today,
In Order That We May Be Free Tomorrow