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05/19/17 8:02 PM

#6463 RE: BullNBear52 #6458

A few comments before I leave in the morning. As America has learned, it will not matter if facts and even pictures of Trump and his campaign staff cozying up with the Russians.

This country is divided and will remain so.

Even in this forum most of the conversation has been cordial and civil, and that is pretty good in today's world.

Trump and the Republicans will just keep peddling their propaganda to anyone who will follow them, unfortunately almost anyone in the South and Midwest will follow them, they have no choice they can never admit to anything else.

Most of America will keep their eyes open, watch the changes that are occurring, and adjust. They also have no choice, reality is something they have to live with each day.

Conservatives want to live in a world with blinders, they can never accept America as a country that is free and open, They want America to be represented only by themselves, just look at where Trump keeps going. Liberty University, or maybe Western Pennsylvania, or Northern Florida, he only goes where certain American voted for him.

This is why Trump has failed, being an American President means representing all of America, and not just your base. It is one of the reasons why President Obama was so successful during his eight years. You do not get to a 62 % approval rating by only playing to your base. Obama appealed to those true independents.

People who have voted Republican, or Democrat are the true Americans in this country. Trump was always been a Democrat, just like his entire family, but he knew he could never be elected by the Democratic Party, we all know him for what he is, a joke.

So he took the Republican Party hostage, he played them, just like he is playing them now. Trump uses everyone for what he can get out of them, and then discards them. In Trump's mind he always will win, even in his divorces, each wife destroyed him, but there was a clause in those divorces. Keep your mouth shut and let Trump hide his loss in those final papers.