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12/06/16 11:43 AM

#89483 RE: stockdarockk #89480

I see it like you may be very wrong in your thinking about the company's future, so I'll wait to see what the Judge thinks not opinions from the board. Merry Christmas
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12/06/16 12:11 PM

#89485 RE: stockdarockk #89480

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12/07/16 9:39 AM

#89516 RE: stockdarockk #89480

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12/24/16 6:21 PM

#90827 RE: stockdarockk #89480

Do you have any links to the courts decisions from the purported Sept 19th final hearing. It does look like biel isn't fairing well in the proceedings. Also, Bedwel took a bad hit and was relieved of his CPA status for at least 2 years for improper rep of many companies.
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12/28/16 7:58 PM

#91102 RE: stockdarockk #89480

The whole Saga about the SEC, even after Biel, the public company, absorbed it very nicely, was brought to a halt by today's ruling. Isn't that BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
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02/06/17 8:23 AM

#94651 RE: stockdarockk #89480

'stockdarockk' Is lt really approved after all of this ????

Note the dates
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02/25/17 9:48 PM

#100525 RE: stockdarockk #89480

Mr. Gorbachev - tear down this wall." - Ronald Reagan, Berlin, 1987

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06/05/17 3:36 PM

#109460 RE: stockdarockk #89480

With the New Supreme Court Ruling the information

in this Sticky has just been blow out of the WATER.


This is going to be a MoNsTeR!!!!!

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06/05/17 4:48 PM

#109474 RE: stockdarockk #89480

Hehehehehe, information has once again been proven false. SEC case is going Bye bye!!
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06/30/17 10:38 AM

#110494 RE: stockdarockk #89480

Do you honestly believe with all the work by the CEO to get this product/stock to where it is, and first of its kind, and serious potential, that he will let this go down the drain? Seriously???

This stock is not going anywhere but up, up,up!! Don't believe me, just watch!

Understand your frustration.
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08/05/17 6:11 PM

#111792 RE: stockdarockk #89480

Please post this as a STICKIE:

Printed From
Pulsed Shortwave Therapy Treatment for Chronic Musculoskeletal Low Back Pain
2017-08-05 14:23:21 | BioPortfolio
Home » Topics » Anesthesiology » Research » Pulsed Shortwave Therapy Treatment for Chronic Musculoskeletal Low Back Pain
The ActiPatch is a cutaneous device which is CE marked approved for relief of pain and has FDA clearance as an over the counter device for the adjunctive treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and plantar fasciitis. It is taped over the affected area and stimulation at a high frequency is reported to alleviate pain with no sensation. By randomising patients between application of an active device or a dummy device and assessment of disability and pain scores at four weeks the efficacy or otherwise can be established. Chronic low back pain is a major health problem and if effective this has major economic implications as the device is cheap and safe.

Chronic low back pain is a major public heath challenge for a number of reasons including prevalence, seriousness, vulnerable populations, the utility of population health strategies, and the importance of prevention at both the population and individual levels. Its incidence and prevalence are increasing with an aging population and the rise in obesity. When considering the location of chronic pain and its aetiology, back pain was the most common location with arthritis/osteoarthritis being the most common cause. Chronic low back back pain is costly to nations—not just in terms of health care expenditures and disability compensation but also in terms of lost school days, lost productivity and employment, reduced incomes, and lost potential and quality of life.

Study Design
Chronic Low Back Pain

Pulsed Shortwave Therapy

Not yet recruiting

BioElectronics Corporation

Results (where available)
View Results

Source: processed this data on August 04, 2017
Published on BioPortfolio: 2017-08-05T14:23:21-0400

Clinical Trials [2330 Associated Clinical Trials listed on BioPortfolio]
Yoga for Veterans With CLBP

Chronic low back pain is a prevalent condition among VA patients, but many current treatment options have limited effectiveness. In addition to chronic pain, people with chronic low back ...

Coping Skills Training for Living With Chronic Low Back Pain

Up to 80% of Australians experience back pain and 10% have significant disability as a result. There is a critical need for the development and evaluation of innovative treatments that hav...

Efficacy Study of Shortwave Diathermy for the Treatment of Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

The purpose of this study is to determine whether shortwave diathermy is effective in reducing knee pain and increasing function of the patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Percutaneous Neuromodulation Therapy (PNT) With Chronic Low Back Pain Patients

The purpose of this study is to assess the benefits of Percutaneous Neuromodulation Therapy when compared to a reference sham treatment in the treatment of patients who have undergone surg...

Cognitive Functional Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain

There is evidence, of a single randomized controlled trial, that CFT is better than combined manual therapy and motor control exercise for chronic low back pain. However, this study had si...

PubMed Articles [21041 Associated PubMed Articles listed on BioPortfolio]
Is non-pharmacological treatment an effective option for chronic low back pain?

Despite of pain being important warning signal for body ability to respond to internal or external threats, chronic pain is perceived as a discomfort by patients, leading to somatic, emotional and soc...

Yoga treatment for chronic non-specific low back pain.

Non-specific low back pain is a common, potentially disabling condition usually treated with self-care and non-prescription medication. For chronic low back pain, current guidelines state that exercis...

Outpatient multimodal pain therapy : Results of a 1-week intensive outpatient multimodal group program for patients with chronic unspecific back pain - retrospective evaluation after 3 and 12 months.

Interdisciplinary pain therapy is nowadays the state of the art for the treatment of chronic unspecific back pain. The aim of this article is to present the retrospective analysis of the data from a ...

Effects of an intervention based on the Transtheoretical Model on back muscle endurance, physical function and pain in rice farmers with chronic low back pain.

Chronic low back pain (LBP) can be managed by exercises which should be tailored to an individual's readiness to behavioral change.

Interactive Voice Response-Based Self-management for Chronic Back Pain: The COPES Noninferiority Randomized Trial.

Recommendations for chronic pain treatment emphasize multimodal approaches, including nonpharmacologic interventions to enhance self-management. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based...

Medical and Biotech [MESH] Definitions
Low Back Pain

Acute or chronic pain in the lumbar or sacral regions, which may be associated with musculo-ligamentous SPRAINS AND STRAINS; INTERVERTEBRAL DISK DISPLACEMENT; and other conditions.

Back Pain

Acute or chronic pain located in the posterior regions of the THORAX; LUMBOSACRAL REGION; or the adjacent regions.

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

A condition of persistent pain and discomfort in the BACK and the LEG following lumbar surgery, often seen in patients enrolled in pain centers.

Labor Pain

Pain associated with OBSTETRIC LABOR in CHILDBIRTH. It is caused primarily by UTERINE CONTRACTION as well as pressure on the CERVIX; BLADDER; and the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Labor pain mostly occurs in the ABDOMEN; the GROIN; and the BACK.


Inflammation of the SACROILIAC JOINT. It is characterized by lower back pain, especially upon walking, fever, UVEITIS; PSORIASIS; and decreased range of motion. Many factors are associated with and cause sacroiliitis including infection; injury to spine, lower back, and pelvis; DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS; and pregnancy.

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An anesthesiologist (US English) or anaesthetist (British English) is a physician trained in anesthesia and perioperative medicine. Anesthesiologists are physicians who provide medical care to patients in a wide variety of (usually acute) situations. ...

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11/22/17 11:31 AM

#116470 RE: stockdarockk #89480

That information about Biel Has Been Posted ALMOST-A-YEAR

How is that BS information about BIEL working out??

Resistance of a Company headed for PROFITABILITY is FUTILE!!

The JIG is up!!
