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Alias Born 08/19/2010


Re: alexed post# 5506

Wednesday, 02/27/2013 6:53:49 PM

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:53:49 PM

Post# of 19859
SLV...3 cross 5 moving average...
Looks good Alex...thanks.

The moving average crossover frequently includes a trend change.
The Envelope 2.5=price 2.5% either side of the 5day average. The envelope is overlayed onto the intermediate parameters of the 50,2 doubleBollinger Bands.... price above the 5day average would ask you to step into the parameters of the 10,2 or 20,2 Bollinger Bands.
Daily Envelope 2.5

Daily 10,2 Bollinger

Daily 20,2 Bollinger

SLV...3 cross 5 moving average
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