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Thursday, 06/11/2009 1:33:40 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009 1:33:40 PM

Post# of 41086
Hope your Loaded/My trip to Ligatt Atlanta,

LIGATT Security International
My visit to Ligatt Security International by Brwtrpilot...
First Disclosure.. I did not get one red penny or stock or soda (though soda offered) or anything from
from Ligatt Security, Greg Evans, or anyone that has anything to do with Ligatt Security International...
With one following exemption a spoofem card to try out (yet to use it having to much fun at the beach)

Second all below are my thoughts and musings and are not intended for anyone to make any investment choice based on what I write. Your investments are your business and you should act according...
I hope all who read the following are entertained and gain some insight into my trip to visit Ligatt Security...
PS I don't care if my spelling or grammar meets your requirements I make a great living with out so I don't stress it so neither should you...

From my home in Kentucky and with a car full of family the road trip began..
I am so glad that they made the mini van dvd player.. the children were quiet as we drove the first leg of the trip.. Traffic was ok not so much that I was stressed and that was good..
We got to Atlanta Sunday evening and got a room about 10-15 min from the listed address on the Ligatt
website..That put us about 10 min from the show put on by medieval times.. So while the wife and the baby crashed at the hotel me and my older boys went to see sword fights and jousting.
Had a great time...

So I figure you all are wondering what I saw at Ligatt.. Getting to it...
First I had contacted Amanda and Asked if it was good alright to do on site Due Diligence
visit oh about 2 or 3 weeks ago. She said no prob.
Well after sending her my planned time of visit and general time of arrival I ended up calling Amanda
about 9:30 am Atlanta time Monday... I was sitting at the address posted on the website...
I was aware that this would not be the actual physical address of the company and had planned accordingly. So after the Call to Amanda she informed me of the physical address as the one I was at is the mail address... Now the fun begins. Not being a big city boy but being armed with a GPS and address I was on my way. Ha that is what I thought.. after driving around in circles for about 30 min
A local police officer told me the address I was looking for was a not so desired local apartment complex I was ticked but figured well this is just another scam...
I was ready to slam them on the board after meeting with some other family members who
work in the justice system in Atlanta.(Family in high places) I was ready to nail Greg to the wall...
Well I give Amanda one more call and tell her I am sitting in a parking lot of the Apartment Complex
and will not be coming in.. She said there office is not there and says I am lost.. I tell her I just talked to the police and he said this is the address she gave me... ( OH my Bad) write # right road but wrong side of the road... Who ever made up the Address system in Atlanta was high or something..
So while I am on the phone Amanda I am saying I see this business and this road sign.. She is like ok turn around go under the over pass and drive back.. Once I found something she knew she talked me into the office of Ligatt. It was the address she told me first off. Amanda was standing in the parking lot with here phone in hand...

The office is nice on the outside surrounded by trees and 8' barb wire fence and security gate,

Amanda then led me into the office..

My first impression in the office is one of casual professionalism
there was a receptionist, a fish tank some letters from different city's and firms that Ligatt has done business with.. (some big ones to boot)
There is a long hall way back with a work station and a young man working there...
off to the side is Greg Evans Office... ( I was not sure I was going to meet him or not)
Amanda had taken off down the hall way to get some other folks who work there to meet with me...
All told there four of us in the meeting to start.. Like I said prior on the board my main objective for the visit was to get a better understanding of the security and hacker suite product line up...
And also to see if they really had an office and staff.
Amanda and 3 other office staff and I move into a nice glass enclosed meeting room, PR director Ebony Simpson starts telling me about the different security and hacker products, she is sharp.. the way she described the product line up and how they are intended to be used made perfect logic, for this non-tech investor.
During the talk there sales manager came in and offered her card and asked if there was anything
I needed to know about the products at anytime feel free to call.. She then sat down and let Ebony continue. Now there are 5 LGTT reps and me in the meeting and Ebony is going to town she is pumped about the product line up, then all the sudden in mid sentence I catch a reflection in the window and non other than Greg Evan comes literally bounding into the room. (like bouncing almost)
I almost fell out of the my chair. I have been around all sorts of folks and Gregs energy level is way up there. He comes over shakes my hand then sit down across from me.. Ask where we are at in the meeting and lets Ebony continue. When she is done I tell Greg my main reason for the visit is to understand the product line up and at this stage in the game I don't care about the Share Price.
(His turn to fall out of the chair)
He then gets to talking about the different uses of the products and how the work together and the lets slip there is another one in the pipeline.
After he stops talking about the products I hit him with how I was offended by some of the things he says on the U-Tube. And get this he ask me (pilot) he used my real name. How many people do you really think reads the message boards. And how many of those who post, Post with different names just to either pump or bash a stock.. I told him about 50 to 100 .. he just smiled and said and of that # how many are the same person with a different handle.. And then said (pilot) I don't care what the folks on the board say, I am building a international company and have many more investors who know nothing about the message boards. I am on TV and Radio all the time. I have investors who know me from my books and magazines and print news. He then says go into the lobby and look at the letters from the different clients we have done business for.. That is the real investor base. People who buy block of stock and then don't even look at it for months at a time.. These people don't flip stock on a small tic. They are in for the long haul they understand what it takes to build a business.
So then I ask him what are your dreams and goals? Greg says let me tell you a story. I was sitting down one day talking to another Hacker and he said Greg what you want out of life is mail box money..
and I (Greg) was like what are you talking about.... Mailbox money is when you wake up in the morning walk your dog to the mail box and pick up your residual check from the effort you put forward in the past.. That is what I am doing with Ligatt, we have spoofem there is little or no overhead, It sits on a computer and no matter if I am sitting here talking with you or out with my friends it is making money. That is where we are heading with the Suite of products we have and are in the process of putting into the pipeline. The way I am setting this company and its products up is so they will in the long run mainly run themselves with very little effort after the initial set up. They will continue to generate revenue as we move forward and expand our company.

Now if investors learn about the potential of our products and what they can do for the public to protect themselves from hackers, and predators on line then we have succeeded. And that is just a small portion of where we are headed. There is the law enforcement community we are working with and then there are services we offer for not only our Government but Governments overseas. Understand (pilot) this will be an international company in the not to distant future.
I then asked him a little about the confusion on the and why it took so long to get it right.
Greg said (pilot) look around you, I have and am in the process of surrounding myself with a core group of professionals who have used the past what is it 5 months or so since we went public to use the pink sheets for practice, I am getting to know there strengths and weaknesses as they mine..
We will not be on the pinks very long we are moving at a very fast pace and when I feel we have reached a level of professionalism in our core group things are going to happen so fast it will blow your mind. And that is all I can say about that at this time...
I then asked him about his new CFO this was the day she/he was starting I think, He said they were in meetings with several accounting firms to bring the books on line. That while it may take some time
he intends to have all that information ready for the public.
(My Musings, knowing how much it cost to have a CFO I wonder why have one unless Greg is planning to up list to another board? There is little logic in spending that kind of money unless
you have bigger plans IMHO)
We talked a little longer I told him I would be writing up my visit for the folks on the board and said I would be sending him a copy for him or Amanda to look over before I posted it, he the got a little hostile and said I was not to send Amanda anything about my visit as he wanted to make darn sure I wrote what I saw and not what Amanda had to say. He said this was my visit and outside view of his operation and he wanted to make sure it was not tainted by someone from inside his company...
I then explained that the only reason I send my write up to any company is out of desire to make sure any Fact were correct and I had not misunderstood them and that I did not intend to sugar coat anything I say or think.. He agreed with me sending this report but instructed Amanda to only look for any Facts I may have got wrong or misunderstood.
With that the meeting was over as Greg had a phone call he had to take. He showed his self out and that was the last I saw of him..
I asked Amanda if it was alright If I took a couple of staff photos..
She said no prob and I was escorted back down the long hall way..
The computer techs were at there stations and Amanda had them gather for the below photo...

So there you go folks that was my visit to Ligatt's office in Atlanta.

I do intend in the future to drop by again and say hi, maybe even take some of them out for lunch..
I did not get into the share structure or the TA, or any of that stuff.
My investing is based on a understanding of the potential of a product and it's usefulness, If it will be accepted by a large consumer base. And can a company keep its product line up fresh and up to date with the changing technology. From what I saw and understand so far Ligatt is poised to do just that.
I feel the education of the General Public needing to use hacker security products will take some time.
I think that Ligatt should seek out computer manufactures and work a deal to have a Ligatt Icon placed on new computers, So the public can have an opportunity to visit and use the programs.
Remember it cost nothing to see if your computer has holes in security and only 29 bucks if it does.
Then if it does you will be directed to software on that will take care of your computer.
PS: I just sent this to Amanda the only change was I thought the Ebony was LaKisha the prez of the company so I changed the name.. so with staff in picture and those not pictured I counted
15 people in the main office when I was there. 10 pictured Greg, the CFO, Lakisha, the young man in the hallway workstation and the nice lady at the front desk..
There was another hall behind where the staff pic was taken I could hear people but I did not see them.
Hope this helps happy trading