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Re: None

Sunday, 05/17/2009 2:34:56 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:34:56 PM

Post# of 79739
The True EVRM History...

The history is not as bad as what many have been leading on to think. I think EVRM is going to transform to be a legitimate Defense Contracting Company. Maybe not on the same levels as Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), American Systems Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, CACI, Cogent, Ideal Innovations, SAIC, and Telos Corporation, but with them being partners with EDS/Hewlett-Packard (HP), they are definitely rubbing elbows with the type of “Big Boys.”

Keep in mind too that all of those other companies mentioned are Prime Contractors for the US Army’s Biometrics Operations and Support Services Unrestricted (BOSS-U) program for multiple contract awards to fill specific Tasking Orders. I have confirmed that some of the Tasking Orders have been handed down already so subcontractors should be getting their contracts too. Know too that EVRM is a subcontractor to EDS/HP as PR-ed below:

Also in that above PR, keep in mind that the $497 million of Government dollars from the US Army’s BOSS-U program is allocated by fiscal year. If money that is budgeted per fiscal year is not spent, then the money for the next fiscal year will be given to mirror that reduction in funds not utilized. So, I expect that “all” of the $497 million will get properly allocated and committed by 30 Sep 09, which is when this fiscal year will end.

Jonathan Sym had no control over that previous entity as you see from what was recently PR-ed. The PR made that very clear as it also made it very clear that they are in the process of obtaining the controlling interest. I had gone back to read through all 3606 posts on the STS Evermedia board below to better understand what ”really” transpired:

There are two types of control for a company when trading in the market; controlling your stock and controlling your operations. Jonathan was responsible for controlling the operational side of the house and knew nothing about controlling the stock side of the house. Because of this, they were victims to the one person that controlled the stock side of the house whose name I won’t mention.

That is why they had to get into another entity to where ”they would have control over” which is why they allowed their operational existence to be acquired by DYMH which is now EVRM. That is why they did not want to put out any news while under that previous entity (STSM which became SEVM). I want you to read a post by wererabbit made back on 22 May 07 informing shareholders of a positive response from Jonathan Sym and then read the post made by GlassCrasher back on 26 Sep 07 informing shareholders of a conversation with Jonathan Sym with a little different attitude:

Posted by: wererabbit
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 12:59:01 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 3606
Just go an email from the CEO. I had emailed a couple weeks ago about a forward split and pr's. Here's a copy of the actual email he sent and my original one below it. More coming soon. "Mr. (me),
I am glad to hear that you are excited about our company. We are working
very diligently to become a dominant player in the security space using
our proprietary iris recognition technologies.

I do not expect a forward split anytime soon. We took over the old CMBV
and spun off their assets and liabilities as well as taking over
management. We have nothing to do with the former owners and really don't know
what their true business was. However, I will be putting out a lot more
PRs in the future. We have a lot of exciting things that are happening
and will do our best to update all shareholders".

Cheers/Jonathan Sym

Jonathan Sym
CEO, STS Evermedia Corporation


As you can see, Jonathan was very excited about the company and keeping his shareholders informed. He also stated that the company would be putting out a lot more PRs in the future. He also stated that they have a lot of exciting things that are happening and that they would do their best to keep all shareholders updated.

Now read when Jonathan had a change of heart about putting out news under STSM/SEVM after returning a phone call to speak with the investor called GlassCrasher:

Posted by: GlassCrasher
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5:56:16 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 3606
CEO Jonathan Sym returned my call.

We talked for at least 30 minutes. Here are some key points of our conversation:

-He has no affiliation with Patrick Downs. He doesn't even know who he is or how the rumor got started. He said he received numerous amounts of calls and e-mails regarding this issue. So let's put that rumor to rest!
-There are 3 offices for STS-Evermedia: Main office is in Pittsburgh. This is where the research and development takes place. He invited me or anyone who wishes, to visit this location and see for themselves, the products they are developing. Other office is in Texas and Boston. The Boston office is purely administrative and has about 3 employees only.
-He has been out of town, the reason he hasn't responded to the e-mails or telephone calls. He has been visting "Every Hedge Fund and Venture Capital Fund" discussing his company and products, trying to raise capital. He told me they were interested, however they would only offer to financially back him via Convertible Debentures, at ridiculous terms. Mr. Sym refused this and he was adamant about it. He does not want any part of this Toxic Financing.
I was extremely happy to hear this! Very rare for a pink sheet CEO to adopt this philosophy!!
-He doesn't know what happened to the plummet in Stock price. I asked if he was selling and he is not. His shares are restricted for 2 years. Also, most of the shares were bought by family and friends, in the Boston area he says, and those shares are also restricted.

-He personally reached an agreement with the Korean holders of the patent and purchased the rights from them himself. He believes their technology for the Iris Recognition is superior to Iridian's (The major player in this field). He stated that Iridian's technology is 20 years old and outdated. Also, STS-Evermedia is 1 of only 2 companies to have their own patent rights.

-There will be no Press releases. This is being purposely done. He doesn't want to issue any compensatory shares to IR/PR firms. Wants no part of "any pump and dump".
Any information will be released via the website. A new website has been completed and being proofed right now; it is expected to be up in 2-3 weeks. The old/present website was just "thrown together" quickly. Remember they have only been public since February and in business for 2 years total.

One thing he emphasized was his affiliation with the Department of Defense. He told me he has Top Secret Clearance with the DOD. This was some nice news! Also, he stressed the importance of being part of the Service Disabled Veteran Owned small business. A certain percentage of government contracts must be awarded to this classification of companies.

It was a pleasure talking with Mr. Sym! He was very enthusiastic about his company. I couldn't believe when he started talking about visiting Hedge Funds on the East Coast and rejecting Toxic Financing, definitely a breath of fresh air.



So now, as you can see, Jonathan had gone from saying…

“I will be putting out a lot more PRs in the future. We have a lot of exciting things that are happening and will do our best to update all shareholders"

…to saying…

”There will be no Press releases. This is being purposely done. He doesn't want to issue any compensatory shares to IR/PR firms. Wants no part of "any pump and dump."

The questions we should all ask ourselves are… Why? Why would Jonathan as the CEO of STS go from having all kinds of news to put out of which he wants released to adamantly stating that there will be no press releases to update shareholders? Why would Jonathan as the CEO feel so adamant about making sure they are “NOT” part of any pump and dump? What made him so paranoid about this?

Well, here’s why. Read the article in the post below by GlassCrasher:

The CEO and President of STS Evermedia Corporation were Jonathan Sym and Richard Weitzel respectively. However, think back about what I mentioned above as to how there are two different types of control for a stock trading on the market. There is the control for the growth of the stock and there is the control for the growth of the operations as both are fundamentally important to survive and continue growing on the market. Given their positions, Jonathan and Richard realized that they had no control over the stock as for how they thought things would be. This is where they became victims to some learning experiences that prepared them to be able to now grow EVRM of which they control both the stock and operations sides of control.

Well, even from doing my DD, there was one other guy, whose name I won’t mention, that actually had control of the stock. A decision was made in good faith to hire Icarus Investments, Inc. to help grow STS within the stock world to be in line with making the investment community aware of the operationally growth that was transpiring with STS. Although I have not done much research on Icarus, and probably won’t, Icarus looks to be a very legit and professional investment firm as you can see from observing their portfolio of companies that they contributed in their growth:

Jonathan had no idea as to why the price of STS was dropping from the .85 area or so. Later, it was discovered that the guy in control of the stock had hired Icarus investments, Inc. Icarus entered into an agreement with Jeff Galpern. Some believed that Jeff turned out to be a major con-man, but personally… I don’t know from reading the story. The bad guys really could have been the guys Jeff hired. It’s really hard to assess everyone’s true intentions that were involved, but it was very easy to see and from doing further due diligence (DD) that the management of STS had no involvement or control over the situation. However, since their names’ were out in the forefront, they unfairly got the blame on something they had no clue about what was ”really” happening. Icarus gave Jeff Galpern 5,333,333 shares of STSM of which were not to be sold until after a certain price and after a certain time far in the future. This was negotiated and agreed by the two parties. However, Jeff disseminated the shares to a few other investors that he trusted would honor the same agreement that he made with Icarus. Jeff did this without the approval from Icarus of which obtaining approval to do such was part of their agreement too. Instead, these guys Jeff trusted didn’t honor the agreement to hold their shares and they sold their shares into the market causing the price of STSM/SEVM to drop. Those shares were not supposed to be disseminated or sold unless authorization was given to do so by Icarus. That authorization was never granted and when Icarus discovered what had transpired, they went after Jeff Galpern to sue him for damages towards the stock STSM/SEVM. Still, keep in mind, all of this is going on with the stock side of the house while STS was greatly growing operationally while its management not having a clue about what was ”really” happening to cause the drop in the STSM/SEVM share price. Jonathan’s phone starting blowing off the hook claiming that the company was diluting. Frustration set in from being bombarded with phone calls along with a plummeted stock price from not knowing the true reasons why.

Later, when the management of STS discovered what was ”really” happening, they decided that they did not want to put out any news to support the guys selling into the contract news they had been sitting on. From my understanding and from doing further DD, they have remained in good faith with these vendors and are still currently doing business with the companies. I will explain why this is huge later in some future posts. Jonathan believed that if they had released any PRs, they would be supporting a “pump and dump” to hurt the growth of the company by them guys selling into any strength that would have been gained. This was during the same time frame when Jonathan had made the decision, as earlier posted, to not put out any news. This is why Jonathan had a change of heart to not put out any news after previously wanting to do so due to his excitement from the growth that the company was experiencing. This is when the decision was made for STS to go silent until they were able to roll their assets out of the STSM/SEVM ”stock/trading” entity of which they had no control of and roll their assets into an entity of which they would control by being the Parent Company. This is where DYMH came into existence to help which later changed its name and ticker to our now EVRM. EVRM is now that Parent Company of which all business and contracts will flow through.

Some key notes for understanding from earlier DD:

** Jonathan wants to put out news as he has been sitting on lots of news waiting for this moment. As you can see, one, maybe two, more pieces of closing up some administrative procedures are in the process of being closed which would put the company back on its original course.

** Jonathan is very adamant about making sure that there will be no reverse splits after knowing what previous shareholders had experienced from the previous STSM/SEVM entity which had gone from CMBV, to CVNU, to STSM, to SEVM. Remember, although they were unfairly blamed, the STS management had no control over the previous entities and the then current stock situation. They only had control over the operational side of STS and not the stock side. They fully understand the detriments and repercussions from those previous experiences.

** EVRM and SEVM are two completely separate entities. EVRM will be taking over the assets of SEVM and will make themselves the Parent Company to allow for contracts to be announce through EVRM. They fully understand that it would be much more difficult to grow your company through a grey sheets entity of which is what SEVM is.

** So why are they acquiring STS to make them a subsidiary? Well, because the STS management believes that this is the best they can do to try to make things right with the previous SEVM situation. They actually could have moved forward without looking back as I have seen what many other companies had done. They deemed it fair to acquire SEVM, or the majority stake, to help those STS shareholders that had suffered from the previous ”actual ownership” to be brought along for the growth that they believe they will be experiencing with STS. This allows those shareholders that bought SEVM to be part of their original intentions of growth from STS. By purchasing the controlling interest, they could bring STS under their controlled entity (EVRM) as a subsidiary to experience growth from news they could then release upon purchasing the controlling interest. As per EVRM’s last PR, that is in the process of being completed.

** Also, Evermedia Biometrics will bring in many contracts and so will STS Evermedia Corporation as they already have them from doing some DD. To not acquire STS would be leaving out some very key contracts on the table. They might as well grow them together as what was originally planned.

** As previously mentioned by the CEO, Jonathan Sym…

*** They are working very diligently to become a dominant player in the security space using their proprietary iris recognition technologies.

*** They had originally taken over the old CMBV/CVNU entity and spun off their assets and liabilities as well as taking over management.

*** They have nothing to do with the former owners and really don't know what their true business was.

*** They desire to be putting out a lot more PRs in the future.

*** They have a lot of exciting things that are happening and will do their best to update all shareholders.

*** They have no affiliation with Patrick Downs. Jonathan doesn’t even know who he is or how the rumor got started, but he previously received numerous amounts of calls and e-mails regarding Patrick Downs being involved. (I’ll explain this later in another post.)

*** There are 3 offices for STS-Evermedia. Their main office is in Pittsburgh. This is where the research and development takes place. He invited anyone who wishes, to visit this location and see for themselves, the products they are developing. Other offices are in Texas and Boston. The Boston office is purely administrative and has about 3 employees only.

*** Jonathan seems to travel a lot in looking for ways to grow his company. He has previously visited hedge funds and venture capital funds discussing his company and products to try to raise capital in the past. Although there was interest shown, they would only offer to financially back the company via Convertible Debentures, at ridiculous terms. Jonathan refused this and he was adamant about it.

*** The company wants no parts of any kind of Toxic Financing which is awesome and great for a pink sheets CEO to adopt this philosophy.

*** The company has no intentions on selling any shares to put into the market as his shares are restricted.

*** Lots of shares were bought and are being held by his family members. This is why I think he will make sure EVRM does the things to grow into a major powerhouse within the Defense Contracting Industry. Jonathan Sym has some stellar credentials where I believe all should observe below:

*** Also, EVRM’s Board is made up of 4 military officers from 4 different branches. I think people should not challenge the integrity of these guys and for that reason alone, people should see this to be very different than your average pink sheets stock. They are ”NOT” in this to scam or rip people off.

*** Jonathan personally reached an agreement with the Korean holders of the patents and purchased the rights from them himself. He believes their technology for the Iris Recognition is superior to Iridian's (the major player in this field). Iridian's technology is 20 years old and outdated. You can learn much more about the difference in the post below where I completed a “compare and contrast” with L-1 Identity Solutions Inc. which trades on the NYSE at over $8:00+ per share under the ticker of ID:

*** STS Evermedia is 1 of only 2 companies to have their own patent rights.

*** Jonathan emphasized that he had an affiliation with the Department of Defense (DOD). He has a Top Secret Clearance with the DOD.

*** STS is also importantly part of the Service Disabled Veteran Owned small business. This is important because it is mandatory that a certain percentage of government contracts be awarded to this classification of companies.

The intentions of Jonathan Sym and STS to be a major player in the market and as a Defense Contracting Company are very sincere. Doing things the way they have been done up to this point was the only option they had to be able to positively move forward with their original plans for growth as a stock and growth operationally as a company that allowed them to control both avenues of growth. There is much more that I have confirmed as to why I believe that we will be seeing the release of a few major contracts and contracts released on a regular basis of which I will post some of that DD later, but some of that DD… I must admit that I won’t post. This is because I think action from the company will begin to speak much louder than any words I or anyone could ever speak to further confirm their legitimacy. I still think that we are Golden here with EVRM!!!
