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Re: bazzinga post# 25366

Tuesday, 02/07/2017 6:22:08 PM

Tuesday, February 07, 2017 6:22:08 PM

Post# of 28688
Two Questions

In regards to your statement: "Even though I'm under an NDA, I've avoided talking to John Bourque because I really don't want insider info. Especially, if I decide to start selling at some point."

(1.) For those that obtained BORKs directly from Bourque Industries, for this transaction to be legal and not a violation of the usage of Insider Information, such decision to purchase BORKs must only be determined by existing public information at the time of purchase and not after one has a visit to Bourque Industries Headquarters & Lab for a look-around that includes conversations with John Bourque and/or company officers. It is folly to describe any such visuals, demonstrations and conversations to exclude company status not available to the public, especially when an NDA is required.

(2.) Now I'm confused. If a person has a visit to Bourque Industries Headquarters & Lab for a look-around that includes conversations with John Bourque and/or company officers and obtains company status not available to the public, the nature of which can be used to determine a buy/sell/hold decision, then I would conclude that until that non-public information is made public, that this person by law is prohibited from trading Bourque Industries shares, and can not present trading advise to anyone else no matter that advise is expressed as an opinion.


The following text is a rehash of my prior posts and contains no new information, just my opinions born from frustration towards John Bourque and Bourque Industries senior officers.


My current (recent as in moths) attitude towards John Bourque and Bourque Industries is positive. My near two million held BORK shares at average 1¢ will be traded as first a fraction to recover my total investment and then for a long hold as Bourque Industries hopefully returns decent values to BORK pps for which I expect the range to start at 5¢ this year and increase over the next five years to 50¢ with a very successful revolutionary Kryron acceptance into the marketplace, or 15¢ if not a revolutionary acceptance.

I never visited Bourque Industries Headquarter & Lab, never signed an NDA with Bourque Industries, and the only contact I had with Bourque Industries personnels were a few e-mails and telephone conversations with Bourque Industries Chief Security Officer Juan Mendoza.

John Bourque's maneuvers in regards to shareholder communication is quite deplorable, using Juan Mendoza as a front-man to represent an illusion of shareholder communication.

Juan Mendoza has relinquished control of his stated position at Bourque Industries to a person having no such legal access to control communication to shareholders when such information is not restricted by law and confidentiality agreements.

During the last twelve months (Reference: 03/15/16) I and a few Hurting in the Dark Shareholders engaged Bourque Industries Chief Security Officer Juan Mendoza directly on the telephone with an honorable ethic, expecting the same from Juan.

Juan Mendoza repeated many times to me that he represented to all shareholders of Bourque Industries a viable conduit for shareholders to receive "what is allowed by law" disclosures to the public in the venue where this information is not widely dispersed to all of the public using established official shareholder communication.

Its now apparent that Juan deliberately mislead most all shareholders in a calculated deceptive manner so as not to acknowledge that he as speaking for Bourque Industries "... has filtered the shareholder speaking to as having motivations which are not helpful to the company or its shareholders #msg-121151154" without such acknowledgement being forthcoming to the person he spoke to, leading this person to accept as truth that all other public persons without a valid "need to know" received the same response, as in "I can not release to you any status of Kryron or activity at Bourque Industries in regards to tests, demonstrations, manufacturing inroads or product advancements towards sales.

Its noted that the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders find it offensive to receive from those adynamic minded John Bourque's apologetics like CJ/MQ telling them to accept as positive, helpful and safe a condition of ignorance towards their 2011 investment in BORK that remains at a 99% lost due to Juan Mendoza's acceptance to not protect shareholders by allowing the Market to receive the signals from Bourque Industries that it is a company unable to function simply because it has zero positive actual activity to report.

Juan Mendoza, The Hurting in the Dark Shareholders are not idiots, and even if most all wait in silence, their observance of your non-functioning is clear to all except a few John Bourque's apologetics that seemingly have been granted access to Bourque Industries inner workings by decree with the only authority at Bourque Industries, John Bourque.

John Bourque has given marching-orders to his puppet Board of Directors not to release communication to all shareholders of Bourque Industries status activity.

But there is a flaw here for John Bourque, as the billion share count, special shares to John Bourque, royalty assignments, and undisclosed agreements for lab rental or purchase, manufacturing capacity to obtain, and private investor(s) demands have all taken claim to putting a damper on BORK's pps to never come close to obtaining anything close to a one dollar value such that the Hurting in the Dark Shareholders will realized that their near total investment lost is permanent even if Bourque Industries is able to become a success story. When that happens I expect the gates of litigation (hell for John Bourque and all current and past officers) will open.

Its clear why Mr. Mendoza, while reading this board, he will not post directly or reply to any posts on this board, that being all posts answered by Mr. Mendoza will have appearance of stonewalling, so instructed by John Bourque to Mr. Mendoza to execute as.

Once again, John Bourque's tactics from the period when he left Bourque Industries to this very day, and continues, is to have BORK's pps reflect that of a failed company such that all "shares for services," awarded to his puppets at the Board of Directors, and now quite clear, John Bourque's payment in shares for his Pig in a Poke patent creation that Bourque Industries purchased, will be calculated at a pps sub penny, and return John Bourque status as majority shareholder. That and "shares for services" awarded to the Board of Directors at a sub penny pps at time it becomes announced that all Directors have been retroactively awarded a "salary for services" in the six figures (digits) payable in shares valued at that manipulated "failed company" Market valuation of sub penny.

Now we are to believe (Reference: 11/01/15) that only the conditions that came into existence since his return 9 months ago created the ability of this company to have made great progress, as so described in the recent financial. That is a pile of horse manure as everyone is aware of since we all know that if John Bourque fully transferred to Bourque Industries all knowledge of Kryron 2½ years ago that Kryron samples could have been made and examined for properties so described as existing on the company web site. That constant example of the past where the U.S. government offered to test Kryron at the taxpayers expense knowing that if Kryron does test as described by John Bourque that it would represent an advancement in all matters valuable to the United States.

But no, since if that was done, with successful results, Bourque Industries would have been transformed into a company such that those near half billion shares awarded to John Bourque, to keep him as company majority shareholder, would not have been executed since this company would have employed those educated and skilled in alloys to improve and expand on Bourque Industries patent reserve. Implications being that John Bourque sold all his shares, and held none during the past 2½ years.

The posts contained on my (gotmilk) account are my own opinions and are not recommendations or advise to buy or sell any security, stocks or other investments. These posts are for entertainment purposes only and are not considered to be facts or truth. - Doug

The posts contained on my (gotmilk) account are my own opinions and are not recommendations or advise to buy or sell any security, stocks or other investments. These posts are for entertainment purposes only and are not considered to be facts or truth.