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Sunday, 11/13/2016 5:09:54 PM

Sunday, November 13, 2016 5:09:54 PM

Post# of 19859
So What Happened...?...election 2016
What created this insanity called Donald T.rump...did a complete a$$ get elected your president(...some say mentally off based sociopath= a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience). How could 1/2 the voters that voted ignore this mental instability...?...He's been compared to Governor George Wallace, the making of a Hitler and a Calagulia. Unless something is done to retrieve this lost character's sanity; we just as well content ourselves, and expect the days of a Nero and a Calagulia. what happened...?

Remember BreXit...what happened...?
In much of western Europe, on all the issues that matter, competitive politics decayed to a rotation of arrogant co-regents of an insular elite, with predictable consequences: if the political culture forbids respectable politicians from raising certain issues, then the electorate will turn to unrespectable ones.

This is unworthy of a democracy,[color=red][/color] and more to the point deeply unhealthy. One reason why the Eutopian dream has fizzled across the Continent is because the entire political class took it for granted no right-thinking person could possibly disagree with them, so they never felt they had to bother arguing the case and now that they have to, they can't remember what the arguments were.
( I've said many times...human are not complicated...they just complicate everything...=one big dysfunctional family, Nation and World.)

Hence the bipartisan establishment's response to T.rump: Jeb was befuddled, and Hillary's only card was to dismiss half the population as "deplorables" who were "irredeemable". Not our kind of people, darling.
(kiy...imho this was the deciding factor; she insulted 1/2 the population and many of the undecided... before that, it was a toss up...Now given 2 very poor choices I guess we got the one we deserved. I find it very deplorable that he is going to be our president and I'm very embarrassed that our country has reached such a low level of intelligence, integrity and I think our moral principles are in the sewer.) It's sad...

I'm sorry... I think we could have done wasn't in the red pill and it wasn't in the blue pill...this time I think it was in the cool-aide or something we've been smoking...and we've got a very Dumbed Down Democracy /populist...theMatrix...
Unless the immense seriousness and reality of the job does something to retrieve his better character, we may as well content ourselves, and expect the days of a Nero and a Calagulia.

You Can't Always Get What You Want the Rolling Stones
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was her footloose man

No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you might find
You get what you need

But I went down to the demonstration
To get your fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes well you just might find
You get what you need

I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill

We the People have spoken...
Sam Harris Dismantles President Donald Trump & Why He Won

Sam Harris Dismantles President Donald Trump & Why He Won

I Hope this Trump makes a showing soon...not the HATE/ANGER/Bigot T.rump...
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
Khizr Khan responds to Trump's win

Craig Eisele on May 19, 2012
To My Fellow Americans: Be Afraid… BE VERY AFRAID
Dear Fellow Americans:
It is great regret that I have to make this post…. but I am afraid… I am VERY afraid the way our individual rights have been stripped away one at a time bringing the threat of Orwell’s’ Big Brother into our lives.

I am a Republican… I have been my entire life… and yet I have seen a change in my party that brings tears to my eyes and fear in my heart. We have become a monster party of Fear, Hate, Liars, Distorter’s of the Truth and while we clamor for less government.. we actually make more laws for the government to take away our individually right under the guise of keeping us safe and free from harm. We are a knee jerk society… we champion the cause of the day.. we are insensitive to the needs of our neighbors and others we call Americans…. we are bigoted, racist and sexist and secretly embrace every ism there is… all in the name of being good and show ourselves to be hypocritical in our actions.

One by one we surrender ourselves by not standing up for our rights and the abuses that government has imposed upon us… and we are therefore sheep being lead to slaughter as we will no longer be free…. If you cannot relate to the poem below.. than you are grossly misled n the America we live in today.. and worse I fear my own party more than the Democrats as my party has been hijacked by ultra right-wing extremists who are more dangerous to America than any threat from Iran, North Korea or Islamic extremists combined… READ the below and KNOW … You are the one they are coming for next…..
When the Nazis Came for Me Pastor Martin Niemöller]
“First they came for my neighbor, and I said nothing. Then they came for me and there was no one left to stand with me.”

The “neighbor” quote is loosely based on the many variations of the famous poem attributed to Martin Niemöller:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist..

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.

(Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. - I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it's right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn't it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]?) ...from Wikipedia...

When they came for me,
there was no-one left
to speak out.

I want smaller government and less regulations.. the problem is business today cannot be trusted anymore to do the right thing and so we have more regulations.. just as when we see someone commit a horrific crime and we want more laws, so it is that business have proven themselves to be untrustworthy…

There is class warfare.. but it is the extremely wealthy with few exceptions that are oblivious to the suffering that the average person is experiencing.

My party misstates the truth in that a government is NOT a business.. .. when things are bad it has been historical in all governments to step up and help the country through governmental spending as well as programs for the destitute… but we seem to have lost our humanity in pursuit of the dollar… A sad testimony to a America that has historically been generous to the world. To deviate from that today is a mistake of monumental proportions and assures a country will stay in recession and decline for many years to come… and makes me happy I will not live to see my party destroy my country because of the tyrannical actions of a small base of hate mongers. If I was not sick before.. my party would have driven me to this spot for my stomach turns every time I watch news with the ignorance that is portrayed by so many “PUBLIC Officials” but especially my own party.

If you believe Austerity is what this country needs.. then look at what has been happening in Europe…. the people are refusing to pay for what mess former(yes FORMER like Bush) and now MY republican party is taking us down the bad road again….. WHAT was the stated Goal of the Republican Party the last 8 year.. Not to make the country better.. but to make Obama a ONE TERM PRESIDENT… WTF.. we should be focused on what is good for the country NOT getting revenge because he won… we missed the point and hence an opportunity to make our party better.. and instead became bitter.


So What Happened...?...election 2016
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