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Re: None

Friday, 03/11/2016 12:20:58 PM

Friday, March 11, 2016 12:20:58 PM

Post# of 50031
Confirmation From A Rontan Director.

I'm back. Nothing has changed here. GDSI & Rontan are still subjected to Section 8.3.

Also, a worker for Rontan that I had spoken to claimed that Edigimar Maximiliano Jr. was hired as CEO for an American Company. He does not know who. However, after reading the Press Release again, I noticed it stated, "At an upcoming special meeting, GDSI's board of directors is expected to elect Rontan's CEO, Edigimar A. Maximiliano Jr., Chief Executive Officer of GDSI and Richard J. Sullivan Non-Executive Chairman".

If what the worker told me is true, then Edigimar Maximiliano Jr. is handling this agreement and Robert Sullivan is just supervising! Who better to handle this Reverse Triangular Merger than the CEO of Rontan himself.
(See my post here:

(See below for confirmation from a Rontan Director. I also posted the picture of the article & the link below.)

(The below statements were taken from the article. See link above.)

O outro lado: O Jornal Integração foi o primeiro veículo de comunicação a divulgar esta informação em seu site oficial na quinta-feira (22). Na sexta-feira, a redação recebeu um telefonema de um diretor da Rontan e este informava que ainda havia alguns detalhes para concretizar o negócio. A redação recorreu ao economista Renato José Rodrigues Fernandes e este informaque, de acordo com o contrato, assinado dia 7 de outubro, as partes somente poderiam divulgar publicamente o contrato depois de concretizado o negócio. O jornalista Renê José Rodrigues Fernandes, da FGV/SP, disponibilizou na página do Jornal Integração o acordo de compra e venda exposto no Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários) do EUA, assinado por João Alberto Bolzan e José Carlos Bolzan e o 8-K filing (documento para notificação de investidores), uma exigência do governo dos EUA para aquisições de empresas. A exposição no site do governo americano repercutiu na bolsa de valores.

The other side: The Journal Integration was the first vehicle of communication to disseminate this information on its official website on Thursday (22). On Friday, the newsroom received a call from a director of Rontan this and reported that there were still some details to the deal. The wording used the economist Renato José Rodrigues Fernandes and this informaque, according to the contract signed on October 7, the parties could only make public the contract after realized the business. The journalist Rene José Rodrigues Fernandes, from FGV/SP, released in the Journal Integration page the purchase agreement and exposed sale of the Securities and Exchange Commission (Securities Commission) of the US, signed by João Alberto Bolzan and José Carlos Bolzan and 8-K filing (document for investors notification), a requirement of the US government to acquisitions. The exhibition at the American government website reflected in the stock market.