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Tuesday, 05/26/2015 10:15:49 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 10:15:49 PM

Post# of 482592
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

[ , ]

Published on Apr 3, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Alex Jones reads and breaks down the famous Patrick Henry speech.

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The South Carolina Freedom Summit in 2 Minutes

[ , ]

Published on May 9, 2015 by Bloomberg Business [ / , ]

GOP hopefuls converged on Greenville on Saturday for the South Carolina Freedom Summit. In case you missed it, Bloomberg Politics brings you some of the highlights.

South Carolina Freedom Summit
May 9, 2015

Citizens United

Applause-causing comments from Republicans at the South Carolina Freedom Summit

William Temple, of Brunswick, Ga., dressed as Button Gwinnett [ ], waits in line at the Freedom Summit.
May 9, 2015 [with comments]


Military Lied! Jade Helm Is Training To Kill Americans Who Resist

Published on Apr 18, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Footage out of California shows armed National Guard troops patrolling residential streets and practicing traffic control.Helicopters and tanks “scare” residents in Texas ahead of the Jade Helm military exercises, and American protesters are referred to as “enemy forces” and “aversaries” in National Guard documents. [with comments]


Obama Slammed at GOP Freedom Summit

Published on May 9, 2015 by Associated Press [ / , ]

Many of the leading GOP politicians who are either candidates for the White House, or poised to run in 2016, hit President Obama on foreign policy before hundreds of Republican activists at the GOP Freedom Summit in South Carolina Saturday. (May 9) [with comments]


Honorable Men Warned Us About The End of Days

Published on May 8, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex remembers great men of the past who warned us that the day of reckoning was coming. [with comments]


Ted Cruz at the South Carolina Freedom Summit

Published on May 9, 2015 by Ted Cruz [ / , ]

May 9, 2015 [with comments] [also at (with comments) and (with comment)]


Confirmed: Jade Helm Is For The American People

Published on May 8, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

David Knight and Rob Dew break down the sinister purpose behind Operation Jade Helm detailing how it is part of a broader plan to have the military and police forces work together to control the people in times of economic crisis and natural disaster. [with comments]


Scott Walker’s FULL SPEECH from the South Carolina Freedom Summit!

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Right Scoop [ , ]

Here’s the full speech [on 5-9-15] from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker from the South Carolina Woodstock of Freedom! [with comments] [also at (with comments) and (with comment)]


Mark Twain Would Be Ashamed To Be An American Today

Published on May 9, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

It was the great American Humorist Mark Twain who said Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it. If Mark Twain were alive today, I think he would quickly conclude that loyalty to our government lost its due right after 9/11. We have a Congress that has an approval rating that is no longer detectable by current technology. A growing public awareness that the War Of Drugs has been manufactured by the CIA and organized by the DEA. Government Law Enforcement, namely the FBI, NSA, DHS, and TSA illegally read our correspondences and listen to our communications while sexually fondling our families all in the name of national security, which pitifully adds up to national insecurity.

And if Mark Twain were alive today, well I would be ashamed to explain to him the abject putrefaction that wafts through the halls of the Environmental Protection Agency. I would ask him to cover his ears while I explained to rest of America, that EPA employees are regularly reprimanded for defecating in the hallways of the Denver, Colorado regional office. And that the watching of pornography on government computers at the EPA has become so commonplace, that EPA employees have been caught watching hours of porn, harassed the female employees and were then promoted. [with comments]


Gov. Rick Perry • South Carolina Freedom Summit • 5/9/15

Published on May 10, 2015 by iizthatiiz [ / , ]

May 9th, 2015 • Former Texas Governor Rick Perry addresses the South Carolina Freedom Summit. The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC.

Appropriate comments will be welcomed
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Published on May 9, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Jade Helm is NOT a martial law takeover but it does prepare the military for civil unrest here in America. [with comments]


Sen. Marco Rubio • South Carolina Freedom Summit • 5/9/15

Published on May 10, 2015 by iizthatiiz

May 9th, 2015 • Florida Senator Marco Rubio addresses the South Carolina Freedom Summit. The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. [with comment] [also at (with comments)]


Jade Helm Update: They’re About to Drop The Hammer!!

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones figures out the Jade Helm game plan. They’re about to drop the hammer. [with comments]


The Ambassador of Awesome John Bolton’s FULL SPEECH at South Carolina Freedom Summit!

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Right Scoop

The Bad-Ass Ambassador John Bolton [on 5-9-15] gave another brilliant speech on foreign policy and how Obama and Hillary are weakening America while at the Freedom Summit in South Carolina.

Man I love me some John Bolton. [with comments] [also at (with comment)]


Tanks Massing In New Hampshire

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Caller reports of tank build-up in the state of new hampshire.
which is NOT part of the jade helm exercise area. [with comments]


Donald Trump • South Carolina Freedom Summit • 5/9/15

Published on May 10, 2015 by iizthatiiz

May 9th, 2015 • Businessman Donald Trump addresses the South Carolina Freedom Summit. The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. [with comment] [also at (with comments)]


Citizens Speak Out Against Jade Helm Build-Up

Published on May 11, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Callers report seeing millitary in other states not part of jade helm exercise starting in july. [with comments]


WATCH: Rick Santorum’s FULL SPEECH from the South Carolina Freedom Fest

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Right Scoop

By popular demand!! Here’s the full speech [on 5-9-15] from Roarin’ Rick Santorum at the South Carolina Freedom Fest! [also at (with comment)]


Russian Caller: Jade Helm Is Preparations for Financial Collapse

Published on May 11, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Russian caller warns americans that the same exercise done in his home country of russia resulted in financial collapse. [with comments]


Carly Fiorina • South Carolina Freedom Summit • 5/9/15

Published on May 10, 2015 by iizthatiiz

May 9th, 2015 • Businesswoman Carly Fiorina addresses the South Carolina Freedom Summit. The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. [with comment]


Infowars Breaks ISIS Wide Open - The Alex Jones Show - 05/11/2015

Published on May 11, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Monday, May 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest ISIS terror tweets as the PATRIOT Act comes up for reauthorization. We also look into the CPS abduction of the children of a family that dared go off the grid and the lurid promotion of abortion on Mother’s Day by Planned Parenthood. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with David Icke. Mr. Icke is a writer, public speaker and a former professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He is the author of numerous books, including The Perception Deception, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion. [with comments]


Sen. Tim Scott • South Carolina Freedom Summit • 5/9/15

Published on May 10, 2015 by iizthatiiz

May 9th, 2015 • South Carolina Senator Tim Scott addresses the South Carolina Freedom Summit. The event featuring many potential contenders for the 2016 Republican party presidential nomination was held at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC. [with comment]


The Fall of Mankind is Here

Published on May 20, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones breaks down how if we do nothing our society will collapse in on itself under the globalist attack. [with comments]


Religious liberty CREATED the United States of America! – Bobby Jindal’s FULL Freedom Summit Speech

Published on May 10, 2015 by The Right Scoop

Bobby Jindal [on 5-9-15] hit the audience at the South Carolina Freedom Summit with this crowd-pleaser that might anger many liberal atheists: “the United States of America did not create religious liberty! Religious liberty created the United States of America!” [with comments] [also at (with comment)]


In Louisiana it’s syphilis; in Alaska it's boat crashes: the most distinctive cause of death in every state

May 16, 2015


Louisiana Republican Recalls Imaginary Time When Scientists Burned Heretics At The Stake

By Nick Wing
Posted: 05/11/2015 6:39 pm EDT Updated: 05/12/2015 11:59 am EDT

A Louisiana state senator recently offered a puzzling rationale for why schools in the state should be allowed to teach creationism.

Last month, Louisiana lawmakers considered a measure to repeal the Louisiana Science Education Act, a 2008 law that critics have characterized as a way of giving teachers latitude to introduce creationism and other unscientific theories into state classrooms.

In an April 22 hearing, state Sen. Elbert Guillory (R) made it clear that he would vote against the measure, SB 74 [ ]. In footage uploaded to YouTube last week [ (above, as embedded; with comments)], he can be seen using a bizarre tactic to support his argument -- namely, citing a nonexistent version of history where scientific truth reigned supreme and dissent invited brutal consequences.

“There was a time, sir, when scientists thought that the world was flat. And if you get to the end of it, you’d fall off," Guillory said. "There was another time when scientists thought that the sun revolved around the world. And they always thought to ensure that anyone who disagreed with their science was a heretic. People were burned for not believing that the world was flat. People were really badly treated."

Some of Guillory's assertions might sound familiar: Throughout history, people who have dared defy conventional beliefs about the shape of the Earth, and its relation to other celestial bodies, have indeed faced imprisonment, torture and even burning at the stake [ ]. But that cruelty was, of course, applied mainly by religious leaders to punish scientists for theories and observations that were seen as heresy.

When, for example, Galileo's empirical observations led him to argue in the 1600s that the planets actually revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church fought back by putting him on trial and eventually sentencing him to life in prison. In 1992, 359 years after that sentence was handed down, church authorities recanted, admitting that Galileo was right [ ].

Guillory did not immediately respond to a request for comment Monday.

In his April 22 remarks, as seen in the video, Guillory held up the garbled version of history as a reason why creationism ought to have a place in the classroom.

“Knowledge only grows when people can talk about and have this intellectual back-and-forth, this discourse, with all ideas on the table,” he said.

Activist Zack Kopplin, who uploaded the footage of Guillory's comments to YouTube, makes an appearance in his own video, arguing that while the free exchange of ideas is an important principle, it isn't an adequate defense of the LSEA.

"We don't give teachers the academic freedom to teach 1+1=3," he says in the clip.

Louisiana state Sen. Jean-Paul J. Morrell (D) also appears in the video, offering his own rebuttal to Guillory.

"When you look at history, oftentimes, when science pushes the envelope, the leading person to lock that person up is oftentimes religious leaders," says Morrell. "And at the end of the day, I think when you talk about a fair exchange of ideas, as long as those ideas are based in fact, I think you really don’t have a problem. At the end of the day, we want to have a logical discourse about things that are provable."

SB 74 did indeed eventually fail, likely preserving the LSEA for at least another year.

Guillory has attracted criticism in the past for strange defenses of what should and shouldn't be taught in science class. A few years back, he appeared to express concern [ ] that repealing the LSEA would mean that the teachings of a witch doctor he had met -- a man who “wore no shoes, was semi-clothed, [and] used a lot of bones that he threw around” -- would be off-limits.

Efforts to repeal the LSEA have failed five years in a row, with no legislation even making it out of the state Senate Committee on Education, despite support from 78 Nobel laureates [ ]. In light of that, Kopplin told The Huffington Post that he's no longer fazed by comments like Guillory's.

"In 2013, Senator Guillory insisted on keeping creationism in science class because of an experience he had with a witch doctor," Kopplin wrote in an email to HuffPost on Monday. "It's no surprise that he has a strong disrespect for historical fact either."

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


GOP Rep Says Christians Are Persecuted in the US, Can't Give Examples

Published on May 11, 2015 by The Undercurrent [ / , ]

At the South Carolina Freedom Summit, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN 7) was asked what role the US should play in protecting Christians around the world. She answered that America needed to protect religious liberty at home and that the State Department should step in abroad. Blackburn believes that Christians are being persecuted in the US, but could not give any examples. [with comments]


Glenn Beck Warns: 50% of Churches Will Disappear If Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Gay Marriage

Published on May 1, 2015 by TheDailyBeck [ / , ]

From the April 30, 2015 edition of 'The Glenn Beck Radio Program':

Glenn Beck Warns: 50% of Churches Will Disappear If Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Gay Marriage.

Glenn has a pretty clear stance on gay marriage: if it neither picks his pocket or breaks his leg, it doesn’t matter to him if gay marriage is legal or not. He simply doesn’t believe people of faith and churches should be forced to support it if they don’t believe it. In fact, government shouldn’t even be a part of it. But with gay marriage now before the Supreme Court [ ], he predicts that a ruling in favor of gay marriage could drastically change churches across the country.

“Hear’s my prediction: If gay marriage goes through the Supreme Court and gay marriage becomes fine and they can put teeth in it – so now they can go after the churches, like the president’s lawyer says – 50% of our churches will fall away. Meaning the congregations, within five years, 50% of the congregants will fall away from their church. Because they won’t be able to take the persecution,” Glenn said. “Because the stigma of going to church will be too much.”

Source: [with non-YouTube version of this video embedded] [with comments]


Lawyer: Sodomites Should Be Shot

Published on Apr 11, 2015 by The Young Turks [ / , ]

"Acting on a tip from a reader, the editors at Wonkette have uncovered papers filed with the California Attorney General’s Office by a Huntington Beach attorney, calling for a proposed ballot initiative called “The Sodomite Suppression Act,” which he hopes will save the Golden State from “God’s just wrath.”

The filing, along with a check for $200, will allow attorney Matthew McLaughlin to begin the process of collecting the approximately 365,000 signatures needed to put the measure before California voters on an upcoming ballot.”

Read more here:

Ana Kasparian ( ) & Cenk Uygur ( ) discuss. [with comments]


Why Tim Cook Should Threaten to Shut Down Apple Campus Amid Texas Anti-Gay Crusade

FILE - In this June 2, 2014, file photo, Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference event in San Francisco. Cook says that so-called "religious objection" legislation being introduced in a number states like Indiana and Texas is dangerous. In an op-ed piece for The Washington Post, Cook said that the bills under consideration "have the potential to undo decades of progress toward greater equality."
(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)

By Michelangelo Signorile
Posted: 05/13/2015 9:19 am EDT Updated: 05/13/2015 9:59 am EDT

There's a full-blown emergency playing out in Texas. It's a gay civil rights emergency, and, if left unchecked, a disaster will occur that could affect the future of gay and transgender people there for some time to come. And yet, there's largely been dead silence from business leaders [ ], public figures, much of the national media and pro-gay politicians. It's time now for those who wield great influence in the state -- like Apple's Tim Cook -- and for governors of states that support equality, public figures and celebrities to speak out loudly in the media before it's too late.

Gay activists in Texas are fighting against an unprecedented number of anti-gay bills being pushed by opponents of rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as the Texas legislative session comes to a close at the end of this month. Any of the more than 20 anti-LGBT bills [ ] that get out of committee in either legislative chamber -- and a few have -- will easily pass in the Republican-dominated conservative legislature and be signed into law by GOP Gov. Greg Abbott. Though bills originating in the House must be voted on by midnight Thursday, any of the anti-gay bills could be tacked on as amendments to other bills right up until the last day of the session at the end of the month.

It's all part of a Republican-led plan to stop or slow rights for gay and transgender people, anticipating a possible Supreme Court victory on marriage equality nationwide come June.

Already, the "Pastor Protection Act" passed the Senate [ ]. After a group of pastors came before legislators last week and unleashed defamatory rhetoric [ ] -- one feared being forced to officiate over the weddings of pedophiles while another ranted that he was afraid he'd have to marry people "to animals" -- GOP Sen. Craig Estes, chief sponsor of the bill, dropped compromise language to which the American Civil Liberties Union and others had agreed. Activists now fear the bill, if it becomes law, will allow an ordained clergy member who happens to also be employed in a civil job as a county clerk or justice of the peace to refuse to perform a marriage that "violates a sincerely held religious belief," even in his or her role as a public servant.

Among the bills that could get a vote in the House today or tomorrow is one that would bar state or local funds from being used to grant marriage licenses [ ] to gay or lesbian couples and, as its chief sponsor described it, would "protect state sovereignty," deeming Texas free from recognizing same-sex marriages from out of state, no matter what the Supreme Court rules.

Yet another bill in committee may be attached as an amendment to a bill today and would allow adoption agencies that receive state funding the right to discriminate against gay couples [ ] based on the agency's "sincerely held religious beliefs," and, activists fear, could allow for child welfare agencies to put kids in dangerous "ex-gay" programs.

Another bill that could be added as an amendment would subject transgender individuals to criminal charges if they don't use the "right" public restroom. Still another bill targeting transgender students would essentially put a bounty on their heads [ ] while forcing school districts to monitor bathrooms: As the bill is currently written, if a student can show that he or she experienced "mental anguish" upon seeing a transgender student in the bathroom, the school district must pay the student $2,000 in damages. Then there are two "religious liberty" constitutional amendments, and five differently-worded bills that would prevent enacting and enforcing local ordinances throughout the state banning discrimination against LGBT people.

Some of these bills, if they became law, would be unlikely to withstand court scrutiny, especially if the Supreme Court rules for marriage equality in June. But that's not the point. As Texas conservatives often have done with the passage of harsh anti-abortion laws, the effort is all about slowing progress by tying up the issue in the courts. It's similar to the tactic many Southern states employed during the segregation era as well. This is especially true of the bill that bans funds for marriage licenses. While the state's constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman would be overturned, the law banning funding for licenses would likely have to be taken back up through state and federal courts to overturn.

"Legislators are trying to enact laws that subvert the courts and lock in discrimination for as long as possible," Dan Quinn of the Texas Freedom Network told me. "If they have their way, it might take months and even years to sort out. And if more litigation is necessary, it would impose real harm -- financial and otherwise -- on gay and lesbian families simply trying to exercise their constitutionally protected rights."

Weeks ago, business leaders and others waited until a "religious liberty" bill that passed in Indiana was signed by Governor Mike Pence before speaking out and successfully sending him (and governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, who signed a similar bill) into retreat. But in Texas, with its much more powerful conservative base, an all-out war against bigotry needs to begin right away.

Politicians like Gov. Cuomo of New York and Gov. Inslee of Washington, who banned travel to Indiana, should threaten such action against Texas now. Rock bands that dropped their tours to Indiana, and celebrities like Rihanna who blasted the state, need to do the same now with regard to Texas. Apple has a major center of operations in Austin, and has been expanding, just finishing construction of a $300 million campus that is hiring thousands more Texans in coming months and years. The company's openly gay CEO, Tim Cook, who's been outspoken on gay rights, should threaten to pull out of the state if any of these bills moves further and certainly if the governor signs them.

Other progressive, gay-supportive high-tech companies with a major presence in the state include Dell, IBM, and Advanced Micro Devices. All of them must put their money where their mouths are: either Texas legislators drop these bills now or they jeopardize further business and expansion in the state.

These bills must not be allowed to become law. What we have in Texas is a five-alarm fire ready to engulf its LGBT citizens and threaten their rights for years to come. There's no time to wait.

Michelangelo Signorile's new book, It's Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating Homophobia, and Winning True Equality [ ], is published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


This Gay Cop's Life Could Change If Conservative Texan Politicians Get Their Way

The state legislature in Texas is considering several anti-gay laws, including one that would effectively put a stop to same-sex marriage in Texas, no matter what the Supreme Court rules.

By Lila Shapiro
Posted: 05/14/2015 5:16 pm EDT Updated: 05/15/2015 10:59 am EDT

Joe, a sheriff's deputy in a medium-sized city in Texas, says he tries not to define himself as "the gay cop." He has a good reason for that -- in Texas, it's perfectly legal to fire someone for being gay.

Most weeks, he doesn't mind keeping his personal life under wraps. "I love what I do. I've wanted to be a police officer for as long as I can remember, and it's easier for me to go to work and just be a police officer. I don't go around flying a rainbow flag,” he said. (Joe asked that his real name be withheld from this article, along with his fiance's.)

This week has been harder than most, though. In the past couple of months, Texas has introduced around two dozen anti-gay laws. Socially conservative Texan politicians are preparing for the Supreme Court to issue a ruling next month that could legalize same-sex marriage throughout the land. On Thursday, the Texas House of Representatives is set to consider a bill that would effectively put a stop to same-sex marriage in Texas, no matter what the Supreme Court rules. The law, which has 89 co-authors, would forbid any public employee from issuing, enforcing or recognizing same-sex marriage licenses.

“We as Texans have a sovereign right to define and regulate marriage,” Republican state Rep. Cecil Bell, the author of the bill, told [ ] Talking Points Memo earlier this week. “I don’t believe that this bill puts anyone in a lesser position than what they were in before.”

Joe learned about the bill on Monday morning, reading Yahoo News at his desk at work. It had never crossed his mind that Texas might be able to undermine the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage -- but if it did, it would certainly put him in a lesser position than the one he has been imagining. He thought about his fiance, John -- about their down payment at the Pelazzio, a Houston wedding venue where they plan to tie the knot in December, about the 150 or so invitations, ready to be mailed, sitting on the dining room table. He thought about his 4-year-old daughter, who calls John “dad.” He thought about what would happen if he was harmed in the line of duty -- how John wouldn’t be able to visit him in the hospital, or see their daughter again. But he kept his thoughts to himself, and went about his day.

“It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,” he said. “It frustrates me and angers me to know that there are people that are so closed-minded that they don’t care who is hurt by what they’re doing.”

Katherine Franke, a professor at Columbia Law School and the director of the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law, described the newly proposed anti-gay laws in Texas and other states as a “frontlash” against the Supreme Court’s anticipated ruling, similar to steps southern states took in the 1950s and '60s to fight back against national changes in racial equality. “Should a public official be required not to follow a Supreme Court mandate? That’s just unconstitutional,” she said. But constitutionality is not really the point of these laws, she added. One point the lawmakers are making is, “this is Texas -- we’ll go down fighting.”

Joe, who is 27, has spent most of his life fighting who he is. In high school, he was the running back for the football team and ran track, but he never made good friends. “It was easy for me to hide,” he said. He saw what happened to a schoolmate who wasn’t as good at hiding his identity. “I’d walk down the halls and see him get thrown up against the locker and called a fag. I didn’t want to be a part of that,” he said. Instead, he went to church and spoke with his pastor and the pastor’s wife. They told him to seek counseling. “I needed to attend more church, be more faithful, do more praying, and everything would change.”

When he was 21, he married a woman he met in church. But six months later, after another huge argument, he decided that he couldn't do it anymore. They split up, and soon after, he met John, a student at a nearby college. They fell in love, and on Valentine's Day two years ago, on a moonlit night, John proposed. They exchanged rings, and John decided that he would wear his to work. He had never told a colleague that he was gay before, and would lie if he was asked. “I didn’t know what was going to happen or who I could trust. But when I put the ring on my finger, I made the decision to not care what they thought,” he said.

Still, he doesn’t talk about it much. He knows that his safety net is fragile, in more ways than one. “It hurts me to think that if John was ever hurt to the point where he was on his death bed, there’s nothing I could do to go back and see him, to let him know that I’m there, that I love him,” he said. “We’ve come a long way, but there’s a chance now that I’ll never be able to do that living here in Texas, where all of our family is at, where all are of our friends are at. It’s really hurtful.”

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


Laramie, Wyoming Passes Anti-Discrimination Measure To Protect Gays In Housing, The Workplace

Laramie Mayor Dave Paulekas speaks at a Laramie City Council meeting Wednesday, May 13, 2015, in Laramie, Wyo. Paulekas voted with the council majority to approve the first anti-discrimination ordinance in Wyoming history, barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in housing, employment and access to public facilities.
(AP Photo/Ben Neary)

Matthew Shepard
(Getty Images)

Posted: 05/14/2015 5:49 am EDT Updated: 05/14/2015 11:59 am EDT

LARAMIE, Wyo. (AP) — When Matthew Shepard was beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead nearly 20 years ago, his murder became a rallying cry in the gay rights movement.

Other states adopted stricter laws against violence and discrimination, and Congress passed hate crimes legislation bearing Shepard's name.

Yet in Wyoming, advocates have tried unsuccessfully for years statewide to pass protections for gays in housing and the workplace. They finally scored a victory Wednesday after trying a different approach: a local ordinance in the college town where Shepard was killed.

The Laramie City Council on Wednesday approved a local anti-discrimination ordinance. It voted 7-2 in favor of the measure that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, employment and access to public facilities such as restaurants.

"What a day for Wyoming, and what a day for the city that became synonymous with Matthew Shepard's murder to now step up and do this right thing," said Jeran Artery, head of the group Wyoming Equality, which has lobbied for anti-discrimination measures at the state Legislature.

"And I would really encourage other communities across the state to follow Laramie's lead," Artery said.

Local organizers focused their efforts on Laramie after the Legislature repeatedly rejected anti-discrimination bills, most recently early this year. The Laramie Nondiscrimination Task Force presented a draft ordinance to the City Council last summer.

Rep. Cathy Connolly, D-Laramie, is a lesbian and a professor in the Women's Studies Program at the University of Wyoming. She has pushed legislation repeatedly to try to pass an anti-discrimination bill at the state level.

"I wasn't going to get up and say anything tonight, but I decided I have to," Connolly said at Wednesday's meeting. "I'm so proud to be a resident of Wyoming tonight, and a member of this community."

Laramie Mayor Dave Paulekas spoke in favor of the amendment before the council vote.

"To me, this is about treating people fairly, it's about treating people the way I would want to be treated, the way we all expect to be treated," Paulekas said. "And it's nothing more than that, in my mind."

Paulekas said that if Laramie wants to see economic development, it has to be aware that high-tech firms are going to look at how the city treats its citizens.

Councilors Joe Vitale and Bryan Shuster cast the only no-votes against the ordinance. Both said they were concerned that the ordinance would trample on city residents' religious freedoms.

"Enactment of this ordinance will result in discrimination complaints filed against business owners who are simply trying to run their business consistent with their faith," Vitale said. The council rejected his suggestion that it postpone action on the matter until next year to give the U.S. Supreme Court and the Wyoming Legislature more time to act on the issue.

Judy Shepard, Matt Shepard's mother, is active in a Denver-based foundation that bears her son's name and focuses on equality issues.

"I'm thrilled that Laramie's doing it, at the same time sort of saddened that the state of Wyoming can't see fit to do that as well," Shepard told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C., Wednesday before the council vote. "Maybe the rest of Wyoming will understand this is about fellow human beings and not something that's other than what they are."

Shepard said some people are still under the misconception that what happened to her son is typical of what happens in Wyoming.

"But I feel like if Wyoming had done more to open the door to acceptance, that kind of reputation would have disappeared very quickly," said Shepard, herself a Wyoming resident. "Instead of taking advantage of the moment, they just sort of turned around and ran."

Gov. Matt Mead, a Republican, last year went to court to defend Wyoming's gay marriage ban before federal court rulings from other states blocked the state from further action.

And a handful of Wyoming lawmakers this spring filed a brief urging the nation's highest court to reject same-sex marriage on the grounds that forcing states to accept it would violate other citizens' free-speech rights.

Rep. Kendell Kroeker, R-Evansville, voted against the anti-discrimination bill this year and was among those who endorsed the U.S. Supreme Court brief.

"I suppose it's their right as a city," Kroeker said of Laramie's proposal. But he noted such measures grant special privileges to one group over another — an idea he doesn't support.

Asked about his thoughts on such an ordinance passing in the city where Shepard was killed, Kroeker said: "The Matt Shepard case was a tragedy, but I don't see how an anti-discrimination ordinance would have stopped somebody from committing that heinous crime."

© 2015 Associated Press [with comments]


Christian Developer Releases ‘Kill the Faggot’ Video Game

(Screen-Grab via YouTube)

by Michael Stone
May 5, 2015

First-person shooter targets LGBT: A Christian video game developer is under fire after releasing an obnoxious video game called “Kill the Faggot.”

Gay Star News reports [ ] the game description for “Kill The Faggot” reads:

Hate gays? Want to unleash your frustration with the “LGBT” community? Well now is your chance.

In the game, players get points for shooting and killing gay people, and even more points if the person killed is transgender, while losing points for killing straight people.

Raw Story reports [ ] the game was created by Randall Herman of Skaldic Games and submitted on Monday morning to Steam’s Greenlight program. The game was subsequently removed after numerous complaints were made by users.

Ars Technia notes [ ]:

It’s hard to make a judgment call about the “most” offensive thing in this game, but we were particularly disturbed to hear the game’s announcer celebrate a kill by saying, “AIDS carrier eliminated."

The game’s creator, Randall Herman, a California based game developer and shoe promoter, is a self-described Christian. Herman launched [id.] a failed Kickstarter campaign in 2014 on behalf of a skateboarding shoe company with a mission statement that read, in part:

to promote the words and teachings of Jesus Christ through quality footwear.

Herman claims [ , ] that the game was meant to challenge the overly political correctness in the gaming industry by making the “most overly offensive game possible to these idiots to prove a point,” and was not intended to incite hatred or violence towards LGBT people.

Yet it is hard to believe that anyone can claim that a game called “Kill the Faggot” is not meant to incite hatred or violence towards LGBT people.

Below find a review [ (below, as embedded; with {over 4,000} comments)] of the “KIll the Faggot” video game by Jim Sterling. Sterling writes:

I sometimes think Steam’s menagerie of messed up games can’t shock me anymore, and then genuine hate speech finds its way onto Greenlight.

As much as I want to just pretend this doesn’t exist, I think it’s worth acknowledging that it does. It’s on Steam, it’s grotesque, and it sure as shit isn’t “satire.”

Copyright 2015, Patheos [with comments]


Ted Cruz: Gay Marriage Is The Greatest Threat To Religious Freedom In American History

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 5/14/2015 1:35 pm

Sen. Ted Cruz [ ] of Texas, the Republican presidential candidate [ ] who believes that the gay “jihad” [ ] may soon lead to the imprisonment of pastors [ ] and the end of free speech [ ], told a right-wing radio host yesterday [ ] that the legalization of same-sex marriage represents the greatest threat to religious liberty in the history of the United States.

[audio ( ) embedded]

“We are seeing today profound threats to religious liberty in America, I think the greatest threats we’ve ever seen,” Cruz told conservative author and talk radio host Eric Metaxas [ ].

Cruz said that the fights over “religious freedom” laws in Indiana and Arkansas were “heartbreaking” examples of how the Democratic Party has “gotten so extreme and so radical in its devotion to mandatory gay marriage that they’ve decided there’s no room for the religious liberty protected under the First Amendment.”

He added that while “Democrats joined with big business in vilifying an effort to protect our religious liberty,” too many Republican leaders and presidential candidates “ran and hid in the hills.”

“We’re a nation that was founded by men and women who were fleeing religious oppression and coming to seek out a land where everyone of us could worship God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, and that is under profound jeopardy today,” Cruz said.

Cruz later claimed that Solicitor General Donald Verrilli had said during last month’s Supreme Court [ ] marriage equality [ ] arguments that if marriage equality is legalized nationwide, the IRS will start denying tax-exempt status to churches. (In the exchange Cruz referred to [ ], Verrilli had said nothing of the sort.)

“The next step on this,” he said, “is your church being told it now pays income taxes on the tithes that are given each week, that it is now singled out and discriminated against, that universities like Notre Dame or Georgetown and Brigham Young or any university that is founded as a Christian university, if it continues to follow biblical teachings on marriage, the federal government is asserting the power to discriminate and persecute them.” This led Metaxas to warn of “parallels” to what occured in Nazi Germany.

Metaxas seemed to be pleased with Cruz’s responses, especially compared to his GOP presidential rival Jeb Bush [ ], whom Metaxas criticized for failing to forcefully denounce marriage equality and hiring “top people in his campaign who are very aggressively pro-same-sex-marriage.”

© 2015 People For the American Way


End Times Fanatic Who Blamed California Drought On Gays Addresses RNC Caucus Meeting

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 5/14/2015 3:30 pm

Days after blaming the California drought on gay people [ ], Bill Koenig of World Watch Daily addressed a meeting organized by the Republican National Committee [ ]’s Conservative Steering Committee.

Michigan RNC member Dave Agema [ ], a GOP activist with his own record [ ] of [ ] anti-gay [ ] extremism [ ], mentioned on his Facebook page [ ] yesterday that Koenig told the group, which met in Arizona yesterday during the RNC’s spring meeting, that God punished George W. Bush and Bill Clinton for mistreating Israel, and will levy a similarly harsh judgment against President Obama.

According to Agema, Koenig also “gave a history of the ‘Blood Moons’ and how they intertwined with Israel’s history.” Another speaker from the anti-gay [ ] Alliance Defense Fund [ ], Agema reported, “stated that religious freedom is under attack. She stated our rights come from God, not men according to our constitution [sic] and that if the Supreme Court rules for homosexual marriage our tax exempt status is at great risk.”

The Conservative Steering Committee, which Agema estimated had about “approximately 70-80 members” in attendance at the breakfast, filed an amicus brief written by RNC attorney Jim Bopp [PDF [ ]] in the Supreme Court marriage case, warning that children will “suffer” as a result of marriage equality.

At the RNC Conservative Steering Committee breakfast this morning in Phoenix, we had several speakers.

First you all should know that this committee sent a [sic] Amicus brief to the Supreme Court against homosexual marriage. We all hope it makes a difference. The Republican Party has always supported traditional marriage.

William Koenig ( [ ]), a Washington correspondent spoke on the history of what happens when a president or country tries to divide Israel for peace. He stated- it never works.

He stated that one of the most frequent visitors to the Whitehouse under Clinton was Arafat. He stated Obama's behavior towards Israel , abortion and marriage is undermining his presidency. He also stated that George W. Bush's presidency began to falter after he agreed to consider dividing Israel for peace and that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem. He also gave a history of the " Blood Moons" and how they intertwined with Israel's history.

David McIntosh spoke from Club for Growth and encouraged us to hold our elected officials feet to the fire concerning free markets, free trade, reduce spending, reduced entitlements and crony capitalism. He stated the next president will have an opportunity to select four Supreme Court Justices which is a huge win for conservatives if a good republican wins the presidency.

He stated that Israel understands that the Republicans are the best allies Israel has in America and they appreciate it in these troubled times. He stated that those who curse Israel will be cursed and those that bless her will be blessed.

Christina from the Alliance Defending Freedom stated that religious freedom is under attack. She stated our rights come from God, not men according to our constitution [sic] and that if the Supreme Court rules for homosexual marriage our tax exempt status is at great risk. She stated economic and religious liberty go hand in hand and that most important issues aren't often popular but a battle that must be fought. It takes vigilance.

There were approximately 70-80 members at this breakfast and it gives me great hope for our party's future when we I see members united for conservative principles.

© 2015 People For the American Way


End Times Preacher: 'Perverted' Gays Bringing Divine Judgment On America

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 5/14/2015 5:15 pm

End Times [ ] radio host Rick Wiles [ , ] appears to be upset that he has faced criticism for linking gay marriage to the California drought, food shortages [ ] and an imminent fireball from space [ ], skewering the criticism on yesterday’s edition [ ] of “Trunews [ ].”

While speaking with pastor John Kilpatrick about how God will punish Americans if the Supreme Court strikes down bans on same-sex marriage, Wiles said that “the left-wing media has been mocking me for weeks because I equated the mega-drought with the sin of California and this nation, so they’re having a field day mocking me. But our food basket is being judged right now….The earth is judging us right now.”

“There will be a catering to that perverted sin and that perverted crowd,” Kilpatrick agreed, “there will be a catering to those people on a level that you can’t begin to imagine and also I think it’s going to bring judgment on the country, I believe it will bring judgment on the land.”

Kilpatrick also wondered why Americans are still supporting things like gay rights when they know they will invite God’s judgment: “Years ago, something would happen like an earthquake or something like that, big things happen, people would humble themselves and repent and they’d pray. But, man, nowadays you don’t hear people repenting and praying whenever you see these major things happening, now they refuse to repent and they just keep going headlong right into the face of judgment.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2015 People For the American Way


Craig James: LGBT Community's Intolerance 'Is Going To Kill America'

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 5/15/2015 5:00 pm

Family Research Council [ ] official Craig James [ ] guest-hosted the organization’s “Washington Watch [ ]” program yesterday [ ], where he chatted with Texas conservative activist Jonathan Saenz [ ] about how an anti-gay bill failed in Texas legislature in part due to opposition from the Texas Association of Business.

James criticized the business group, claiming that the fight over the legislation “highlights how fearful business owners are of the blowback from the LGBT community and from folks who feel like we should be all tolerant and loving and accepting of everything.”

James, who works for one of the nation’s most virulently anti-LGBT groups, whose leaders (including James [ ]) have described gays rights as a tool of the Devil [ ], defended Uganda’s kill-the-gays bill [ ], called for an anti-gay revolution [ ] and urged the government to export gay people from the country [ ], told Saenz that the LGBT community needs to show more civility or America will be lost.

“It’s the one-way street that is going to kill America,” James said. “This country has had a two-lane highway forever, both sides had the freedom to believe. Civility is gone. We’re haters if we think otherwise. What’s wrong with this country?”

[audio ( ) embedded]

Later in the program, a caller said that “we are being punished” by God because “the conservative ones of America have been silent for too long” and “part of that punishment is that we’ve been straddled in this country with a President Obama.”

His claim was met with hearty amens from James, who thanked the caller for his “great wisdom.” James warned that “the slippery slope is on right now and coming here in a few weeks, we’ll hear from the Supreme Court about the definition of marriage. If they try to redefine marriage and force that on all the states and all the people, that’s coming down the lane at us.”

[audio ( ) embedded]

© 2015 People For the American Way


Missouri Bus Driver Fired For Telling Girl She's Gay And Will Burn In Hell


By Sebastian Murdock
Posted: 05/19/2015 11:12 am EDT Updated: 05/19/2015 11:59 am EDT

A girl couldn't help but cry while recounting the story of a bus driver who told her she was gay and would burn in hell.

Maurissa Rushing, 11, was riding the bus to school in Kansas City, Missouri, when she was confronted by the driver [ ], Fox4KC reports.

According to the fifth-grader, she was playing a game with her friend that involved touching each other's arms. This was apparently too intimate for the driver, who brought the girls to the back of the bus after dropping off other students. The driver then said the two girls were gay.

“She said that we are gonna burn in hell real bad," Maurissa told the station. "I didn’t expect it to happen."

The student reported what happened to administrators. The bus company, First Student [ ], fired the driver, who has not been identified.

The girl's parents are now considering a lawsuit [ ] against the company, according to Raw Story. First Student officials said they are investigating the incident [ ] internally.

“She’s just been the most horrible bus driver I’ve ever had,” Maurissa said.

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with embedded video report, and comments]


Franklin Graham’s Facebook prayers target Supreme Court justices on gay marriage

Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, addresses the crowd at the Festival of Hope, an evangelistic rally held at the national stadium in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Jan. 9, 2011.
Photo courtesy of REUTERS/Allison Shelley

People, including plaintiffs, leave the arguments of the Supreme Court on April 28, 2015, when the justices considered whether to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide.
Religion News Service photo by Adelle M. Banks

Lauren Markoe
May 20, 2015

(RNS) Evangelist Franklin Graham has taken to Facebook to plead for prayers on behalf of each U.S. Supreme Court justices as they prepare to rule on gay marriage.

Recognizing same-sex marriage as a constitutional right “would be a wicked, wicked thing,” said Graham, son of the iconic preacher Billy Graham. “The only hope we have is prayer.”

“Imagine tens and tens and tens of thousands of Americans praying for God to hear their prayers and to change the hearts of these justices. God just might do that.”

So far, Graham has posted prayers for seven of the justices on his Facebook page, which has 1.4 million “likes.” He plans to do two more in the coming days, covering all nine justices, both those who may rule for and those who are against same-sex marriage.

The Supreme Court is expected to decide before the end of June. Many court observers believe the court is poised, if not to declare the constitutionality of gay marriage, then at least to require states to recognize gay marriages established in states where it is legal.

Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Samaritan’s Purse charity, describes Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the subject of his latest post, as the daughter of immigrants who made good on the American dream.

“Unfortunately,” the post continues, “she is also an example of someone who seems to be very misguided on the issue of same-sex marriage. She voted to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2014, and homosexual advocates consider her an ally in their fight to make same-sex marriage the law of the land.

“Let’s pray for Justice Sotomayor to have the wisdom to know that as a society we cannot survive if we turn our back on God’s standards and His definition of marriage,” the post concludes.

The Sotomayor post has received more than 34,900 “likes.” The one for Justice Samuel Alito, who, Graham writes, seems to understand the consequences of a ruling for gay marriage, garnered more than 92,400 “likes.”

“Social media, and Facebook in particular, has become a powerful pulpit,” said Scott Thumma, professor of sociology and religion at Hartford Institute for Religion Research. “The Graham clan has long understood the power of the media.”

“With nearly 1 million likes on Facebook and a quarter of a million followers on Twitter, Franklin Graham can inexpensively influence and incite his followers without the infrastructure his father required to persuade the masses,” Thumma said.

This is not the first time Graham has turned to social media to sway public opinion on a controversial issue in the news.

Duke University dropped plans to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer from the bell tower of Duke Chapel in January after Graham launched a Facebook campaign decrying the idea.

“As Christianity is being excluded from the public square and followers of Islam are raping, butchering, and beheading Christians, Jews, and anyone who doesn’t submit to their Sharia Islamic law, Duke is promoting this in the name of religious pluralism,” his Facebook post read.

Graham also asked Duke alumni to refrain from donating to the university until it canceled the call to prayer.

© 2015 Religion News LLC [with comments]


Franklin Graham Prays Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Eyes Would Be Opened To The Truth Of Scripture' For Same-Sex Marriage Vote

Getty Images

By Antonia Blumberg
Posted: 05/21/2015 4:06 pm EDT Updated: 05/22/2015 10:59 am EDT

Prominent evangelist Franklin Graham wants Ruth Bader Ginsburg to finally “see the truth of Scripture” and vote against same-sex marriage as the Supreme Court gears up to rule on the matter next month [ ].

Graham, who is the son of famous evangelical leader Billy Graham and president of the Samaritan’s Purse charity, took to Facebook [ ] to “pray” for Supreme Court justices as the vote approaches. Though nothing new for the staunchly anti-gay Graham [ ], the evangelist showed particular audacity in his prayer for Ginsburg, which stated [ ]:

“Those who support same-sex marriage consider her an ally in their fight to toss God's Holy Word aside. ... let's pray that Justice Ginsburg's eyes would be opened to the truth of Scripture and that she would not be deceived by the arguments of those who seek to impose their 'new morality' on our nation.”

Franklin Graham
Public Figure - 1,505,901 Likes - May 16 at 11:00am
I appreciate all of you who have joined me in praying for our Supreme Court Justices individually over the past five days. Today, let's focus our prayers on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has served on the Court for over two decades. Those who support same-sex marriage consider her an ally in their fight to toss God's Holy Word aside. As the Supreme Court continues to deliberate over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, let's pray that Justice Ginsburg's eyes would be opened to the truth of Scripture and that she would not be deceived by the arguments of those who seek to impose their "new morality" on our nation.
60,519 Likes - 5,708 Comments - 11,028 Shares

In addition to challenging the faith of Justice Ginsburg, who is the first Jewish woman [ ] to serve on the Supreme Court, Graham called Justice Sonia Sotomayor “misguided [ ]” and prayed [ ] that Justice Elena Kagan “see the danger of deciding to go against God's law and standards.”

The evangelist also offered prayers that those justices less likely to support same-sex marriage, like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, continue to “stand as a voice of truth and wisdom.”

The Supreme Court announced in January [ ] that it would take up the issue of gay marriage by addressing two questions: Whether the 14th Amendment requires states to license marriages for same-sex couples and whether it requires states to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex if their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed in another state.

Graham argued [ ] the court’s decision will have a “profound impact...on Bible-believing Christians in this country.”

Many commenters on Graham's Facebook page, which has 1.4 million “Likes,” were quick to point out the separation of church and state in the country’s Constitution, as well as the lack of any statement on same-sex marriage in Christian scripture.

Others commented that the evangelist simply has no right telling Ginsburg -- who has served on the court for over two decades and wrote a feminist commentary [ ] for the 2015 Jewish Passover festival -- how to vote, let alone how to practice her own faith.

Ginsburg, 82, was appointed [ ] to the Supreme Court by President Clinton in 1993 and has challenged arguments against same-sex marriage.

“All of the incentives, all of the benefits that marriage affords would still be available,” Ginsburg said during an April hearing [ ] on the constitutionality of gay marriage. “So you’re not taking away anything from heterosexual couples. They would have the very same incentive to marry, all the benefits that come with marriage that they do now.”

Ginsburg is also believed to be the first Supreme Court justice to officiate gay weddings, according to NPR [ ], and on Sunday May 17 the justice presided over [ ] the marriage of a same-sex couple in Washington DC.

A Gallup poll released these week found support for same-sex marriage [ ] nationwide has reached an all-time. According to the new survey, 60 percent of Americans are in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage.

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


Louisiana Gov. Jindal issues ‘religious freedom’ order, even after discriminatory bill rejected by state lawmakers

Hours after the controversial bill was rejected, Gov. Bobby Jindal issued an executive order aimed at doing the same thing as the bill, only on a smaller scale limited to the executive branch.
Rainier Ehrhardt/AP

Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 9:29 AM

Louisiana lawmakers on Tuesday shelved a divisive religious objections bill [ ] pushed by Gov. Bobby Jindal that has thrust the state into the national debate about where religious freedoms end and the rights of same-sex couples begin.

But the Republican governor, who is courting Christian conservatives for a likely presidential bid [ ], quickly fought back against the defeat, seeking to enact the bill’s provisions without legislative support [ ].

Both Republicans and Democrats on a House legal committee voted 10-2 for a procedural move designed to kill the proposal, ending weeks of controversy about the bill and handing Jindal a significant defeat for his legislative agenda.

Hours after the bill was rejected, Jindal issued an executive order [ ] aimed at doing the same thing as the bill, only on a smaller scale limited to the executive branch.

“What we are seeing today in America is an all-out assault on religious liberty,” said Jindal, who called the executive order the “next best thing” to signing the bill.

The order would be effective several months beyond his administration’s end unless Louisiana’s next governor rescinds it, Jindal said.

Stephen Perry, a vocal critic of the bill who heads up the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau, dismissed Jindal’s order as “largely a political statement” that “will have very little practical impact.”

Perry, a former chief of staff to one of the state’s previous Republican governors, said case law and even the state constitution limit the governor’s ability to rule by fiat.

“No Executive Order of a governor may create substantive law, even in an emergency situation,” he said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Rep. Mike Johnson, the lawmaker who sponsored the proposal, said he would push for another hearing this legislative session.

“We don’t throw in the towel. We always stand for freedom,” said the Bossier City Republican. “We’re entering a new era in America where changing ideas about the institution of marriage conflict with the old ideas about religious freedom.”

Louisiana’s constitution bans same-sex marriage, and there are no statewide discrimination protections for gays and lesbians. But Johnson proposed the bill because he predicts a U.S. Supreme Court ruling expected in June will strike down gay marriage bans across the country.

As written, the proposed law would prohibit the state from denying individuals, businesses and nonprofits any licenses, benefits, jobs or tax deductions because of action taken “in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction” about marriage.

Like in Indiana and Arkansas, where backlash prompted changes to similar laws, the proposal faced formidable opposition from LGBT supporters and big business. Critics said the bill would sanction discrimination against LGBT couples — though Johnson disagrees.

What the measure would do is bar the state from taking some punitive actions against a person who refused to serve someone based on a belief about same-sex marriage.

That, in effect, would allow discrimination, critics say.

Perry, the head New Orleans tourism official, called the bill “radioactive” and said it would make Louisiana “complicit in officially state-sanctioned bigotry.” Any bid to host a Super Bowl, Final Four or college football championship in New Orleans would be doomed if the measure were approved, he said.

“We’re attempting to ... carve out the ability to discriminate, the ability to be bigoted,” Perry said.

Proponents of the bill have cited wedding photographers, planners and bakers as examples of people who should have legal protection if they object to serving same-sex couples.

“It would effectively prevent you from getting the death penalty as a business owner if you stood by your traditional belief in marriage,” Johnson said. “I think that’s a belief that worthy of protection.”

But in the committee hearing Johnson acknowledged that the bill would also bar the state from firing or revoking the license of an emergency room surgeon who refused to operate on someone in a same-sex marriage, or a teacher who refuses to meet with a student’s gay or lesbian parents.

“At any other time in history, the average person could live an entire life without having to publicly articulate a view on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender politics,” said Gene Mills, president of the conservative Louisiana Family Forum and a supporter of the bill. “Now we are being asked to choose sides in the culture war.”

The Louisiana Democratic Party accused Jindal of being determined to “wreck” the state’s tourism industry and called the executive order a “stunt.”

“Louisiana taxpayers and businesses are once again being forced to foot the bill for Jindal’s vanity,” said Stephen Handwerk, the party’s executive director, said in a statement.

© 2015 Associated Press [with embedded non-YouTube version of the YouTube, (no comments yet), included above, and comments]


Louisiana State Senator Slams Bobby Jindal For Pushing Religious Freedom Measure

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal speaks to guests gathered for the Republican Party of Iowa's Lincoln Dinner at the Iowa Events Center on May 16, 2015, in Des Moines, Iowa.
(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

By Paige Lavender
Posted: 05/22/2015 12:10 pm EDT Updated: 05/22/2015 12:59 pm EDT

Louisiana state Sen. Karen Peterson (D) slammed Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) for issuing an executive order [ ] "to accomplish the intent" of a religious freedom bill that died in the Louisiana House.

Jindal vowed [ ] Tuesday to take action on the issue. Peterson criticized Jindal earlier this week for prioritizing the religious freedom legislation over others dealing with the state budget, and said his action seems to be an attempt to "destroy Louisiana's business climate."

"It's a cynical attempt to deflect from the failures of what should be the top legislative priority, what we're dealing with every day, which is a broken state budget," Peterson said.

Peterson went on to blast Jindal for running ads in Iowa rather than talking with Louisiana lawmakers:

Today it's okay to just ignore the House and the clear rejection of something that's just not good for our state. He didn't even have the courage to testify before the House, but he wants to roll out a press release saying what he's going to do through executive action. But guess what he did have time to do? To start running a commercial, not here in New Orleans, or Baton Rouge, or Monroe -- he ran a commercial on religious freedom in Iowa. Are you kidding me? Why don't you roll some commercials out on how to fix this nightmare that you've created right here in Louisiana? This is ridiculous. Iowa?

Peterson also called Jindal out for criticizing executive orders at the federal level. Her criticism mirrored remarks state Rep. John Bel Edwards (D) made earlier this week.

"We've heard Gov. Jindal complain about with respect to President Obama that he uses executive orders to do things that he can't get Congress to do ... I would suggest to you that the governor Jindal has done exactly the same thing here," Edwards said [ ].

Jindal responded to that criticism Thursday.

"If he's issuing executive orders consistent with law and constitution, I've got no problem with that," Jindal said, according to The Times-Picayune [id.]. "That's part of his prerogative.

"My problem with the president's executive orders is [when] they violate the constitution," Jindal added. "I'm issuing an executive order to uphold the constitution. It's a reaffirmation of our First Amendment liberty rights."

Watch Peterson give her remarks on the Louisiana senate floor above [video embedded].

H/T Towleroad [ ]

Copyright ©2015, Inc. [with comments]


On Social Ideology, the Left Catches Up to the Right

Thirty-one percent of Americans describe their views on social issues as generally liberal, matching the percentage who identify as social conservatives for the first time in Gallup records dating back to 1999.
May 22, 2015


this is part 3 of a 5-part post; part 2 is the post to which this is a reply, and part 4 follows as my next post, a reply to this one

the following list of 'see also' linkings covers and is common to all 5 parts of this post


in addition to (linked in) and preceding and (other) following, see also (linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following); (and any future following); and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following (and any future following) and preceding and following; and preceding and following and following; and preceding and following; and following; and preceding (and any future following); and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following); and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding and following and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; and following; and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and and and and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and following and following and preceding and following and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following and preceding (and any future following) and following (and any future following) and following and following and preceding (and any future following) and following, and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and following and preceding and following and following and preceding and following (and any future following) (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following; and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following; and following; and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following and following (and any future following) (and any future following) and following and preceding (and any future following)

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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