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Re: tdtcal post# 29651

Sunday, 11/23/2014 8:12:16 AM

Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:12:16 AM

Post# of 85951

MVTG needs to ignore nothing in the world of science and empirical science facts as MVTG technology and markets are based on solid science and facts not Voodoo religeous based hype and hoopla .....

Stock prices however, are always driven by and based on future expectations ( FORWARD LOOKING ) of markets and products and competition and emotion , not just facts.

The science behind MVTG technology ignores nothing, and is cutting edge, it is disruptive in many ways.

The science of global warming caused by excess CO2 buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere, caused by man made excess combustion of fossil fuels, which is behind the need for MVTG technology ignores nothing but voodoo cult Koch Brothers anti science funded attacks on anything that threatens their fossil fuel asset values and their excess gluttony of consume all that can be consumed as fast possible slash and burn point of view that has but one aim, to maximize their profits with the side effects of increasing the climate change problems.

Just as feeding the US industrial military complex with growing orders and profits is feed by CIA efforts to make sure the world stays in turmoil, thus creating the need for a growing military hardware industry, the Koch brothers feed the growing use and consumption of fossil fuels to line their own pockets with money and thus they fear anything that cuts fossile fuel demand which reduces fossil usage rates and thus reduces fossil fuel prices and thus reduces fossil fuel asset values.

Natural sources of CO2 in the atmosphere have never caused CO2 levels in the atmosphere to double to 200 years at the rates we have seen the last 200 years.

While the demand for MVTG technology will be driven by pollution regulations in part, they are not required. But the winds and tides have turned and the major companies world wide are spending money in huge sums to reduce their carbon foot prints at a rapidly accelerating rate even with out regulations forcing them.

Keep in mind, that the water vapor in the atmosphere and other inputs and outputs that add to and remove heat trapping actors and effects in the atmosphere are all part of the calculated science of calculating the net steady state AVERAGE ACCUMULATION balance of heat in the global climate system.

One must learn to separate the causes in science. Yes, water in the atmosphere is a huge heat sink, but small changes in concentrations of a substance in the world of chemical engineering, substances known as catalysts, can have a huge effect in unbalancing a previously stable system and driving the reactions in another direction that dwarf the effects of other substances in the system. CO2 is the catalyst causing massive climate change that is forcing other changes in the atmosphere.....

And heat is not the only problem with excess CO2, killing off a huge portion of the sea food supply by acidifying the oceans with excess CO2 that is killing the birth place of sea food, the coral reefs, is just one more huge problem it is causing.

No one can deny that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have doubled the last 200 years. That is science fact.

Science confirms the source to be the use of and burning of massive record amounts of fossil fuels the last 200 years.

Science confirms that CO2 is a major heat trapping gas in the atmosphere.

Science confirms that what was once a relatively stable climate world wide, that led to far more favorable climates for mankind to survive in the last 10,000 years are now threatened by wild swings in local climates and by rising water levels caused by rising seas caused by record massive losses of ice world wide (caused by global warming and climate change).

Increased desertification, increased flooding, increasingly severe storms, increasing crop damage, are all threatening increased famine, increased waves of human migration that leads to more famine and wars.

Thus the NEED for MVTG SCIENCE based technology to help solve the CO2 pollution problem of the planets atmosphere is a huge massive market need based not on voodoo religious demagoguery but based on real science data and facts.

Be sure the look up and read all the science facts on global dimming and how it has masked the worst of global wwarming that is yet to come!!!!

Also consider that tipping points, and these processes are non-linear. In other words, you can heat up a material for a period of time, until it suddenly explodes. That is a non-linear change!!!! The CO2 problem is near a tipping point, a point where it can run away beyond human control. We need to stop the runaway process from starting a life of its own that will ruin the future for man on this plant.

MVTG will be a huge profitable part of solving that known science based problem with known science based solutions while others pray for some sort of divine intervention and while the Koch brothers stock the fires of hell on earth by buying ads to miss lead the masses.

If I recall correctly religious zealots once claimed that if man was meant to fly, god would have given him wings. That same sort of nonsense is behind claims that man has no control over his future and the environment, so lets just toss all the trash and sewage out in the street like a third world country.

I am not buying that nonsense, I am however buying MVTG shares while they are still dirt cheap and tossed out recently like trash. smile

Ambition with out knowledge is like ship in dry dock, going nowhere FAST!
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