For the last time this is redundant,because it is needlessly the pattern of this company,nuf said,also your facts about driller telling Tom he would be there is false,I called and talked to can't remember his name last year and he was still drilling he ask who said they were on the way,if rig is still drilling it isn't on it's way,I got this info by using a phone,same day.Call United and get the true facts,Tom later admitted that they hadn't finished up yet.It seems to me you are very defensive,and get your facts only from company personel bad idea,based on numerous past claims,also you need a permit to flare or release gas at Mesa issued by state,if you don't have permit you don't get results,so how do you state results forthcomming,again I called found out none were applied for,so credibility is at issue.As CEO you should know if things are in place to even issue the April PR and they weren't,again I used a phone and called someone not Company personel.Reality is call and if I'm wrong I'll post it.