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GO EDIG! Can NUNCHI do that? YES!!!! We good.imo.imo.imo!
I don't think I was part of that, if you mean something on the internet.
It was a Private Chat Room
you must mean fantasy island
Someone loaded the boat with 6 tenths of a cent buy! “KNOW WHAT YOU OWN! OWN ENOUGH TO COUNT THE BELL IS RINGING
wsidejack, do you remember the chat room we had for edig & the name of it? Thanks
It will be called
That's what it takes to believe in such a fantasy coming true.
When they do merge with Apple, do you think the combined company will be called Apple or Actually, I suggest
Should I invest $300 in EDIG?
Apple.Samsung buyout or merger? Hey.ya.never know! IMO IMO! We good peeps.
Fire sale???? Nobody’s this stupid. Been a fire sale for the last 5+ years
Last chance to buy at these high prices.
Alert the Fantasy Island crowd, time for them to back up the truck and load up.
Fire sale! 150,000 shares for 15 cents
Sperri, that be me! That was a beauty back then.
Quite some time ago. The management fled at the same time.
Has bankruptcy been filed for $EDIG? why no Q?
Any volume this week?
I suspect all the off-shore shorts have covered by now so there is no buying.
Certainly none of the fateful are continuing to "shrewdly" average down.
Someone knows something. Zero volume
GO EDIG!!! Ya gotta believe folks! These good peeps at EDIG have worked for many years all 4 U! Mr. Falk could have been a tech company BILLIONAIRE yet he choose to work for EDIG for peanuts...all to help U. Peeps need to appreciate all his effort over 20 years! GO FRED! You are a GENIUS a very good man no good person could possibly tear down...unless he is simply blaming somebody else for his/her bad decision! I have emailed Mr. Falk to ask him to come back and get this share price going again with potential as he has so many times over the last 2 decades. Tell your friends and family about EDIG! Tell them to tell a few friends about the great riches potentially here (the pattens!). If you can get them to spend only a few thousand dollars on shares it will lift the share price! Then we can make some coin! We good! In my opinion.
More killer volume today!
This will clearly give the folks over at Fantasy Island something to cheer about.
STOCK STILL TRADING=WE GOOD!>>>>>>>>> Time Price Volume Market
11:41:02 0.0002 350 OTO
11:40:56 0.0002 1685 OTO
11:38:33 0.0001 20417 OTO
Good job adding another 38 cents worth today
We gonna B RICH! Buy more shares.peeps! The pattens R the best I have ever see. All encompassing they cover the entire tech world! We own them! imo imo!"This Site Is Under Construction and Coming Soon" YES!
Methinks no. Halt anytime imo
We.gonna.B.RICH! Just.a.little.patience is all that is required. I see EDIGs 20 year plan to dominate the tech world with their pattens coming together! Very excited! IMO IMO IMO!
Methinks.the have a plan!
Loyal Edig shareholders?
Are there any left, after Fled has Fled the jurisdiction?
I say this to you--"Know what you shouldn't own."
Ah, let's see where the pps is in a few days. As opposed to interpreting some bounce as Golconda.
Or could it be the pattens???? Will General Pattens come charging forward with his armored division to save edig?
Up 700% today!!! The.train is.leaving.the station friends!!!!
Valuable time and sales info here>>>>
Time & Sales - Thursday 1/17/19 Vol 50,010 Closed at $0.0008
15:32:04 0.0008 50000 OTO
14:21:40 0.0001 10 OT
Wow. I remember attending a dinner in NY (I actually went to two) and someone had the edigital mp3 player. It had VoiceNav that worked and at the time was really impressive.
Good luck!
Lets Get Jiggy is long gone. Try having a seance to speak to him and have him come back.
Do you want his old job, as tout in chief? I don't think Fled Falk can pay for that anymore.
Know when you have been boned (as DaBoss says)!
Dischino was pathetic, in regards to edig, and that was long before he was ill. He was not only the head cheerleader for this miserable excuse for a company, but he was also the leader of the Inquisition. Who persecuted everyone who dared question the little room of smoke and mirrors (and coffee cups) called edig.
You may well be right in what you say.
Question: Who could be so pathetic as to be in those roles, but yet not be part of the official gravy train as an officer or board member?
And to be in those roles until the moment of his own death? (Boggles the imagination.)
Answer: A paid shill, out there to feed nonsense to the gullible in order to squeeze their last dime out of them.
I see you added almost 300 shares today! KNOW WHAT YOU OWN
I like to know what you are drinking or smoking it sure must be good. Dishino was a puppet for the falking thief and probably got paid to pump this crap. As i stated back in 2015 this was dead and the horse ate the carrot. As far as website under construction means anybody can purchase the domain.
LGJ could clean up.things.then! He was great about making sure bad things said about EDIG were promptly deleted in order to protect the share price. We need more of that about right now to help increase shareholder value. Then we can make some money once new blood buys in. The increasing volume and price will allow for some profit taking. IMO. EDIG still has their pattens and the new website is "coming soon" according to the website so we good IMO. Gonna be YUGE!!! NEW EDIG!
Wow...this ticker is on life support, but still breathing!
Anyone around from when this thing ran to $24 around twenty years ago?
Maybe you can speak to the embalmer about that.
Dischino needs.2.come back.Clean up this board! Then we get many new investors! Lots of positives on this stock right now imo imo. The pattens R YUGE!!!
Really miss.BusyBump. He.was very knowledgeable.
We.need.2 get Mr.Falk.on the horn.ask.about the pattens! Great things come 2 those who wait! imo imo imo!
Here's a new technology; they could have an office and put a phone in it.
I here everyone is doing it!
EDIG TECHNOLOGY! That would get the investor interest up and boost the share price. Maybe a combination of Microsiggy and NUNCHI! We can call it MicroNunch! Gonna be YUGE!!! Maybe we hear more from the company about "Pluto" soon! Sounds like a big deal in my opinion.
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