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04/03/14 1:34 AM

#4866 RE: LittleMissUnderstood #4865

It is hard not to agree.

It used to be the case that when I saw a SMME press release I would open it and read it eagerly, no matter where I was, no matter what I was doing.

These days I don't bother.

It is hard to justify the time, the effort or the annoyance it will bring to me.

As one of the recent posts stated, we have shares in a technology company, not a PR firm whose sole purpose seems to be passing on an endless line of statistics from other PR firms I have not heard of.

If I was in the mood I would pull all of the press releases and summarise them. This many over this space of time. This many about fluff, this many about SMME and then break those up into statements that have been fulfilled and those that have not.

Unfortunately it's not worth my time and effort as the investors (yes Chaya, we are investors and part owners in SMME) here are aware of it, as would be any potential investors and one would hope our management as well.

It has been suggested in the past that frequent press releases that contain nothing but fluff and unfulfilled promises don't do any good for the company or it's share price but rather undermine it. It is an old saying but an accurate one - "an empty vessel makes the most noise".

While I still have faith in the product management needs to realise that the current policy of endless fluff press releases is not making shareholders happy, not attracting new shareholders and may actually be a detriment. The only people it would be benefitting are Jens Dalsgard and Constellation.

This week would have been an ideal opportunity to update us on the ability of the company to commence mass production or explain the delay if any. It could have been an honest and open chance to explain where we (yes thats a "we" as we are shareholders and part owners of SMME) are up to and if delays have occurred let us know.

At the minute the lack of information merely serves to convince us as well any other interested parties that "we" may have not been accurate in the December press release. This then opens the can of worms about whether the ability to mass produce stated in the December press release was:

a) Known to be false at time of publishing
b) Questionable re the time frame
c) Mismanaged so as not to allow it to occur or
d) Achievable but something went seriously wrong or
e) something else entirely.

Tell us and we'll know. Be upfront and we may even invest more money. Continue doing as has been done so far and dont be surprised that people are hesitant!

I had been debating this post for a while as I dont like to make negative comments that detract from SMME. Many of us have spent a considerable amount of time and effort countering posts from detractors on this board previously so it concerned me about the negative impact it may bring. I still have some concerns but I believe we are one small bulletin board and that any possible investors would already be thinking the same thing if they had reviewed past press releases and followed up on the outcomes of them.

Still Optimistic but Patient, just getting a little frustrated.