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04/02/14 5:22 PM

#106753 RE: Californicator #106750

Yeah you can make a few bucks that way. Much bigger gains could be made by buying shares in this company every week at some arbitrary time over the next year.


04/02/14 5:22 PM

#106754 RE: Californicator #106750

It is called investing. People on this board should try it sometime lol.


04/02/14 5:27 PM

#106755 RE: Californicator #106750

play it again tomorrow...


04/02/14 5:27 PM

#106756 RE: Californicator #106750

Ya, if you enjoy paying the government in short term capital gains. I'll just hold for the long term.

Everyone has their own strategy though!


04/02/14 6:21 PM

#106798 RE: Californicator #106750

Mods - please delete the following post -

Akush - my apologies, I just don't like the company you keep when you make your plays. I'll pony up and apologize as an adult - I'm sorry I posted your name in a public forum. It'll be deleted.

Rest assured I'd rather pay a premium vs. south charging short action. Why - families can be ruined by this type of thing. Enough said.

I'm still going to learn about this more just to ensure myself if it's legal or not.

In the meantime, to each their own.


PS - tip of the day - don't text while driving. SIGN THE OPRAH PLEDGE, ha! :)