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04/01/14 11:35 PM

#220657 RE: F6 #220655

I realized that the republicans .. would think that a tax rate of 4% were be a wet dream for them ... and they are wishing and hoping
while no doubt praying and taking and screwing for the fantasy of "someday, I'll have that'..LOL.

they never live in reality, you know, yes, I know YOU KNOW!

also I meant to add that David Cay Johnson (? or Johnston?) .. anyway . .had a good article on of course this same subject that he has been warning us about like all the other good economic writers have .. I'll try to go look for it ... .. it was two or three day ago.. ;)


04/01/14 11:43 PM

#220659 RE: F6 #220655

Yes, Yes Yes! he commented on the article that you wrote for us and was familiar with it as you were with the authors .. It was in Al jazzeera [ ] The name of his article is Trickle-UP Economics