Lol! Not yet technically for me! I still have to work full time. I could quit if I wanted right now to live comfortably for other 3 years. Nope, I rather to wait long time. ERBB has the potential to transform world's economy. Not going to settle for peanuts at all!
My portfolio is VERY GREEN. I also have over 2 years supply of personal ERBB. Those two can tide me over until I quit my job. :-)
This has only given my a chubby yet, been here for over a year from .0012. Major things are still ahead! A year ago when we first heard of the idea of our machine i was saying, this is just the beginning...and I'm still saying that! Haha this will be a fun ride for years! birth of a brand new my multi billion $$$$ industry and we are on top if it all!!