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03/31/14 6:30 PM

#6630 RE: Investaholic33 #6628

I'm Worried.....

What will we have to discuss once Bioheart goes to $5 - $10 a share? How ever will we occupy our time?

I mean, besides counting money....


03/31/14 8:55 PM

#6632 RE: Investaholic33 #6628



03/31/14 9:56 PM

#6637 RE: Investaholic33 #6628

Mr.Market apparently views BHRT as esteemed much more than a company on the verge of BK, or as poorly or improperly managed in any way shape or form, as a select minority may care to opine. I base my views on the observable facts of strong supportive bidding, resulting in very reasonable fluctuations in the current PPS. As I see it, the recent financial report reflects essentially what most BHRT holders had expected, and did not result in any sort of disorderly mad house rush to the exits. This is despite what many longer term investors believe to be an ongoing and incessant barrage of negativity that is also nothing new, and include the use of many scare tactic terms such as “toxic financing”, “death spiral”, “share dumping”, “bag holders”, “cratering”, “crashing” and several others that all tend to hold little if any real believable truth, let alone factual support.

I would think any person that has chosen to take up a position in BHRT at any PPS, clearly understands this company is a penny stock in the development stage, and will be for some time to come. I doubt if anybody was thinking BHRT was going to be up-listing to the big boards any time soon, or would ever expect their financials could realistically hold up well when highly scrutinized at that type of comparative level.

One might consider BHRT is still marching formidably uphill against a much larger diversified army of well financed headwind creating blowhards, and management has not yet shown any signs of a loss of enthusiasm, or willingness to fight nobly to the bitter end, and with the only outcome considered as being the victors.