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Don Quixote

03/31/14 11:40 AM

#101657 RE: Allbeck #101656 are just bashing without any knowledge of this stock....Scott stated he wasn't going to uplist to the QB which would have caused SEEK to do a reverse split. That would have been his excuse right there to reverse this, but instead he stated that he is going to take seek to the otcbb.....enough said about this pal.


03/31/14 11:41 AM

#101658 RE: Allbeck #101656

Scare tactic alert, miss leading false post.



03/31/14 12:38 PM

#101676 RE: Allbeck #101656

A corporate action in which a company reduces the total number of its outstanding shares. A reverse stock split involves the company dividing its current shares by a number such as 5 or 10, which would be called a 1-for-5 or 1-for-10 split, respectively. A reverse stock split is the opposite of a conventional (forward) stock split, which increases the number of shares outstanding. Similar to a forward stock split, the reverse split does not add any real value to the company. But since the motivation for a reverse split is very different from that for a forward split, the stock’s price moves after a reverse and forward split may be quite divergent. A reverse stock split is also known as a stock consolidation or share rollback.