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03/03/06 7:59 AM

#1282 RE: Topgun21 #1278

Hi Fireman. Welcome aboard the PTSC "train."

It's all good. The Fab-5 is defunk! The J-4 (minus SONY) has become the J-3.

Now that Fujitsu has settled it's logical Toshiba, NEC and Matsushita will follow soon.

1) High Tech Manufacturers and 2) System Manufacturers

The original $200 billion and 150 companies have changed, IMO. Take special note of "hundred's" in the latest News Releases.

The Fujitsu, Intel, AMD, HP and Casio licensing agreements set a strong precedent for more than 150 other high tech manufacturers that were notified in 2004 that they were infringing upon our patents and were invited to obtain appropriate licenses," Pohl noted.

"Our Licensing Program rewards first movers in their industry sectors with substantial discounts," said Mac Leckrone, President of Alliacense. "By design, our licensing structure enables nimble and forward-thinking system manufacturers to disadvantage their competitors." He confirmed that Alliacense has contacted hundreds of system manufacturers around the globe, and that competition for early-round licensing berths in key market sectors has become intense."

According to Leckrone, the purchase of MMP System Licenses by global system manufacturers such as HP and Casio has increased MMP licensing momentum. He reports that of the hundreds of companies Alliacense has contacted worldwide, dozens have begun to seek licensing arrangements. "The competition for early-round berths in many key market sectors is becoming intense."

Hundreds ... dozens! More than 200? More than 24? At any rate, the dominos have just begun to fall.

Patriot's Ignite/Inflame is also something to keep an eye on. Add this potential to the already lucrative licensing of the MMP Portfolio ... it does get very interesting.

Remember, PTSC is basically debt-free. And, they just issued an unprecedented dividend to their stockholders -- Something that is most RARE for the OTC arena.

Regards -- SAM