LOL...well if you don't like scammers then you need to RUN from this SHAM.
This isn't a business NOR will it ever be. That takes long hours and hard work. Sorry,but PRESIDENT VAKSER isn't in to that kind of thing,all he wants to do is keep the share PRINTING PRESS going in high gear and release total BS PR'S. Trust me,Vakser will NEVER leave this CON--it's way too good for him. NOR can he be ousted or voted out. He brings in puppet CEO's so his name goes to the background but he is STILL FIRMLY in control.
Everything Vakser touches is a SCAM,he's now playing the weed card over on another FRAUD of his TDEY. Oh yeah...that where he just SOLD that weed software to himself--or to TDEY. WHY would a company who deals in 3D NEED with MJ software,other than it's a HOT sector and now he's SHAMMING the gullible over there.