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03/28/14 4:11 PM

#6585 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

Thanks for your post. Always enjoy reading them!


03/28/14 5:31 PM

#6586 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

Excellent post!! Thanks for your insight

Dragon Lady

03/28/14 7:10 PM

#6588 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

Below is NOT "ASHER" IMO? Page 51, 10-K: That statement is a summary of the entire yr common stock sales and also of warrants issued, according to the way I read it. It does not say "Asher" anywhere on it? Further, that .11 is an error/typo- in the line above it, summarizing all options over various yrs, the last line is 2013 and states, "warrants issued in connection with our private placements in 2013 to purchase an aggregate of 50,350,536 shares of our common stock at prices from $0.011 to $0.0299 per share expiring ten years from the date of issuance." (it's .011, not .11, and NOT 3 to 11 cents as stated in "analysis")

Thus the price is just over ONE PENNY to about 3 cents, being the highest- hardly a big incentive IMO. They'd be "in the money" at 2 or 3 cents on many of them, huge in the money at say 4 cents, the hold period is 6 months, which is most likely past on most back into mid 2013 (see past 10-Q's; 35 million were already granted by Sept 30, "In conjunction with the authorized issuance of common stock, the Company granted approximately 35 million common stock purchase warrants during the nine months ended September 30, 2013."
In the summary table cited below, it in fact lists the aggregate avg price as about .016 total, all 50 million warrants 2013. So, anyone getting these warrants would be able to buy at about 1.6 cents. If the stock were at 3 cents, that's double your money.

I don't see ANY connection to this being related to any supposed, upcoming "financing" deal IMO?

They sold common shares all throughout the yr via all various parties from Asher to the Greystone line and other means.

They issued warrants for the yr, totaling the 50 million or so in the statement posted. That's a yr's total as shown in the total "warrant summary" table on page F-34 of the 10-K. Average exercise price of .016 and 9.2 yrs time to expire. See table. Those warrants went to more parties than just Asher as far as I can tell?

As an example, they granted about 5 million warrants to Cassel, November 20, 2013, as part of the deal with them. "For these services, CSC will receive a one-time $25,000 fee, $5,000 monthly fees and 5,207,630 ten year common stock purchase warrants, exercisable at $.0113 a" page F-36, 10-K.

Further, Asher is hardly known as a facilitator of "bridge loans"? Asher does "convertible security" share for cash deals (often called death spiral, toxic or ratchet) financing.

A bridge loan is just that, "a loan" and is typically collateralized with something like real estate or plant/equipment or similar. It's a debt instrument with an interest rate as far as I'm familiar with. That is NOT what Asher is known for, or typical does, or has been doing in the case of BHRT and "convertible" share for cash deals.

BHRT has made many "PR" announcement in the past of "hiring" or "engaging" firms/groups for "financing" or "legal" or "advisors" or "raising an amount of financing" or "sales" or whatever- most not heard about again later, is my experience:
" hired Boca Raton-based LifeTech Capital as its financial adviser as it seeks new sources of much-needed capital."
" "We’re looking for the release of our product in Europe next year and in the United States in 2007.That focus "product" is MyoCell™"
"Matt brings solid sales leadership experience. He has beaten nearly every sales goal set for him in his career. He has a goal at Bioheart to achieve more than $20 million in sales in 2009. "

There's lots more that could be listed - just google them, "deals" and "partnerships" and "investment firms" - all kinds of stuff.

Statements of some "imminent big financing" deal based on that analysis given because of warrants issued and common shares sold to raise cash in 2013, make zero sense IMHO? Not seeing it at all?

Dragon Lady

03/28/14 7:58 PM

#6589 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

Late to party CHANGES TUNE?

Doesn't jive with:

"by all accounts the Company is broke. Mgt/BoD has been paying expenses for the past three years. Mgt/Insiders created NorthStar to safe guard IP of Company and to replace a loan that was causing 8-10m shares a month in dilution. recent share increase from 190m A/S to 950million a/s CEO in blogs has been hinting at JVPs etc. ANGEL study under way. Company filed to the FDA for compassionate use and that should either be approved or an update on that with in the next three weeks. Company needs $10million to complete MARVEL Phase 2 of approved Phase II/III . roughly about 150 patients in the Phase II. same ole game lots of good science, but broke. "IF" funding is secured look for a pps in a run to the mid 30's. If not then look for a massive promotion IMO and a dilutive one at that,.but none the less a possible run. BTW, nobody ever went broke from taking a profit....."


You figure it out. "Feed" can't keep the story line straight or does it change based on other "factors"?

What's also noteworthy is just how WRONG that statement above is: "Mgt/Insiders created NorthStar to safe guard IP of Company and to replace a loan that was causing 8-10m shares a month in dilution. "?? Huh? What? The LOAN WAS IN DEFAULT. That's why Northstar was "created"?

The loan was being "called" as in default, as in imminent BK, IMO of course, but read the news story in the Florida journal above, or simply read the 10-K about said loan being in default. Man, talk about spin zone? It's not to "safeguard IP"? They signed over the "IP" to Northstar as collateral for taking on/assuming the loan. That's the only "interpretation" that I'm aware of, again, from reading the 10-Q/10-K and similar. Or, just make it up as we go along?


03/29/14 12:14 AM

#6600 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

So Investor when are the warrants being born? And when do you predict funding to come in?


03/29/14 8:26 AM

#6606 RE: InvestorStemCell #6582

Hey Investor, so to clarify is the 50 million shares a bridge loan or is that the funding you mean? Thanks