Bob hasn;t affect me in the slightest. If Bob wishes to come to IHUB where the concept is Chairmen and those Chairmen like IRC are given the power to delete and stop nonsense and wishes to try and undermine that concept that will be his own demise.
Not only that but trying to flex muscle to change or do some kind of clean up is NOT what I understand is his scope of work. It is to moderate the chairmen. Another, the chairmen keep in check the posters and Bob keeps the chairmen in line all that is left is what keeps a one more scenario with utmost power in check. Well the original people that came here post Bob.
The problem is not Bob but the change to the concept. Also with all this banter for Bob and the site being totally disrupted I would not even want to be in Bob' shoes. I learned a long time ago to fight and play this game ALONE.
Cronies typically are your worse enemy in a fight.
1. If Bob is or has been focused on P&D then that is one of his mistakes mainly because that is the job of the SEC.
2. If Bob is concerned about making changes to an already established concept unchallenged that is another mistake because the right is to challenge.
3. If Bob is behind all this nonsense then he has another problem because he is not doing his job.
You people have no idea what you are doing and I can tell you from experience that Bob needs to polish bats and chase baseballs or bat. This is a stock site for the most part and not a Bob debate site and should Bob be allowed to establish Bob's World so the SI factor can invade and disrupt under the knowledge that you have the right to just bad mouth all you want and get away with it.
That is not going to happen and if it does then Bob;s World will be totaly established and IHUB's concept will be totally undermined and SI has been reinvented.
Think about it. The problem is not Bob it is the SI Factor wanting what they had on SI under his selective bias admin practices.