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03/27/14 6:02 PM

#109669 RE: op9171787 #109668

Confirmed that same info with Cunningham two years ago.

RRCH is a Scam run by Newton.

RCC Consultants has NOTHING to do with Newton and the RCCH Scam.



03/27/14 7:36 PM

#109670 RE: op9171787 #109668

No surprise with that is there? It just was not possible for broke ass RCCH to own something successful like those two companies. Why would a CEO who owned good working businesses sell BILLIONs of shares for next to nothing? Think people look at the whole picture and the realities. Then see if it makes sense that we have many businesses over seas and and here also. RCCH IS BROKE.

However thank you very much for the DD. Real DD. Something so many here claim but won't do.


03/28/14 8:51 AM

#109671 RE: op9171787 #109668

They should put a disclaimer on their website saying such. Because our RCCH is giving theirs a bad rep.


03/28/14 1:17 PM

#109677 RE: op9171787 #109668

Thanks op for your DD. Wish it was different news, but like you, not surprised at all


08/07/15 12:31 PM

#116315 RE: op9171787 #109668

NOW that was good DD on the RCCH Scam.

RCC Consultants and their RCC Holdings are ALL PRIVATELY HELD and HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH RCCH the pinksheet stock and Gene Newton.
