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Risk vs Reward

03/27/14 4:50 PM

#78614 RE: ArchiH #78610

I believe we just need to let time pass here, let the buyback occur. Call me an optimist but I'm watching something being built and it doesn't happen overnight.


03/27/14 4:52 PM

#78616 RE: ArchiH #78610

Really?? Delivered?? OK,then what are the THREE addresses of those Weed Cafe's opening in 5 days?? Oh what,no lease yet?? Then he DIDN'T deliver.

Oh and the BS Weed software that Fast Eddie just sold to another of his SHAMS TDEY. That BIG,ground breaking,money making software was for PRPM--at least that's what the BS Jeffries PR said. WHY would a Company involved in 3D NEED with WEED software??

Gawd what a SHAM--BOTH Companies!!!!


03/27/14 4:53 PM

#78617 RE: ArchiH #78610

The only reason this stock had a little run was because of the new Eddie game in "leaving." Yeah right. If Eddie was such a negative influence on PRPM, then why do business with him? Oh, so taking $500k for software from the devil is ok.

So you admit Eddie is shady and was the reason this never crossed .0005? Then making deals with him isn't valid. The selling of the software is a hoax. Just like all of the other Luther updates.

This stock ran along with the MJ sector. It didn't continue to run due to EV. Down with the ship Captain!!!!!


03/27/14 5:25 PM

#78631 RE: ArchiH #78610

... and because of Vortex. Luther found a great team, and Vortex and Davyd have delivered with graphics and tradeshow experience. Just need to keep up the good work fellas

pro bono

03/27/14 5:28 PM

#78632 RE: ArchiH #78610

I firmly believe your wrong. I've been looking at everything I can find on PRPM and would not choose to put a dime in the company at this time. I'm really not trying to bash PRPM in fact for several weeks I have been looking at it as a buy. I just find too many vague statements being made. Facebook is not the appropriate forum to release new information. I get the feeling that Vasker has every intention to continue to manage PRPM from the shadows and with his previous track record I want no involvement with him.
I know many that read this will hotly disagree and that's fine, I just personally don't want to let greed for $$'s cloud my decision.
Lastly, Maybe by Q3 I will see I was wrong and for all you longs I hope that will be the case.