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Was (Bob)

05/10/01 4:51 PM

#133 RE: Lola #132

Oh. You didn't express it as a question and if I remember right, you weren't directing it to me anyway.

The particulars of my resume or why I was hired are of no consequence to anyone but the owners of the site.

Post #2

Was (Bob)

05/10/01 8:32 PM

#152 RE: Lola #132

I wasn't looking for a job Bob ... you're safe ...

Couldn't resist replying to this part now.

Whether or not I'm "safe" isn't really an issue for me.

I'm 42 years old and (barely) have the drive and energy left in me for one more of these startups, and I think I've teamed up with precisely the folks (especially Matt) who can make it work this time and won't sell out to a corporation who sees the community only as an insignificant upward blip on their deep red bottom line.

But many days I have to admit I do get tired of the struggle and wonder why I'm in it again. I have to constantly remind myself that the current struggle is a necessary part of turning this into a successful venture that runs essentially on autopilot and won't continue to drain my finite remaining life-force. (Matt, at your age you're immortal, so you won't understand this part yet. <g>)

If it weren't for that long-term vision, I'd really rather be puttering around in the garage or finishing the workshop and doing *major* puttering in it.

I'm my own worst enemy on that, though. I could just kick back and relax and enjoy the years I've got left, but I'm stubborn. The whole "message board" thing hasn't really been done yet the way I think it can be done, so I hang in there because I want it to and I want to be a part of that happening.

Which leads into a partial answer of your question. I'm heavily into message boards and the communities that use them because, in addition to being a programmer and consultant for many years, I was the SysOp of one of the larger BBSes in the country for about a decade and carried the entire FidoNet backbone on my site and moderated some of the echos. I shut it down about 8 months after I joined SI and I could see that message boards as I knew them were not long for this world and I wanted to be involved in what was going to replace them.

Now, what kind of salary are you going to offer me? <g>