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03/26/14 11:21 PM

#117112 RE: Expertuis #117110

My conjecture is that your post was deleted for a violation of the TOS rules. You'd do better if you attacked the argument rather than the person. All caps, bold type, underlining. red lettering lessens rather than adds to a poster's credence. One of Rob's old tricks is to lend the company money and then sell the note to a third party at a steep discount, pocketing the money at the company's expense. He got himself into some trouble last year when he'd so diluted the shares that he and Mitch no longer had a controlling interest and they had to delay the stockholders' meeting to issue themselves enough shares to retain a controlling interest. Since you pride yourself on your dd skills take a close look at the debt structure and the actual flow of money. As a matter of fact they issued more than the authorized shares to retain control. What sane investor would consider PCFG as an investment. Warren Buffet wouldn't have much to fear from you and your advice. \V/_