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Georgia Bard

05/10/01 4:09 PM

#803 RE: Josef Svejk #795

No you are thread disruptors that came there for the sole purpose to engage me. However, Voice is my thread and I have control over it. Since you two wish to exercise insinuation and innuendo I deleted you till you prove the underlying basis for you posts, which I have every right to do as a Chairman.

I have posted that numerous times but you can;t seem to provide the underlying basis but that was merely a ploy to engage me in this game and HEY all you had to do was invite me here.

I am however, disappointed a bit ... I was hoping for a challenge not engage a kindly old black knight of the Holy Grail wanting fight ...

:=) Gary Swancey

im a survivor

05/10/01 4:10 PM

#804 RE: Josef Svejk #795

Funny....thats how I first found my way to "the lot".....I wanted to talk to matt about the unfair and biased ways I thought chairmen were deleting posts for.......then I was attacked by others and here we are.....but I do agree, there needs to be a fair and equal way to determine if a post is deleted or not....if not, biases will enter the i feel they did with me, and as you obviously feel has happened to you and marcos........

Now, I am really outta here <ggg>....good luck yall....have fun
