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03/27/14 6:44 PM

#380 RE: Ultimaratioregum #374

GACR Takes a Beating from Short Selling

Thanks for the suggestion, but I won't be signing up for moderator anytime soon. I have a full time job and two little kids, in my early 30's, and need to get away from the hype and nag posts. I still want a life. :) I realize certain people are negative nancys when it comes to GACR stock, but some have legitimate points (especially those around that Fred G Luke) to make and I welcome his points of view to balance out the faceless, one liner hypester posts you see from time to time, like:

"It's going up! Load up today. Cheers."
"Lock and load. GACR's going to the moon!"
"Great read! GACR is going to EXPLODE! Read if you haven't done so already!!!"

That's the same garbage PR hype I disdain and are nonsense posts by the typical hypesters. So again, bar1080's concerns are the same ones that raised red flags with me when I started researching GAC, but I've learned to override them via calculated risk after reviewing the abundance of details I've discovered during my course of due diligence and research into the new GAC. He's the voice of reason that nags you in the back of our mind and helps to weed out more conservative investors from making mistakes. I have faith bar1080 will do a fine job moderating along with anyone else who signs up. On the plus side, having shorts will create a market for anyone wishing to find a cheap entry point. I wish GACR was under $0.0001 when I found it! I estimate it's fair market value should be in the $0.10-$0.25 range, with more appreciation to come once the 2014 filings come through.

Speaking of which, the last few days have been crazy shorting days! This explains the price drop. For proof, check here:

In the long run, if and when the stock takes off due to good (real) news or significant revenue, there's nothing shorters can do but to cover their short positions and buy in. This isn't an option -- this will eventually lead to a mandatory margin call. Until then, being in Penniland leaves long investors at the mercy of shorts. If you want an exit strategy, look for the uptick with the hypesters.

I've already tripled up on my investments and broken my own rule of not doing so, so if it drops any lower I'll be breaking the rule one again to put everything on the table for GAC, once I confirm I'm not in possession of material non-public information. But hey, just for fun, look at these photos and realize that LEC is real.,d.cGU&cad=rja

NOTE: You must go through this extremely long URL in its entirety and click on "Barry Liberty's highlights" at the top center. Just, do it! Compare 2008 Ian Hobday with 2012 Ian Hobday and notice the graying hair. It must be from having to clean up the mess left behind by Luke and the gang!

One last piece of good news: if there were any doubts left, look at Hobday, West, and Carter's employment contracts as per SEC filings below. It states they'll plan to move to the AMEX or NASDAQ exchanges within three years.

Ian Hobday -
Darren West -
Carter Read -

Given the dates of those filings, I would estimate maybe three years to coincide with end of 2015 or start of 2016? I presume this is the time table to grow revenues to a respectable level before moving to the big leagues, at which point institutional investors (mutual funds, etc.) will be able to join in the fun and will make for a very difficult shorting environment.

At one point today I was at -48% down and thought about throwing more cold in, but as I know some good news coming down the pipe I won't risk it. If I'm wrong and 2015 doesn't bring a decent 10-K for full year 2014, then it's probably time to bail.

NOTE: GAC refers to the company. GACR refers to the stock.