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03/26/14 9:27 AM

#28718 RE: mmanohio #28716

Seeking Alpha is basically a blog platform that anybody can write fore. You will get a wide spectrum of "articles" (I say that loosely... more like blog posts) that say anything on SA.

One thing I can say is that the general social media buzz around this seems to be pretty negative. I have seen LOT'S of "There goes Oculus" sort of comments. I have also seen quite a bit of animosity to Oculus on the idea that they asked for "underground" help by joining a kickstarter and then became to largest kickstarter fundraiser ever. Then, after they have raised pooptons of money, they sell out to what many consider "the big guy." I think it is pretty spectacular... a group basically starts with no money. The public funds them to get all the leg work done. Then they sell it for 2 Billion dollars WITHOUT having an actual product that currently is for sale. <slow clap> bravo guys!

I guess I can sort of see Zuck's vision with this product, but there is a good chance it won't take off, thus making it a 2 billion dollar oopsie. Other than the price I am more excited about Whatsapp and the prospect of them disrupting telecom. Big price, but huge game changer possibility.