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03/25/14 6:56 PM

#20177 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

I paid no attention to the board today and am holding strong through the completion of the merger. If people who sold today look back without getting back in will view this as a missed opportunity IMO.

What has been submitted are legal documents that verify both companies are working together to complete the necessary steps to complete this reverse merger.

Patients is a virtue that should be paid off in due time here, IMO.
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03/25/14 7:03 PM

#20178 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Great post.. TY
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03/25/14 7:05 PM

#20180 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

bsd, good stuff. solid job on the ibox by the way, seriously good info that's underutilized.
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03/25/14 7:19 PM

#20182 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Thanks man.
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03/25/14 7:42 PM

#20188 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Great post! It's days like today where we have to remember what we own! GLTA!
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03/25/14 7:58 PM

#20195 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

FROZ/APTM action today was just disappointed flippers getting out, or perhaps some who bought lower and were paring back or cashing. Completely crazy. This is not your typical penny stock now. A real and fast growing company is taking over. Only a matter of time before people wonder why they didn't buy at a penny.
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Kool Aid Man

03/25/14 8:14 PM

#20202 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

APT bought the former Montgomery Ward & Co. building at the Bannister Mall site $7.7 M

Confirmation from Jan 20, 2012:

IMO most penny stocks are backed by little more than hype and hot air. However, if this merger actually becomes reality then there's a real world company with real world products, sales and profits to backstop the stock. An existing national network of retail partners is further proof of APT's legitimacy.
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03/25/14 8:29 PM

#20211 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Took a stake into this for the first time today.

Thanks, nice summary of various DD to help a newcomer here who took a venture outside my normal MMJs today.
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goat money

03/25/14 8:42 PM

#20222 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Nice post B! I. I'm not going anywhere, and I think that your predictions are solid.
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03/25/14 9:50 PM

#20245 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Somebody sticky This!!! BSDVS23, You are 100% on target!!!
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was GoldenDD

03/25/14 9:59 PM

#20248 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Thank you for your informative post. You did not mention anything about the 1.2 million $ debt FROZ needs to clear for the merger to happen. Do you believe this was happening yesterday and today by company selling to raise cash? the total transaction between yesterday and today was around 3 million $ >> so they may have raised the cash to pay off the debt..
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03/25/14 11:08 PM

#20277 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

sticky this post! Very informative! Thank you and I agree. I held my shares through the crazy trading because I know that in a short amount of time I will be cashing out on a huge pay day.
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03/26/14 12:21 AM

#20289 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

FROZ awesome post thanks
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03/26/14 1:10 AM

#20316 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Hey bsdvs... great update/summary..

I think an often overlooked aspect of this merger is, ironically, FROZ itself... we know APT has product, and is going to be growing rapidly for the foreseeable future... that's really not the point right now, IMO, because APT is not FROZ and FROZ is not APT right now.

I think it woukd be important to note the differences in FROZ and APT's former merger candidate, PRPM. It would be important to explore these differences, as we can then gauge the legitimacy of the merger between FROZ and APT.

Like I said before, lets not count our chickens before they hatch. Let's focus on FROZ for now, as that's SOLELY what we all own at the moment..

Also, I am not sure what importance besides general DD compilation a decked out iBox means for a ticker? As noted as #7 or #8 on your post??? (Not sure, on mobile).

All IMO of course.. and much respect and appreciation for all your work here on this board. I am long FROZ here.

My response to my own inquiry above: PRPM was run by a CROOK.. FROZ is NOT run by a crook.. APT would love to have a viable merger candidate.. This merger has progressed smoothly and as expected..
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03/26/14 1:29 AM

#20317 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Well spoken and I really appreciate your words. Gotta commend maximus_art as well for getting in touch with the CFO - although the company isn't pumping out news (this isn't a P&D obviously), they're working hard behind the scenes to wrap things up. I believe all parties involved, including us - the shareholders, are fairly excited. I trade NASDAQ stocks more than pennies these days, but there's something very intriguing and enchanting about FROZ....full of possibilities and potential - it's my only "investment" currently. I only hope to acquire more while prices are at such a discount! Additionally, I hope to see a lot of the same names on the board, sticking around, as we climb past $.10!
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03/26/14 1:35 AM

#20319 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

B's Post is Fabulous Resource. One thing to add to this great summary, it would be to highlight this section from the APT/MotoVox® Intro:

This year (2014) will be a transition year for MotoVox® as management fortifies the Company's already well-established foundation to capture dominating market share, expand to international markets and establish the MotoVox® brand as a household name.

Plenty of Room for Expansion Here!

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03/27/14 7:53 PM

#22019 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

$FROZ: Update: Had a Few Questions about this....

Regulation SHO

I believe the Naked short selling, or naked shorting interest here in FROZ is in serious trouble.

When the seller does not obtain the shares within the required time frame, the result is known as a "failure to deliver". Failing to deliver shares is legal under certain circumstances, and naked short selling is not per se illegal. Naked short selling is covered by various SEC regulations which prohibit the practice. This Rule is basically targeting abusive naked short selling by reducing failure to deliver securities, and by limiting the time in which a broker can permit failures to deliver.
Per the SEC, appearance on the threshold list "does not necessarily mean that there has been abusive naked short selling or any impermissible trading in the stock

Close-out purchases of stock on threshold securities lists will not necessarily drive up prices of such stocks; however, there has been some evidence of rapid upward PPS movement in threshold stocks. Nonetheless, the Regulation SHO is an action to clean up open fail positions in threshold securities when they reach a relatively low aggregate level, but not to cause short squeezes.

This Rule addresses what many of us have been saying since my posts here with regards to shorting and the shorting company. See my post here:

Bulls.... I think the playing field just became even or slightly in our favor now.

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03/28/14 6:18 PM

#22764 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Last update said to, "Hold those shares and thank me later!!!"

I hope many of those did.... Been loading those dips - Congrats to All.

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04/01/14 11:43 PM

#25784 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Husqvarna and Smartcarb?

I do not know what to think of this. Smartcarb listed under innnovations on Husqvarna's website. Partnership?
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04/25/14 10:56 AM

#44539 RE: bsdvs23 #20176

Great post! Thanks B.