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03/25/14 12:38 PM

#169237 RE: cjgaddy #169234

CJ welcome back! Thanks for posting this. God bless you.
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03/25/14 1:07 PM

#169243 RE: cjgaddy #169234

Peregrine Presenting 4-8-14 at BIO Asia Intl. Conf. in Tokyo

April 8-9 2014: “11th Annual BIO Asia Intl. Conf.”, Tokyo
”The BIO Asia Intl. an exclusive, customized partnering forum that brings together U.S. & European drug development companies with Asian biotech and pharmaceutical companies interested in research collaborations and licensing agreements. The conference features private, pre-arranged meetings between senior-level executives… The format & selective nature of the conference makes this the premier dedicated biotech partnering event in Asia and an unrivalled opportunity to meet with the leading international pharmaceutical and biotech companies in one place at one time.”
Presenting Companies (23 a/o 3-25-14):
Peregrine Pharmaceuticals - Tuesday, 4-8-14 3:30pm, Sage Room

= = = = = = =AS VG Reminds us:
H. 1st Investigator-Sponsored (IST) Ph.I/II Trial (Bavi+Sorafenib vs. Liver Cancer/HCC, open-label)
...Note: Sorafenib = Onyx/Bayer's Nexavar - see
Protocol: UTSW: (5 sites: 3/UTSW, Parkland-Hosp, Dallas/VA)
...4-4-12 AACR'12: Dr. Adam Yopp, "promising safety profile to-date" (see #5591)
...Feb'12-Mar'13 ~8 times: CEO Steve King hints of future ex-US partner-driven Bavi+Sorafenib/LIVER trial in Asia:
......Articles & Data describe Liver Cancer challenges in Asian populations: &
...12-1-10: PPHM's 1st IST (Liver Cancer) initiated at UTSW, ~56 patients -
…Per S.King, 5-18-10/R&R, "We've had a lot of interest in running clinical trials with the compound from investigators who have either had prior experience with the drug or would like to study the drug in various settings. Potential IST indications include all the major solid tumor types. Of particular interest is Liver Cancer, in which we have a natural tie-in with our HCV program, Ovarian Cancer and Pancreatic Cancer, also very nicely supported by the prior data."

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BCS Paladin

03/25/14 1:54 PM

#169270 RE: cjgaddy #169234

Paul Lytle spills the beans...all of them.

It is also important to note that we strategically picked a 3-year period to coincide with the anticipated time frame of unblinding the Phase III SUNRISE trial. We are planning for success, and we aligned the terms of this preferred stock transaction accordingly.

I wonder if we all fully realize just how far we have to go to really selling our first "pill" for real money.

I wonder if we fully understand we are just a little ahead of a START UP COMPANY.

I wonder if we understand the years we have left of


I wonder if I realize I have to forget building my shack in Baja and I just need to leave Fresno and go fish with no shack.

I wonder if my two sons know how rich they will be when I'm just an after thought.
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03/25/14 7:41 PM

#169439 RE: cjgaddy #169234

ATM Sales Summary (3/2009–3/3/2014). Also, PPHM O/S Shares History Table (’06–curr.) at the bottom of this post…
At 3-3-2014, shares O/S = 176,481,054 - note that between q/e 1-31-14 and 3-3-14, O/S shares went up by 27,793 shares.

ATM = “At-The-Market Sales Issuance”

I. WM-SMITH 3-2009:
• $7.5mm ATM/Wm.SMITH 3-26-09: $7,500,000gr. / 2,150,759sh. = $3.49/sh. (commiss: 3%)
• $25mm ATM/Wm.SMITH 7-14-09: $25,000,000gr. / 7,569,314sh. = $3.30/sh. (commiss: 3%/1st$15mm, then 2%)
*Total Raised via WmSmith ATM Sales thru 7-31-10:
. . . . $32,500,000gr. / 9,720,073sh. = $3.34/sh.

II. MLV 6-2010:
$15mm ATM/MLV 6-22-10 (commiss: 2%) Form424:
• Sold 6/22/10–10/31/10: $6,840,000gr. / 4,031,018sh. = $1.70/sh.
• Sold 11/1/10–11/30/10: $7,407,000gr. / 4,711,611sh. = $1.57/sh.
• Sold 12/1/10–1/31/11: $753,000gr. / 471,744sh. = $1.60/sh.
*Total Raised via MLV June’10 ATM Sales thru 1-31-11:
. . . . $15,000,000gr. / 9,214,373 = $1.63/sh.

III. MLV 12-2010: “Dec’10 AMI Agreement”
$75mm ATM/MLV 12-29-10 (commiss: max=5%) Form8K:
(pursuant to $75mm S-3 Shelf Reg. filed 12-17-10: )
• Sold 12/29/10-1/31/11: $6,460,000gr. / 2,385,862sh. = $2.71/sh.
• Sold 2/1/11-2/28/11: $2,358,000gr. / 998,142sh. = $2.36/sh.
• Sold 3/1/11-4/30/11: $4,470,000gr. / 1,840,487sh. = $2.43/sh.
• Sold 5/1/11-7/31/11: $3,713,000gr. / 1,912,576sh. = $1.94/sh.
• Sold 8/1/11-10/31/11: $5,582,000gr. / 4,727,840sh. = $1.18/sh.
• Sold 9-2-12 Roth Direct: $6,940,000gr./ 6,252,252sh. = $1.11/sh.
• Sold 11/1/11-1/31/12: $10,961,000gr. / 10,308,025sh. = $1.06/sh.
• Sold 2/1/12-2/29/12: $5,871,000gr. / 5,726,946sh. = $1.03/sh.
• Sold 3/1/12-4/30/12: $1,263,000gr. / 2,198,543sh. = $.57/sh.
• Sold 5/1/12-6/30/12: $1,496,000gr. / 2,752,691sh. = $.54/sh.
• Sold 7/1/12-9/26/12: none**
• Sold 9/27/12-10/31/12: $16,719,000gr./ 18,557,928 = $.90/sh.
• Sold 11/1/12-11/30/12: $7,296,000gr./ 9,220,313 = $.79
• Sold 12/1/12-1/31/13: $1,540,000gr./ 1,131,282 = $1.36
• Sold 2/1/13-3/12/13: $330,000gr./ 201,154 = $1.64
*Total Raised via MLV Dec’10 ATM Sales thru 3-12-2013:
. . . . $75,000,000gr. / 68,214,041 = $1.10sh.

IV. MLV 12-2012: “Dec’12 AMI Agreement”
$75mm ATM/MLV 12-29-12 (commiss: max=5%) Form8K:
(pursuant to $75mm S-3 Shelf Reg. filed 3-9-12: )
• Sold 2/1/13-3/12/13: $4,475,000gr. / 3,132,402sh. = $1.43/sh.
• Sold 3/13/13-4/30/13: $8,897,000gr. / 6,188,273sh. = $1.44/sh.
• Sold 5/1/13-7/11/13: $12,729,000gr. / 7,927,016sh. = $1.61/sh.
• Sold 7/12/13-7/31/13: $2,468,000gr. / 1,690,864sh. = $1.46/sh.
• Sold 8/1/13-9/9/13: $4,372,000gr. / 3,057,431sh. = $1.43/sh.
• Sold 9/10/13-10/31/13: $4,708,000gr. / 3,262,958sh. = $1.44/sh.
• Sold 11/1/13-12/6/13: NONE – see 10Q note below.
• Sold 12/7/13-1/31/14: $28,130,000gr. / 16,045,717sh. = $1.75/sh.
*Total Raised via MLV Dec’12 ATM Sales thru 1-31-2014:
. . . . $65,779,000gr. / 41,304,661 = $1.59sh.

TOTAL ALL A-T-M SALES – INCEPTION (3-2009) THRU 1-31-2014:
==> $188,278,000gr. / 128,453,148sh. = $1.47/sh.

- - - - - - - - - -
10-31-11 10Q: “During the 6mos. 10-31-11, we sold 6,440,416 shares of our common stock at mkt-prices for gross proceeds of $9,295,000 under the Dec’10 AMI Agreement before deducting commissions and other issuance costs of $260,000”
1-31-12 10Q: “During the 9mos. ended 1-31-12, we sold 16,948,441 shares of our common stock at mkt-prices for gross proceeds of $20,256,000 under the Dec’10 AMI Agreement before deducting commissions and other issuance costs of $482,000. …During Feb.2012, we sold an addl. 5,726,946 shares of common stock at market prices under the Dec’10 AMI Agreement in exchange for aggregate gross proceeds of $5,871,000. As of 2-29-12, gross proceeds of $38,644,000 remained available under our 2 effective shelf registration statements.”
4-30-12 10K: “Under the Dec. 2010 AMI Agreement with MLV …for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $75,000,000… During FY’s 2011 (5’10-4’11) and 2012 (5’11-4’12), we sold 30,098,421 shares of common stock at market prices under the Dec.2010 AMI for aggregate gross proceeds of $40,678,000 before deducting commissions & other issuance costs of $917,000. As of April 30, 2012, aggregate gross proceeds of up to $27,382,000 remained available under the Dec.2010 AMI… Subsequent to April 30, 2012 and through June 30, 2012, we sold 2,752,691 shares of common stock at mkt prices under the Dec.2010 AMI for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,496,000… Under the registered direct public offering dated Sept. 2, 2011, we entered into separate subscription agreements with 3 institutional investors, pursuant to which we sold an aggregate of 6,252,252 shares of our common stock at a purchase price of $1.11/sh. for gross proceeds of $6,940,000 before deducting placement agent fees and other offering expenses of $525,000.”
10-31-12 10Q: “During the 6mos. 10-31-12, we sold 21,310,619 shares… at varying mkt-prices under the Dec’10 AMI Agreement for gross proceeds of $18,215,000 before deducting commissions and other issuance costs of $620,000. From 11-1-12 thru 11-30-12, we sold 9,220,313 shares gross of $7,296,000. As of 11-30-12, aggregate gross proceeds of up to $1,871,000 remained available under the Dec’10 AMI Agreement. As of 11-30-12, gross proceeds of $151,871,000 remained available under 2 effective shelf registration statements.”
1-31-13 10Q/pg.11: “DEC’10-AMI(max=$75mm): During the 9 mos. ended 1-31-13, we sold 31,662,214 shares at varying mkt-prices for gross proceeds of $27,051,000 before deducting commissions/other-costs of $885,000. As of 1-31-13, gross proceeds of up to $330,000 remained available. From 2-1-13 – 3-12-13, we sold 201,154 shares at mkt prices for gross $330,000. As of 3-12-13, we had raised the full amt of gross proceeds available… DEC’12-AMI(max=$75mm): As of 1-31-13, we had not sold any shares. From 2-1-13 - 3-12-13, we sold 3,132,402 shares at mkt prices for gross proceeds of $4,475,000. As of 3-12-13, gross proceeds of up to $70,525,000 remained available.”
4-30-13 10K/pg.F26: Dec’12-AMI(max=$75mm)Agreement – During FY’13, we sold 9,320,675 shares gross proceeds of $13,372,000 before deducting commissions and other issuance costs of $337,000. As of April 30, 2013, gross proceeds of up to $61,628,000 remained available under the Dec’12-AMI. From 5/1/13 – 7/11/13, we sold 7,927,016 shares for gross proceeds of $12,729,000. As of 7-11-13, gross proceeds of $48,899,000 remained available under the Dec’12-AMI.
7-31-13 10Q/pg.10: During the 3mos ended 7-31-13, we sold 9,617,880 shares at mkt prices under the Dec’12 AMI Agreement for gross proceeds of $15,197,000 before deducting commissions and other issuance costs of $491,000. As of July 31, 2013, gross proceeds of up to $46,431,000 remained available under the Dec’12-AMI. From 8-1-13 – 9-9-13, we sold 3,057,431 shares for gross proceeds of $4,372,000. As of 9-9-13, gross proceeds of $42,059,000 remained available under the Dec’12-AMI.
10-31-13 10Q/pg.10: During the 6mos ended 10-31-13, we sold 15,938,269 at mkt prices under the Dec’12 AMI for gross proceeds of $24,277,000 before deducting costs of $722,000. As of 10-31-13, aggregate gross proceeds of up to $37,351,000 remained available under the Dec’12 AMI.
***NOTE: There is no stmt in the 10-Q regarding AMI Sales subsequent to 10-31-13 (thru 12-6-13) as has been the case in the 10Q’s for years – the assumption being: NO AMI Sales made 11/1/13-12/6/13, a period where O/S shares only went up by 77,149.
1-31-14 10Q/pg.11: “During the 9 mos. ended 1-31-14, we sold 31,983,986 shares under the Dec’12/AMI for gross $52,407,000 before deducting commissions & other iss. costs of $1,427,000. As of 1-31-14, gross proceeds of up to $9,221,000 remained available under the Dec’12/AMI.

ALL SEC filings for PPHM: (Note: PPHM’s FY runs May-April)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Beyond these 2 sources of capital ([Avid & Gov’t], we have raised addl. capital through the equity markets and it’s important to note that over the past 3 years we have sold every share at market prices [“ATM”], without warrants, without discounts. We continue to be active in the investment community and we have had strong interest from institutional investors intrigued by our clinical data, by our multiple trials to evaluate Bavituximab’s broad therapeutic potential, and by the interim survival data we have seen from our novel brain cancer therapy Cotara. Our goal is to maintain a balanced financial approach with multiple sources of capital and to carefully manage our cash burn as we continue to advance these programs.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
PPHM - O/S Shares History (’06–curr.) – a/o 3-3-2014, shares outstanding = 176,481,054 (from 1-31-14 10Q iss. 3-7-14 )
4-30-06 35,876,438
1-31-07 39,222,440
4-30-07 39,222,440
7-6-07 45,233,123
7-31-07 45,242,123
10-31-07 45,242,123
1-31-08 45,242,123
4-30-08 45,242,123
7-31-08 45,242,123
10-31-08 45,242,123
1-31-09 45,242,123
4-30-09 45,537,711
7-10-09 47,392,883
7-31-09 47,393,783
10-31-09 48,869,563 +1,475,780
1-31-10 50,903,404 +2,033,841
4-30-10 53,094,894 +2,191,490
6-21-10 54,388,917 +1,294,023 (6-22-10 ATM/mlv Form424)
7-9-10 55,069,449 +475,987 (4-30-10 10K iss. 7-14-10)
7-31-10 55,784,955 +715,506
10-31-10 59,220,742 +3,435,787
11-30-10 63,932,353 +4,711,611 (10-31-10 10Q iss. 12-9-10)
12-15-10 64,404,097 +471,744 (12-17-10 S-3: $75M Shelf Reg.)
1-31-11 66,813,419 +2,409,322
2-28-11 67,885,811 +1,072,392 (1-31-11 10Q iss. 3-11-11)
4-30-11 69,837,142 +1,951,331
7-8-11 71,069,858 +1,232,716 (4-30-11 10K iss. 7-14-11)
8-22-11 72,704,647 +1,634,789 (Proxy iss. 8-26-11)
8-31-11 73,284,016 +579,369 (424B5 iss. 9-2-11)
9-8-11 79,536,268 +6,252,252 (Roth Sale to 3 Inst’s @ $1.11/sh.)
10-31-11 82,638,201 +3,101,933
12-9-11 86,788,817 +4,150,616 (10-31-11 10Q iss. 12-12-11)
1-31-12 93,146,226 +6,357,409
2-29-12 98,873,172 +5,726,946 (1-31-12 10Q iss. 3-9-12)
4-30-12 101,421,365 +2,548,193
7-13-12 104,174,056 +2,752,691 (4-30-12 10K iss. 7-16-12)
7-31-12 104,178,431 +4,375 (7-31-12 10Q iss. 9-10-12)
8-16-12 104,191,176 +12,745 (prelim. proxy 14A )
9-7-12 104,191,176 nochg (7-31-12 10Q iss. 9-10-12)
10-31-12 123,310,188 +19,119,012
12-7-12 132,539,783 +9,229,595 (10-31-12 10Q iss. 12-10-12)
1-31-13 133,770,614 +1,230,831
3-12-13 137,110,758 +3,340,144 (1-31-13 10Q iss. 3-12-13)
4-30-13 143,768,946 +6,658,188 (4-30-13 10K iss. 7-11-13)
7-5-13 151,602,765 +7,833,819 (4-30-13 10K iss. 7-11-13)
7-31-13 153,506,811 +1,904,046
9-5-13 156,461,114 +2,954,303 (7-31-13 10K iss. 9-9-13)
10-31-13 160,248,742 +3,781,628
12-6-13 160,325,891 +77,149 (10-31-13 10K iss. 12-10-13)
1-31-14 176,453,261 +16,127,370
3-3-14 176,481,054 +27,793 (1-31-14 10Q iss. 3-7-14)

O/S WARRANTS & STOCK-OPTIONS A/O 1-31-2014 (10-Q pg. 11+12):
…WARRANTS: As of Jan. 31, 2014, the following warrants to purchase an aggregate of 373,280 shares of our common stock were outstanding:
• Iss. 8-30-12: 273,280 @ $2.47, exp. 8-30-18 (Oxford $30mm Loan)
Total Warrants = 273,280 @ avg. exercisable price = $2.47.
...STOCK OPTIONS OUSTANDING (1-31-14): 18,226,657 at a wgt.avg. exercise price of $1.57.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
PPHM Fact Sheet updated 3-17-2014:
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03/26/14 9:05 PM

#169779 RE: cjgaddy #169234

CEO S.King’s 3-10-14 ROTH Talk (DanaPT CA) - Slideshow

Mar9-12 2014: “Roth’s 26th Annual OC Growth Stock Conf.”, DanaPT, CA

CEO Steven King’s 22 min. Presentation – Roth/DanaPT CA
3-10-2014 1pmPT WEBCAST Replay:
Direct Replay:

Roth Capital /Joe Pantginis - init. 7-15-10 Buy/PT=$10, CURR: Buy/$5
. . .Universe (click link bottom right):
. . .6-28-13: Roth lowers PPHM PT 7=>$5 (following PPHM's 6-28-13 press release)
. . .6-3-13: Roth raises PPHM PT 4=>$7 ("ASCOdata+FDA_ph3 agreement & visibility should represent the final potential triggers to conclude a partnership deal.")
. . .1-14-13: Roth raises PPHM PT 2.70=>$4.00 ("partnering discussions have new found life")
. . .1-7-13: Roth ups Neutral to BUY, PT 1.25=>$2.70 (after 2nd-Line NSCLC Review Upd)
. . .12-11-12: Roth ups PT $.70=>$1.25 after Cotara Ph3 design approval & 12-10-12/10Q-CC.
. . .9-24-12: Roth cuts PT $9=>$.70 after PPHM PR about 2nd-Line NSCLC trial data problems.
. . .9-10-12: Roth ups PT $5=>$9 ("highly encouraged by 2ndLine NSCLC clinical data")
. . .8-15-12: Roth adds PPHM to focus list as a Top Biotech Pick:
. . .5-21-12: Roth ups PT $3.30=>$5 ("impressed by the strong 2ndLine NSCLC clinical data")
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04/04/14 1:15 PM

#171514 RE: cjgaddy #169234

The latest Pipeline chart shows the Bavi+Ipilimumab(BMS' Yervoy) vs. Adv.Melanoma IST progress-bar a tad into “Phase I”. Diff. from the way presented before (see below). Not sure that means it’s started yet, but it’s an IST (UTSW), and UTSW is in control of the trial itself and its reporting (to Peregrine or otherwise).

Jan.2014 Factsheet:

= = = = = = = = =
O. 6th IST Trial: Bavi+Ipilimumab(Yervoy) vs. Adv.Melanoma (Ph1b, random, open-label, 2arms, n=24)
Protocol (UTSW): => “Est Start: Mar.2014”
…Note: Ipilimumab = BMS’s “Yervoy” (anti-CTLA-4)