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05/12/03 12:31 AM

#16900 RE: seabass #16898

Sea-- You are wasting your time with Mlsoft. Most of know that GWB is a idiot but Mlsoft believes he walks on water. Yes the same person who is unable to put two sentences together.


05/12/03 8:12 AM

#16901 RE: seabass #16898

seabass -- Not easy when looking for "facts" that may not exists -- You wrote:
--- Again, most reporters doing stories on the Bush AWOL theme seem to have[1]one thing in common: [2]They are unable to account for his whereabouts between spring of 1972 and spring of 1973. [3]Since he was required to attend drills during that period, [4]this military absence becomes a problem. ---

[1] -- Not "one thing" but also they are attempting to smear GWB
[2] -- Whereabouts of GWB from spring of 1972 to spring of 1973 from public records : May 24, 1972: Bush, who has moved to Alabama to work on a US Senate race, gets permission to serve with a reserve unit in Alabama. Sept. 5, 1972: Bush is granted permission to do his Guard duty at the 187th Tactical Recon Group in Montgomery. November 1972 to April 30, 1973: Bush returns to Houston.
[3] Drills may not be required for officers not on active flying status -- The National Guard allows officers to elect to accept 'inactive' status where they do not drill, get paid, or receive retirement points.
[4] Only a problem for the Bush Haters -- not a problem for the Texas National Guard