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03/24/14 7:17 PM

#220368 RE: F6 #220350

"Have You No Sense of Decency?" Why Alabama Republicans Need A History Lesson

by: countrycat
Tue Mar 18, 2014 at 09:12:59 AM CDT

It takes a special kind of doofus to defend the late, red-baiting, list-waving Senator Joseph McCarthy - & Alabama has at least two of them .. .. working on our state's education policy. State Senator (and US House Candidate) Scott Beason & Talladega County Republican Party Chairman Danny Hubbard are either deliberately whitewashing history, totally clueless - or both.

Speaking to the Anniston Star recently, they had this to say:

McCarthy was right about most of the people he accused, Beason claims.

"So we're comparing the McCarthy investigations of the 1950s, in which he turned out to be right, with the Salem witch hunts," Beason said.
Hubbard put some of the flags in Beason's textbook. He said he didn't flag "The Crucible," but he thinks Beason was right to do so. Joe McCarthy, he said, was right.

"Now that all the records are out, it's clear that McCarthy didn't go far enough," he said.

Let's keep in mind how & why Senator McCarthy's name itself became a word in the dictionary:

1. the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, especially of pro-Communist activity, in many instances unsupported by proof or based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence.

2. the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism.

And let's compare that to some recent antics in the Alabama Republican Party:

* Accusations of disloyalty .. - Prominent birther, State Republican Committee member, and former Congressional candidate Hugh McInnish has been beating this drum for years: "In my white paper I will present what I believe is conclusive evidence that the Obama birth certificate is a forgery and Obama himself a forgerer. Do you realize what that would mean? Just think of it! It would mean that the most powerful nation in the world is under the direction of a felon. It might mean, as some legal expert contend, that all of his executive actions are null and void."

* Accusations of pro-Communist activity .. : In September 2012 AL State GOP Chair Bill Armistead urged everyone to see a birther movie which, "according to its director Joel Gilbert .. , “presents the case that Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA organizer and propagandist, was Obama's real father, both biological and ideological, and indoctrinated Obama with a political foundation in Marxism and an anti-White world view.

Well, those first two certainly fit the rest of the definition: "unsupported by proof or based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence."

It's no surprise that this McCarthy rehab effort is part of the right wing's fight against Common Core standards. The wing nuts are the worst enemy of standards opponents - many of whom have quite valid concerns about the high-stakes testing and corporate involvement in education.

And it's no surprise that the TEA Party conspiracists & birthers (aka.. the GOP base) look with longing to those thrilling days of yesteryear when a politician only had to wave a sheet of paper containing a mythical "list of Communists," and a fearful populace would fall into line - at least temporarily.

But those days are gone. Chain email crap like this .. .. won't bring them back. Please children, go back to squabbling amongst yourselves about whether President Obama had a Marxist Kenyan or American Communist father or whether the black helicopters are taking you to a FEMA camp or a secret Marxist prison and stop trying to impose your anti-intellectual, revisionist fantasies and paranoia on our state's public students.

Note: thanks to Special Counsel for the Army Joseph N. Welch .. , for inspiring this title.;jsessionid=EAEAF991402968DD3E1E669B5B4CD4D5?diaryId=10824