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03/23/14 2:42 PM

#14718 RE: rosen62 #14712

Five star post (I think)

I think Mr. Olson frames his argument in a way that he can take all the way to SCOTUS, if necessary. Pretty brilliant really.

Judge Sweeney dealt with another point that I was wondering about in the context of the Fairholme case (I think), re the point about whether FHFA is acting as the "gov't." I guess that's important because the Court of Claims has a defined jurisdiction re takings by the gov't. Anyway, she said, in essence, that whether or not FHFA as a conservator was in some sense acting as a private actor (a conservator of an investor-owned company), she was satisfied that FHFA was broadly acting as the "gov't." I think the Court of Claims might have been dismissed if she hadn't found that. I'M NOT A LAWYER. Due your own do diligence.