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03/23/14 9:26 AM

#7286 RE: SoDone #7283

I think it comes down to the individual if you can call yourself a professional photographer or not. My manager for example, she doesn't know a thing about photography or cameras. Once I had accidentally hit the info button and the review screen was showing all of the camera setting info on the photos as they popped up(f stop, image number ect..) She freaked out and blamed me for breaking the camera and had to call tech support to turn it off, didn't even let me show her it was a simple fix. I wouldn't say she's a professional photographer, she doesn't even have an eye for art or design but her portraits were up to par because she followed the posing guide and was great with kids.

There are probably 3 times the hacks and prosumers out their running their own businesses than talented photographers and artists. The market is flooeded with them.
I have two long time friends who opened thier own shop. One is very talented and doing very well, she has more appointments per week than I do in the studio! She works very hard and makes big investments into gear and spends a lot of time hustling and generating bussiness, the other has a rebel and is always lowering her rates. Her photos are uninsipering and at times flat out bad. She's also oddly obsessed with bordiour photos....
I've also seen people who just happen to have enough money to buy sweet gear and they faked it till they made it.

I have no idea where im going with this rant, but I will say I'm a photographer and an artist, I always have been and always will be. I gained experience towards my professional status at the studio, but it takes more than that to call yourself a pro.