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Bird of Prey

05/10/01 2:25 PM

#758 RE: Josef Svejk #751


"No, the main difference is ownership. CoB's are members. HuBob's the house. CoB's play by house rules that HuBob makes."

Ownership in what sense? financial? Have not several CoB's here invested significant portions of time and effort in promoting the IHUB experience? You would deny them the same privilege of protecting that investment for scurrilous detractors posting off topic comments that are nothing more than a challenge to the CoB's integrity?

Over on what is now known as Usenet there are over 35,000 individual threads. Each one has an autonomous moderator. Some run their threads with equanimity and enjoy a free flowing discussion 24/7/365. Others have chosen to rule as the mood strikes them and receive little if any traffic. Some of those will eventually die some have existed for years because the miniGod refuses to accept that no one enjoys his/her diatribe.
The same would happen to the CoB's here. Those that operate fairly will thrive, those that don't won't. With or without a Supermoderator and with or without your input. Far more deleterious however are the roving bands of ne'er do well's that seek to destroy the good threads. They do so by all of the methods we have seen so prevalent on other systems that suddenly are en vogue recently at IHUB.
My advice to anyone that has had a message deleted (BTW, in 20+ years I've likely had more deleted than most folks have made yet.)...get over it. If you have a problem with a CoB...don't post there! There are plenty of other CoB's around surely you can locate one you like to post with. IF not become a CoB yourself! Then YOU can have a say in the future of the community.

This lack of respect for moderators is very disturbing. They have made a commitment above and beyond that of mere membership. Without them there would likely be no IHUB for you to post on.

David Weed
aka the Bird of Prey