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Dragon Lady

03/22/14 3:07 PM

#6319 RE: Investaholic33 #6318

Misleading headline in my opinion. "Researching" or "studying" something is NOT "treating" it, as there are no approved "treatments" here (USA) via the FDA or in Europe or any major, developed nation that we are aware of, involving stem cells and type 2.

Further, I'm always suspect and leery of "studies" where the participants are charged a large fee ($5K or more) in this case, to "participate". All credible, legit research studies (medical) that I am aware of- are paid for by the company doing the research or a govt. grant or a major university hospital and endowment or similar. When the suffering patient has to pony up cash- then I don't see it as a "study" IMHO.

This to me just falls under the ole medical tourism banner or a variation thereof. It doesn't really say if the final act of "treating" (injecting the cells) is going to be done off-shore or not? I'd think that this can not be done on U.S. soil without being a full, FDA type trial- which it does not appear to be from what I get from reading that PR.

Just my take on it. I don't think this kind of stuff if helping BHRT. I'd rather see them stay on message and track with major, FDA compliant/registered, actual "trials" like the Mirror trial (the big one- the one everyone thought was "it" and the end goal/game).

I just don't get where they are going with seeming to dip into everything from ED (erectile dysfunction) to eye issues to now diabetes to Honduras to who knows what? It's getting more and more confusing to me. Strictly my humble opinion. Where is Mirror? How can ONE Chief science officer and maybe 4 or 5 full time employees manage and oversee what, what must be 10 or 15 different "undertakings" now at this point? Just Mirror alone is enough to consume every dime and every waking hour of a mid-sized pharma or similar company- meaning probably a staff or 50 or more people and $10's of millions of dollars.

Not seeing it guys. Just not seeing it. Waiting for that 10-K I guess. This PR doesn't do much for me personally.