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03/23/14 11:00 AM

#220329 RE: rooster #220291

Moochelle is more of an embarrassment than her old man.
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03/23/14 8:35 PM

#220341 RE: rooster #220291

ho hum, presidents do travel, and Obama does it in no exceptional way .. this re a 2009 UK trip

"even assuming that the report is accurate, we also found government and news reports on the international travel of previous presidents that show they at times traveled with as many or more people as Obama reportedly did in 2009, and with similar personnel." .. .. would also apply to the China trip .. if only Obama would fly on a public airplane, in economy class, and stay in a 3 star hotel .. if only, eh? .. as far as spending your money is concerned Obama is arguably the lowest spending president in 60 years ..

End of story, rooster.

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03/24/14 12:28 AM

#220353 RE: rooster #220291

Ooooooh rooster. I came across this tonight and immediately thought of you. ENJOY!!! An oldie but goldie so to speak.
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03/29/14 6:24 PM

#220514 RE: rooster #220291

Just how popular was Michelle Obama’s visit to China?

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama shares a light moment with her daughters Malia, front, and Sasha as they visit the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China in Beijing Sunday, March 23, 2014.
(AP Photo/Andy Wong)

By Katie Zezima
March 27, 2014 at 4:40 pm

According [ ] to a tally by the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, photos, videos and stories about Michelle Obama's visit to China garnered more than 1 billion page views.

Yes, that's billion with a B.

It's probably not too far-fetched of a notion, according to Cheng Li, director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.

"This is really Michelle fever in China," he said.

The embassy did not return a request for more information on how they tallied the number. It's unclear whether the number came from page views on the embassy's Web site or other sources, and whether the visitors to those pages were from China or other countries. China has a population of 1.35 billion.

Cheng said Obama and her family -- her mother, Marian Robinson, and daughters, Malia and Sasha, traveled with her -- showed respect for Chinese traditions and deftly weaved in diplomacy with lighter moments in a way that made the Chinese want to see what she was doing and where she was going.

"Chinese do not only see this leader to leader. They see it family to family and in a broader context the respect of the two great countries," he said. "This is why people got so excited."

Social media, which has exploded in China, likely contributed to the enormous number of page views Obama's visit garnered.

The messaging app WeChat had 355 million monthly users at the end of 2013, according to Forbes, a rousing success for a service that debuted two years earlier. Weibo, the country's popular microblogging site, also has millions of users.

"You have things constantly getting hits," Cheng said. "This tells us it's a rapidly changing country. Sometimes a popular thing can go very, very fast."

© 2014 The Washington Post [with comments, including:
Obamas Failed Presidency wrote:
2:25 PM CDT [3/28/14]
Malia proudly sporting her baby-bump.]


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