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03/21/14 1:45 PM

#17070 RE: maverick one #17069

I got out around the time Parker left, too. US Silver/Gold never left my radar, but...well, you summed it up.

A similar thing happened to the Drumlummon Mine they acquired. People were tripping over themselves to cash in. Too much fighting and squabbling instead of making it work at a time when gold was near its highs. Everyone wanted 'theirs' and they wanted it 'now.'

Bottom line is higher gold and silver prices will go a long way to help get this back on the right track. The cost of production is very high.

I've given up predicting when higher prices might occur. As long as the debt dollar has value the Fed banksters will paper over and suppress precious metals. Look at the Fed chairwoman said the other day...just hinted about raising interest rates way down the road and gold was instantly shellacked and the dollar got stronger. All based on an idle comment from one person. This is not how a free market should operate.