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05/10/03 11:57 PM

#11484 RE: austin01 #11475

Just got back. It looks like Wheels and and maybe two others disagree about a post deleted.
Or about the speculation of shareprice questions.
I have already explained to the best of my knowledge the majority of the people here are tired of the same unanswerable questions from the same poster.

Now for the whining about the post deletion.
I rarely do this but tonight I will.
I'm tired of all you people who think I delete posts unfairly.

You disagree?

You have options.

Contact Matt if you don't agree with the board monitor.

Click on tools at top of page.
Click on................................
For TOS Violations or deletion issues, send a private message to IH Admin (Matt)

First of all Austin has the right to go to Matt as I told him and he would know if he read the Tou to protest the deletion.

Since Ernie now knows because of Austin telling him I'm putting up the post here....................

McCloud, I'm baffled.
With your "track record" as a poster, how can you possibly criticize me? I know, listening to you and many of your "compadres" has not exactly "enhanced" my portfolio.

Austin. According to you because Ernie and others including myself are TIREDof listening to unanswerable questions we have no right to say......
How can you expect us to answer that?

You blame Ernie and the rest of us for listening to us as it hasn't enhanced your portfolio?
And these people you turn right back around the ones who you think have hurt you and ask them more questions?

excel, I used to respect you. You are "caving in" my man.

Caving into what Austin? Common sense?
I don't blame any poster here for my investment.
And if I did I wouldn't turn right around and ask for more speculation. That make sense?

BTW Wheels. You want to start a share price speculation survey go for it.
There is a survey place here on i-hub for you to do just that.
Before judging me and calling me board police I suggest you go to Sheriff Matt and complain.
People who have been invested in this stock along time are tired of the going to the moon speculation prices.
I'm basing my position on this by a large quanity of people who have asked me when I'm going to do something about those types of questions.
You can think I have an agenda if you want.
But this situation was based on the feedback I've been getting for weeks.
In my position I will never make all of you happy.
But isn't a wonderful thing that you can go to Matt when you aren't happy?
I guess you find it better to go after me.
I did my best to be respectful to Austin and consider his feelings. Obviously that didn't work.
In the long run I truly believe he'd be better off for it.
As would the majority of the rest of us.