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Ned Serious

03/19/14 12:18 AM

#2268 RE: SmurfVA #2263

Chicken out with a profit? No such thing! That's just smart. There's no reason to risk if you're unsure even a little bit. There's just too many factors that go into any trading day and they change every day too. I don't know enough about CRIS at the moment to hold through right now, so no comment on that.

I keep reminding myself, I'm not trying to prove I'm right, I'm just trying to make money. I don't care if its luck, or if i think all my indicators performed perfectly.

Any type of a profit is good. Any. 5% here, 9% there, 22%, 11%, 2%, they all add up quick.

I had a lot of factors pointing in APPY's favor. Previous good trial results, the fact that ...IT WAS APPROVED AND ALREADY WERE USING IT IN EUROPE for a good amount of time (hesse owned it - good fact there too), amongst other things. Seemed like a good risk/reward.

And FYI - If you forgot, IMO - if I remember correctly, you entered into CRIS because you thought it was going to be a good trade as a RunUP. That's what its done so far. So, no need to try and prove anything. Profit is profit. No need to now change the point of the trade. If you think it still makes sense and fits your plan, then go for it. But you nailed your objective.

No need to try and put a turbo-rocket engine on the hot air balloon.