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Ned Serious

03/18/14 7:10 PM

#2258 RE: SmurfVA #2250

No worries. Got lucky, no major movements either way, mostly green.

Got a positive on Strep Throat, so good to know what it is, onto meds and better health. I normally am good at not over-reacting with the kids (that's the wife's job), but this one scared me enough to take him in right away due to his constant complaining of stiff neck and headache. He's never done that.

I've always heard the diff between flu and meningitis symptoms is meningitis comes on fast and has a stiff neck and headache (along with flu symptoms). You name it, he had it with this one, but Strep it is.

Doc said the stiff neck has to be severe, as in, you can't tuck your chin to your chest at all. Add another to my list of lesson's learned.

Hope your daughter is better.