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Replies to post #1445 on SYN CITY

Replies to #1445 on SYN CITY


03/18/14 6:13 PM

#1447 RE: johnsyn #1445

AHOY, Johnsyn!

Long time no talk, and very pleased to hear you've been keeping it together and yourself busy in a positive way.

MRIB has turned into an awesome pick for me since dumping GPSI months and months ago. Patience pays and the market is quite forgiving at the moment, so go figure!

I took a 1 million share position in UNGS, a scam stock I got stuck in months back for a ridiculous 5 month RS conversion. Well, why drop another thousand bucks? Because it is riding the scam wave of marijuana legalization, of course! Will be out of it in the high .00x or .0x range in the next coming weeks when the news is officially broadcast and elaborated upon.

I would advise no one else to but that POS though!

Nice to see you again and I hope all is going well for you.

I...sob...sob...have missed you!