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03/18/14 3:49 PM

#62236 RE: 536hr #62233

therein lies the solution

the only reason decosta allowed himself to joke about it is because it was a fabrication of LP's imagination. Nowadays you need a photo or reel proof with anything medinah related. Remember those giant highway trucks moving ore? Yeah, we all forgot about them too. Decosta has become accustomed to fooling shareholders for 17 years, he doesn't realize how transparent his motives have become to the trained eye.

Apparently folks are starting to hear about the infamous notario again. From geoly : "IF they were going to the Notorio today as rumored then EVERYTHING should have been done prior to him falling "

for those of us who have been here since before partner A, the notario is synonymous with "the shareholders have fallen for it again yuk yuk yuk"

but it seems like geoly may be smartening up, he contiues with : "I have no IDEA if they went to the Notorio and was told they need something else. Then I think LES's Injury comes to play and if he needs to be around or do they have another plan in place JIC he needs to depart to handle his issues.

We have every right to ask these questions! I also find it very ODD that he falls breaks his LEG and texts a shareholder instead of dealing with the pain, calling his family, calling his partners. If I fell I would not be picking up my phone and start texting random people. It just sounds very odd and MDMNLIKE to me. VERY CONVENIENT excuse why there was a return so abruptly without a DEAL MAYBE??? thinking outside the box nothing to say that he will return without one but the excuse in there now.

in the meantime doctor slime is trying to distract shareholder with the issues of a standard JV. I wonder why SteveJ?

the latest from LP is he may need surgery,and is using crutches. Sounds pretty drastic, particularity for someone in their 70's. Yet somehow, he is making all the meetings in great form. Yeah, I really believe this really happened. Anyone else think this is a downright hoax?

from LP:

If i can avoid surery i can stand the pain as long as i am
> mobilre. Never used cruthes iny my life but will
> learn. Major meetings today. Nothing will cease!!
> Sent from my iPhone

judging from his writing, I would say he is drunk somewhere in vancouver laughing his head off at medinah shareholders