This company is clueless I have been following YGE for over a year, I made a nice bump midyear; but that is the end of the story. I had SUNE at 1.30; no stranger to the solar companies. I, just as clueless as they, do not see a single redeeming quality which would come with their (YGE) being the largest PV supplier in the world!! Please allow me some insight as to what would cause me to change my mind. It is beyond apparent they only keep their doors open and lights on by the grace and on the backs of the Chinese Government and its people! The management is faced with the daunting task of raising prices (which is the only thing they can do) or lower costs (the other thing they should have done, but it is apparent they are not sucessful in this). The management can't even annunciate how they plan to turn the bleeding of their financial model around! Yingli, "would consider various strategies in downstream businesses". Who the fuck would tell them what to do? The fucking solar fairy???!!! Today I move on and never look back. If you are considering this company look away; you will turn to a pilar of salt!